Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 757: arrange

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Xiao Yu held her forehead and smiled wryly: "Master, I didn't say I would take Sol as a disciple, don't get excited."

Xie Zhi: "Huh?"

Sol: "Huh?"

Xie Tiehammer: "Huh?"

Thank you for your joy, and patted Saul on the shoulder proudly: "I heard no kid, I think you are talented in music, playing drums is more suitable for you."

Sol couldn't help but stroked a lock of hair, with a tangled expression on his face: "Is it because the hair doesn't accept me?"

Xiao Yu shook her head dumbfoundingly: "What I mean is, I have no plans to accept apprentices, at least the seniority is not suitable.

But, Meow Meowhammer, it really made our family... In short, our family has benefited from your family, so I give you advice... Well, it doesn't matter if you don't take some detours.

However, I don't know what your parents think, maybe they think I'm troublesome, so it depends on your parents whether to give advice on the way of thunder. "

Xie Zhi couldn't help but straighten his expression, and said seriously: "That's reasonable, our old Xie's family doesn't owe anyone else, although we didn't steal or rob, and it's quite unethical for your own family to throw things around.

But beating around the bush really took advantage, so this cheapness must be made up. "

These words were neither humble nor overbearing, but Xie Zhi changed the subject and looked at Xie Tiehammer: "Hammer, how many meals has he cheated on you?"

"No count, just eat when it's time for dinner."

"It's all right, Liang Qing, Miao Miao hammer to calculate the meal fee."

Saul: (⊙_⊙)

"I'm just joking with you, kid, don't take it seriously, hehe, her grandpa likes to make jokes..." Xiao Yu turned around and glared at Xie Zhi after she finished speaking, mouthing silently, just pick it up! Fortunately, Hammer does not follow you!

Xie Zhi tilted his head and whistled. ~

"Haha, the teacher's house is really... interesting." Sol had a lot of eyes to climb along the pole, so he called the teacher directly.

Then he put on a bitter face, spread his hands, and said pitifully: "But I'm exiled now, and I can't go home, or... Teacher, please be accommodating first?

Give me some pointers first. You don’t need to be as powerful as you. I’m satisfied with a small electric spark. "

But this time Sol made a mistake, despite Xiao Yu's kind and easy-going appearance, people are very particular about accepting apprentices and passing on their skills.

Xiaoyu waved his hand lightly: "Teacher, you can't bark, but you don't need to worry, Sol, your parents won't ignore you. I'm at least 80% sure about this. After all, I'm also a mother, and I also have a bear...cough cough , naughty child.

Comparing your heart to your heart, no matter how skinny your children are, they are children after all, and you are nothing more than worrying about the methods of education.

Although you can't go home now, since you are here, you can rest easy. You can read the books recommended by Hammer for you first. Maybe you can pick up Meow Hammer and all problems will be solved.

But to regain strength, patience is essential. "

"Then... well, listen to you!"

Xie Tiehammer continued: "Grandma, grandpa, Sol doesn't have a place to live now, why does he..."

"Grandpa took care of it!" Xie Zhi hurriedly answered, but he didn't dare to let the child continue to talk, no matter what, he couldn't lead the big golden retriever home.

Xiao Yu tugged at Xie Zhi's sleeve: "You two are chatting, about Sol, I will discuss it with your grandfather."

The couple walked a little further away, communicating silently.

Sol began to ask Xie Tiehui about the abilities of grandma and grandpa. Xie Tiehui picked up what he could say and didn't say a word he couldn't. Anyway, the central idea was just the same thing. ~

After a while, the couple came back, but Xie Zhi's face was not very good-looking, and he mainly rushed at Sol, resolutely not giving good face.

Xiao Yu talked kindly about the outcome of the discussion, and then found a house for Sol in the small town, and...Xiao Yu and Xie Tiehammer stayed.

