Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 813: showdown

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Anakin's response was simple and direct, he quickly pulled out the hilt, and the blue lightsaber popped out, pointing directly at Xie Zhi's throat.

Anakin shouted, "Defuse the bomb! Or die!"

And this scene immediately alarmed the people in the restaurant, they got up one after another, watching this scene in horror.

Xie Zhi acted as if he hadn't seen the lightsaber approaching his throat, he was still playing cards in his hand, and said indifferently: "It's none of your business, what to do, just pretend you didn't see it."

Suddenly, the people in the restaurant said to themselves: "It's none of our business, what to do, just pretend you didn't see it."

The scene in the restaurant returned to normal, as if nothing really happened.

And this move made Anakin's eyes widen: "Force Mind Control!?"

Still tilting her head subconsciously, her eyes glanced behind her, Padmé noticed Anakin's concern, and said, "I'm not being charged."

Xie Zhi smiled: "Girl, don't be proud, I just didn't use it for you, if you don't believe me, I can let you feel it."

Anakin continued: "Are you... a Jedi Knight!?"

"Guess again."

"Are you a Sith warrior!?"

"Guess again."


Anakin gritted his teeth: "No matter who you are, as long as my lightsaber stabs forward a little, you will die!"

Xie Zhi spread his hands: "Then what are you waiting for?"

Anakin was silent.

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Let me guess, you don't know how many people I have, you don't even know if killing me will cause an explosion, and the ferry explodes in space, you may be able to live, but Padmé will die No, you dare not bet."

Anakin's breathing became short, and he was obviously panicked, because the other party was right in his mind!

Xie Zhi shook his head: "There is too much difference in experience, mind, and will, boy, you are lucky, uncle will teach you a lesson.

Don't rely too much on the intuition of the force, just like now, if I don't show any malice towards you, your force warning will be invalid.

Another example is planting a bomb, as long as I think that I am storing a bomb and have no intention of detonating it, you still have no way to warn..."

Anakin couldn't help being aroused curiosity: "But you don't plan to detonate, what's the use of it?"

"Of course it works. I can change my mind temporarily. It's such a simple thing."

Xie Zhi said it is simple, but in fact it is not simple at all.

To be able to do this requires his long-term experience, coupled with the understanding of the characteristics of time caused by traveling through the future, the psychological hints that Steve thought of, and a full understanding of the characteristics of the Force. How Palpatine hid his own research.

Experience, wisdom, knowledge, will, and practical verification make this trick work.

But if you really want to successfully deal with the force early warning, the above conditions are indispensable. It is very difficult, and it is aimed at early warning. It is still useless to predict the battle and predict the future.

But even so, apart from Xie Zhi, the only one who can do this is Palpatine.

But after all, in fact, Xie Zhi didn't put a bomb at all, that's right, it was pure deceit.

Although the method is effective, he feels that it is not necessary to be serious in dealing with this silly boy, and talking is enough.

Anakin frowned: "This...isn't that easy."

"Well, I learned to use my brain, but it's a pity that my vision is not wide enough. Of course, it's not your fault. I guess, you Jedi knights are not allowed to play cards." (Note 1)

"What does this have to do with playing cards?"

Xie Zhi said with a smile: "It's a big deal, a master card player will not let the opponent guess his intentions, and the trick is...not only to lie to the opponent, but also to lie to himself, the knowledge is great.

Well, you have lost this game, surrender. "

"No! You haven't won yet! It's you who is being mortally wounded by the lightsaber! I can kill you at any time!"

"It's not rigorous if you say that, the lightsaber is still one card away from my throat."

"But it only takes a push to kill you!"

"Hehe..." Xie Zhi shook his head: "Young man, do you have the courage to gamble?"

Seeing that Anakin's eyes became more and more flustered, Xie Zhi sighed: "Forget it, after all... child, if your current state continues, it will leave a psychological shadow and increase the probability of falling into the dark side of the force.

In this way, let's change the game. I won't bully you. After all, you are young, inexperienced, and immature. If you fall into a small trap for the first autonomous mission, you will deny yourself. "

Anakin froze: "What do you mean?"

"Your problem is that you are too arrogant and rebellious.

This is a common problem of many young people. If it is placed on ordinary people, these problems are not big. Young people have the capital to make mistakes.

But your profession is a Jedi Knight, dealing with the Force, so once you suffer a crushing defeat, your will will be severely damaged, and the dark side of the Force will take advantage of it.

And once immersed in the darkness, it will be difficult to come out again..."

Both Anakin and Padmé could hear that the card master's tone was completely educating the younger generation from the elders, and he clearly didn't want Anakin to fall to the dark side, so which side is this person on? I don't understand.

I heard Xie Zhi continue: "So, I will give you a chance, a chance to be convinced if you lose, and not lose your confidence.

You are just a Jedi apprentice now, and it is normal for you to be weak, but you can accept it psychologically if you lose to a Jedi master-level opponent, such as Master Yoda. "

"Hmph! You are not qualified to compare with Master Yoda!"

"Maybe, after all, I haven't fought against him, well, let's speak with facts, let's play a little game of Jedi Knights, and predict the duel.

As long as you can touch me, in any form, even if you win, I surrender and let you deal with it. "

"What if you go back on your word?"

"I promise you that you may not believe it, but even if you repent, it's not your fault."


The so-called pre-judgment duel is not actually two people fighting back and forth in their minds.

Because the prediction of the force in the battle does not require thinking at all, it is affected by the body memory and combat experience, and the correct response is naturally made.

And seeing the opponent's attack method in advance, and then thinking about how to deal with it, that kind of form is called foreseeing the future.

Therefore, even though the prediction of the outcome of the duel is based on who predicts the farthest, it is actually only a matter of a moment. I don't know how many times I have predicted the opponent. Just do it.

In the past, Anakin and Obi-Wan have practiced in this way countless times, and now they can win and lose each other. Anakin knows that he is very strong. After all, Obi-Wan is now a Jedi Master. UU Reading www. From this, it was no wonder that Anakin became more and more proud.

But today, at this moment, Anakin is facing a situation he has never experienced before.

a second passed...

Two seconds passed...

ten seconds...

half a minute...

The two remained motionless, but Anakin's face was getting paler, and cold sweat was breaking out, flowing down his cheeks, while the hand holding the lightsaber was trembling slightly.

Obviously, as long as he stabbed the lightsaber forward, the opponent should be killed, but Anakin's intuition told him that he couldn't do such a simple action!

Because he couldn't find the "right" feeling at all, in his eyes, the opponent was like... the air, everywhere, but without flaws.

This can only explain one problem, the gap between the opponent and him is crushing! (Note 2)

Ever since he learned to use the Force to predict, even when he faced Obi-Wan as a teenager, he had never experienced this feeling of being suppressed in all directions.

Anakin gritted his teeth: "What did you do to me?!"

Xie Zhi said lightly: "I didn't do anything, child..."

"Don't call me a child!"

Anakin's eyes were bloodshot, and he finally stabbed out the lightsaber!

And in Xie Zhi's eyes, there was a flash of disappointment...

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