Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 804: bear

Before leaving, Xie Zhi said goodbye to Padmé, saying that he was going to solve the problem, and that he would meet her later instead of waiting for him.

In addition, I asked for some money, mainly because I didn't have a dime in my pocket.

But what is needed is not the mainstream currency, but a hard currency that can be used as money anywhere.

Padmé didn't doubt it at all, and the girl was very filial, and directly gave the whole ship's hard currency to the uncle, the reason was that the poor family had a rich life, and they couldn't afford to spend money when they were away from home.

Xie Zhi is not polite at all, just take it and leave.

Board your own spaceship and leave the relay station Starport.

Through the porthole, looking in the direction of Padmé, Xie Zhi pinched his brows: "Good boy... this time... the uncle is sorry for you..."

With a flash of white light, the spaceship disappeared.

After several jumps in succession, the spacecraft finally arrived at its destination.

And there, there is a vast expanse of space.

Qilu couldn't help asking: "Master, what is this place?"

"The... edge of the galaxy."

"Is a transboundary wormhole set up here?"

"No, we don't open wormholes."

Xie Zhi turned to look at Qilu, and reached out to touch the little guy's head: "You are a good boy, but unfortunately, you really shouldn't come..."

Qilu rolled his eyes: "Uncle, people who talk like this in movies usually kill people, don't scare me, I'm cowardly."

"A lot of heart!" Xie Zhi violently messed up Qilu's hairstyle, and said angrily: "It's time, I can tell you, don't say that the uncle doesn't love you, after you know everything, it's still too late for you to regret it. "

Following the narration, Qilu knew what the uncle was going to do.

Speaking of it, it is actually very simple, Xie Zhi intends to... travel through time.

Yes, use a time machine, but instead of going to the past, go to the future.

And this idea has been in Xie Zhi's mind for a long time, in fact, it started from watching the Star Wars trilogy.

But at the beginning, he directly denied it and did not plan to implement it.

But people are like this, if you don’t think of an elephant, then the image of an elephant will inevitably pop up in your mind.

Once an idea has been formed, it is difficult to get rid of it. Psychologically, it is called the anchoring effect.

So when Xie Zhi thought of the world of the force, he couldn't help thinking about this plan.

I just kept debating whether to do it or not.

There are many reasons. First of all, he has never been to the future, but after various analysis and guesses, this matter may be much scarier than going back to the past!

Because there is a possibility that he went to the future, maybe because of the changes in the past history, he... will be erased!

That's right, it is the past that affects the future, that is, the result caused by the butterfly effect, which means that everything in the past will pose a fatal threat to Xie Zhi.

Of course, this is a hypothesis, and it is still unknown whether such a situation will happen in the future.

For this reason, he thought hard for a long time, but he came up with a solution.

Then after he went to the future, he set the return time to be two seconds after he left.

Then the actual situation is that Xie Zhi in the past only disappeared for two seconds, but he has been wandering around in the future for an unknown amount of time.

Even if the butterfly effect caused by Xie Zhi changes the future, it will only happen after the third second.

And within the predetermined two seconds, Xie Zhi has returned, so a new possibility arises, that is, no matter what happens in the future, it will not affect him in the future.

This is still a hypothesis, but it has a basis in reality. When I met the old version of Steve, his situation proved this point, explaining this situation by tearing up the book. (I won’t explain the number of words in detail. Book friends who have forgotten can read Chapter 297 Witness.)

But even with this basis, it is still different from Steve's original situation. Who knows if the subtle difference will trigger a chain reaction?

So as long as the family members know about it, they will definitely oppose this plan. The experience in the world of terminators and the world of mutants made Xiaoyu and Ryan extremely cautious about the time machine.

After all, the family is not strong enough, so why take risks?

But Xie Zhi has been thinking about this idea for a long time, he has his own considerations, and insists that this plan needs to be put together!

As for Gu Yi and Xiao Yu's foresight of the future, Xie Zhi felt that they were all proofs of security.

Although what Gu Yi said was unclear, there is a possibility of hiding something, and Xiao Yu didn't mention whether there is Xie Zhi in the foreseeable Ragnarok, but Xie Zhi still feels that the action is operable and the danger is controllable of.

Xie Zhi's self-confidence is based on two points, one is the accompanying Steve, and the other is not to install a cross-border wormhole before the action.

In this way, if he is finished, then Steve will definitely not be able to go back to his hometown. After all, only Xie Zhi can travel through.

But the future old version of Steve is staying in his hometown. This is a 100% support, and nothing will happen.

However, if all the previous assumptions are true, there will be a possibility that even if Xie Zhi left for less than a second, a history that does not exist will still be formed.

Otherwise, the future he goes to must be a future that is affected by the returned self, and the future self will affect the returned self, and this mutual influence will form an infinite loop of closed loops, circling in circles , he couldn't walk.

But with Steve as the basis, Xie Zhi knew that they would return to their hometown, so the closed loop would not appear.

It's just that danger is not the main reason for Xie Zhi's entanglement, the main reason is that too many people have been harmed.

After he came back, under the butterfly effect, a large number of newborns born in the future will inevitably disappear and be replaced over time, until a certain generation begins to completely disappear, and the same is true for subsequent lives.

One galaxy, countless ages, what a huge number this will be! From the perspective of "killing people", Xie Zhi did kill an astronomical number of people.

If that's the case, it won't make Xie Zhi entangled. Originally, the existence of him as a traverser is causing the butterfly effect, and there is no need to live entangled with it.

The key is that this time is different, he will inevitably come into contact with people in the future, so as long as he sees it, he can't help but think about it.

Maybe adults don't care, but as long as there is a bottom line, children are all soul-touching existences. People who are always rational are rare after all, and they are always influenced by sensibility.

Xie Zhi asked himself, as long as he imagined it, he would feel very depressed. If he saw more children, he might not be able to feel guilty for the rest of his life.

And more importantly, the scourge is also his own people. Steve has cheated him more than once, and he is used to it, but what about Padmé? The child is his student, so he trusts Xie Zhi unconditionally.

However, during the historical process that occurred within "two seconds", Xie Zhi disappeared. What if it had a bad influence on Padmé, or even...

Of course, I had to cheat Qilu one more time, and I felt more guilty.

Although the negative impact will eventually be But for Xie Zhi, it happened before, and he couldn't help but take it to heart, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was going too far.

Just like what Qilu said, people like Xie Zhi can usually think about it, but once they really get stuck in a certain thought, they often get deeper and deeper, and it is difficult to pull it out.

But he can think of a dead end, but he has a reason to do so, and he intends to bear the guilt alone...

As a result, Xie Zhi became even more competitive with himself.

After the narration, Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows: "Understood, Qilu, you are not burdened with the uncle, you can bear this kind of thing alone."

Qilu grinned: "Master, on the contrary, you are right to take me.

Because the butterfly effect has already happened, yes, it will take time for you to tell me your plan, then this is different from the situation without me, the time of your departure has been delayed.

So, everything has changed, and your mood must be... big difference, big difference~"

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