Yes, to ask Xie Tiehammer for a few days off and take care of Saul for a few days is to do his best as a friend.

Grandma followed because of the care of the elders.

At least on the surface, it is.

The real situation is that Xie Zhi would never agree if it wasn't for Xiao Yu to follow, he is so beautiful with a big golden retriever!

And the reason why the couple negotiated such a result, there is no other way, this is not just for playing games, but for the imminent crisis!

No matter how upset Xie Zhi was, he was not confused about which one was lighter and which was heavier. That Loki was beaten up and said it was okay? What a mess!

Obviously, this is a battle for the throne! Bloody storm is essential!

Sol was so stupid that he didn't realize that Xie Zhi and his wife were very clear in their hearts.

Loki's successor, sooner or later.

And it is said that it does not interfere with Li Chu, but isn't Xie Tiehammer involved now, Miaomiaohammer is also taken, and the second prince is also beaten, how can he let it go?

Unless the whole family moves to another world to settle down, it will be mixed.

But participation also needs to pay attention to the method and method. What the couple cares about is not Loki, but Odin, the king of the gods behind him. Just from Sol's few words, it can be judged that the strength of that person is absolutely extraordinary.

Among other things, although he has never seen Sol's ability, Loki can become a reference point, and he was not killed even after being hit with a few hammers, which is proof.

You must know that Xie Tiechui didn't show mercy at the time, and was taken aback. The girl was ruthless when she started, and she didn't let go of water at all!

And according to Sol, although he had beaten his younger brother before, but he was a brother after all, and the attack was not so ruthless, it was purely playful.

Conversely, Sol's strength when he had the hammer in the past should be similar to that of Xie Iron Hammer at the moment, and much worse than the Kryptonian, but it is absolutely no problem to make gestures!

On this point, as the owner of another Meow Meow Hammer, Master Xiao Yu can be said to be very sure.

But Odin easily deprived Sol of his power! He directly turned him into an ordinary person. Of course, this is compared with extraordinary power. Now Sol is more or less at the level of an elite special soldier, maybe even higher.

In short, with reference to reference, the evaluation of the upper limit of Odin's strength is... impossible to evaluate, no matter how strong it is!

Such an enemy must be cautious.

So the couple finally decided to support it without knowing it, but the possibility of Loki making a move is very high. As long as he stays near Sol, he will definitely be involved.

Self-defense is reasonable and reasonable, not killing him is to give you Odin face, but whether it will be disabled... Who can say for sure about that thing.

With Loki abolished, Thor would have no competitors.

As for whether Loki will be abolished, whether Odin will go to war, Xie Zhi and his wife think that there is a high probability that it is impossible.

The reason is precisely that knowing that Asgard is very strong, when analyzing with Sol before, there are some things that the couple didn't say.

Asgard has the power to sweep the universe, why not do it? Simple, worry about it.

What is justice and injustice, even if Sol is justice and Odin is justice, but the kings of all dynasties are great and upright? The couple don't believe it, at least judging from the performance of Sol and Rocky, the so-called gods have different personalities, and there are everyone.

So there is only one possibility, that is, there are existences in this universe that Asgard fears!

Not to mention far away, there happened to be one on Earth, Ancient One.

Just relying on being able to control the It's not a matter of hitting or not, at least don't even think about killing people, of course it's another thing for people to arrange when they die.

Besides Gu Yi? And the faction that invented the black hole grenade, is it weak? Although it was wiped out, the problem was that the magical red fluid was no less miraculous than the treasure that could control time in Gu Yi's hands.

Furthermore, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which was being researched by S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Cosmic Orb, which Tivan offered a reward equal to that of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, were all things that could turn the game around.

This is what the old Xie family knows so far, and they don't know how many people don't know.

What's more, the cost of setting up a chess game is not bad for the old Xie's family!

However, the monarchs of Asgard did not choose a domineering foreign policy, which is enough to show that they know the secrets of the universe.

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