Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 786: Strong outside but dry in the middle

By analogy, in the future, this method can be applied to the boundaries where the old Xie's family haunts.

After solving a problem, the whole family felt much happier.

But he said thanks to the hammer, and went to Tony's house the next day. If the uncle's work was done, he would naturally take Sol to study nearby.

Of course, the university is for the convenience of teaching, and the girl mainly intends to explain Guo Daxia's mental journey to Saul carefully.

That's right, the main course is to study eagle shooting and divine sculpture. After all, Sol is also a sculpture, and sand sculpture can be regarded as teaching students according to their aptitude.

It's just that Miss Xie was really surprised when she arrived at Tony's house. What's going on? Been stolen?

I saw Tony's luxury villa was in a mess, like a battlefield.

And Tony and Sol, sitting cross-legged among the junk, are... drinking.

And he drank too much, his face was red and his neck was thick.

What's even weirder is that both of them have bruised noses and swollen faces, turning into pig heads.

The two still hooked up shoulder to shoulder, one called each other big brother, and the other called him brother.

After some questioning, Xie Tiehammer managed to sort out what had happened amidst the confused words of the two drunks.

Nothing else. After Tony knew that Sol was an alien, he missed it. In the name of checking his body, he tossed Sol in various ways.

But although Sol is quite afraid of the old Xie family, but he is also a bad tempered person, okay? This will require a colonoscopy and run to the chrysanthemum. Of course, Sol can't help it, and is annoyed.

After getting angry, he swiped casually, and suddenly realized that this uncle Nima is a weak chicken!

That's right, Thor is indeed a mortal body, but he is also the Hercules among mortals! The level of the king of special forces!

Don't look at Tony also learned a lot in the dream world, but that's just consciousness, plus he is lazy enough, and his physical fitness is too far behind.

So Saul beat up Tony like that, like picking up chickens.

Sol's logic is also simple, since he's been beaten anyway, it's better to have a good beating first.

So it started with a beating, but Tony didn't eat dry food, he had armor at home, and because of Xie Tiehammer's stimulation, he was developing a more convenient version.

Although it is still under development, the limbs have already been made, so after putting it on, I started to beat Sol in reverse.

That is to say, the development is still not perfect, and the function of the mecha is too poor, so with Sol's ability, it's a mess.

Ever since, the two of them tossed about at home, completely in the rhythm of tearing down the house.

It wasn't until they were tired from the beating that the two of them remembered that they had to face Xie Tiehammer, so they started to reconcile with their own careful thoughts.

And the usual means of reconciliation is often to drink, and these two guys are good at it, and they drink and drink, and they get drunk.

Then they made a decision that made Xie Tiehammer dumbfounded, and the two of them...begged for help.

What's even more outrageous is that now they have to pull Xie Tiehammer together, and they respect Xie Tiehammer as the eldest sister...

"One is my mother, one is my uncle, and one is my friend..." Xie Tiehammer shook his head and sighed: "No one is reliable, my heart is so tired..."

Helpless, Xie Tiechui woke up the two drunks, and after asking again, Tony completely forgot about arranging identities.

The angry Xie Tiehammer ignored Tony at all, and flew away with the embarrassed Sol.

It took Tony a long while to cover his face, and said, "This time it's too embarrassing, and the matter was messed up, so Hammer won't ignore me as an uncle again, right?

no! Gotta fix it! I have to figure it out...

Hiss, my mind is in a mess, I can't think of an idea, why don't I... find foreign aid? Yes, consult an expert!

Jarvis! Connect me to that who! "

Not to mention Tony's busy remedies to save face, Xie Tiehammer still brought Saul to S.H.I.E.L.D., and it was Director Fury who finished the matter.

In the days that followed, Sol went to school with Xie Tiehammer, and went to Lao Xie's house after school, and Xiaoyu got Sol a house to live in near his home.

Yes, the activity area is still coded now, and the old Xie family doesn't care whether Sol stays nearby. This guy's temper and temperament are now thoroughly studied, and he doesn't have the ability to steal secrets.

Moreover, Xiao Yu promised to give advice to Sol, so he could arrange teaching nearby.

Three days later, everything that needed to be prepared was ready, and the three grandparents of the Xie family took Thor to Asgard again.

Just like last time, there are two calls, Xie Zhi is still in the mirror space, and continues to act as a deterrent, scaring people.

As for Asgard, the Odin and his wife have also arranged everything, and the rest is to explain to Xie Tiehammer some necessary content, such as royal rules, national policies and conditions, and necessary historical common sense.

What's more, it's a showdown with Saul, not only the friend becomes a cousin, but also his king in the future.

I don't know what the Odin couple said, but Saul not only accepted this fact, but also seemed quite happy.

When they met again, they called Xie Tiechui his cousin very affectionately. He didn't even care about Xiao Yu calling him Tai Shifu, and directly changed his name to aunt and grandma.

Although he has taken advantage of Asgard in terms of seniority, Xie Zhi can't be happy, and there is always a feeling of something wrong in his heart, all kinds of paranoia, especially worrying about his juicy cabbage, does this count as inviting pigs into the house?

In any case, two days later, everything was ready, and the grand storage ceremony began.

For such a grand event, Asgard's ostentation arrangement can't be faulted, it's solemn enough, ostentatious enough, and lively enough.

But what surprised Xie Zhi and Xiao Yu was that the population of Asgard was smaller than expected.

The Grand Reserve Ceremony is a major event in the country, almost all the people are present, and there are so many people, you can thank the husband and wife for their eyesight, and they can judge it at a glance, only 20,000 to 30,000 people.

Although it is inconvenient to contact, the couple have similar doubts that the population of Asgard is so small, maybe it is because the current Asgard... is strong on the outside but on the inside!

The reason for such speculation is because of Xiaoyu's previous judgment, that is, Asgard has the ability to strengthen individual strength.

The reason is that Odin can give Thor the seeds of the power of thunder, and it has nothing to do with his own family, because Xie Tiehammer also got the seeds of the power of thunder after picking up the hammer, so it is like Odin Ding's adoption of Luo Ji can also cultivate him, a foreigner, into an extraordinary person.

Therefore, the reason for the low fertility is not enough to explain the population problem of Asgard. People can supplement the population resources by cultivating newborns of foreigners.

And when Xiaoyu perceives Asgard's divine power, he is more inclined to use Odin's ability to use this divine power to strengthen individuals, maybe the power of thunder is created from this.

Then it should not be difficult to create a thunder **** like Sol, just to supplement the level of combat troops, or to enhance the national physique.

Because Xiaoyu felt that as long as she was given enough time, she might be able to use this magical power, not to mention that the Asgardians had possessed this magical power for countless years.

Since Asgard has the ability, but did not do so, there must be some major reason for it.

Because in essence, this is completely self-defeating, which is too unreasonable.

And Odin doesn't look like a miser at all, but in fact he is quite generous.

But no matter what the reason is, the couple tacitly believe that Asgard's strength has shrunk severely, and it seems to have done so on purpose.

This is even more intriguing. Although there is a crisis of the Twilight of the Gods, it is abnormal that they still do not want to make progress.

Could it be... The source of Ragnarok is precisely because Asgard can shape the strong?

Even the crisis itself was created by Asgard himself?

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