Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 823: call

Dooku turned even paler when he heard the words, then shook his head and said: "The design drawing of the ultimate weapon is not yet perfect, and there are still many design problems that have not been solved, and it will not be produced in at least ten or eight years, not to mention that it requires a lot of money, resources and resources. Technical power, it’s useless for you to take it away.”

Xie Zhi waved his hand indifferently: "Actually, you said less, the ultimate weapon is about 20 years away from success.

But whether the design drawings are useful or not is my business. If they are really useless, they can still be sold for money. Some people rush to buy them.

As for money, resources, technology... what's yours is mine.

There is a song to prove it, there is no food or clothing, and the enemy comes forward, no guns or cannons, the enemy made it for us, good song, good song, classic! "

Dooku became more and more puzzled: "What's ours is yours? Do you know how much transportation power is needed? How can you move our things?"

"Are you asking me to blow it up? Well, you can consider it."

Dooku looked at the mantra lasso on his body: "With this thing and your strength, why don't you just deal with my master Palpatine?"

The corner of Xie Zhi's mouth curled up: "Why don't you say that you are a cunning and cunning person, and when you can only tell the truth, you are still playing tricks, please forgive me."

Of course, Xie Zhi thought about using the mantra lasso to deal with Palpatine directly, but the premise was that the old guy's warning would not be triggered. That chicken thief is very good, especially good at oiling the soles of his feet.

Then to deal with a powerful, cheating, and cunning conspirator like Palpatine, eager for quick success is the worst policy, so you have to be patient.

So although Dooku didn't lie, he didn't have good intentions, obviously hoping that Xie Zhi would trigger Palpatine's warning.

"Come on, old boy, don't think that when you are old, you don't care about retribution if you do immoral things. Oh, you Sith don't believe in retribution, so pay more attention to health preservation, maybe someday you will have to smoke."

Xie Zhi made Dooku dizzy with a wave of his hand, and then used the energy of his will to change his face again and become Dooku's appearance.

After exiting the mirror space, Xie Zhi issued an order to convene the big bosses from all parties for a meeting.

After all the bigwigs gathered, the rest of the matter was even simpler. None of these local tyrants could fight, so they all entered the mirror space, and the mantra lasso interrogation started.

This time, Xie Zhi asked more details, such as where are money, resources, hard currency, high-tech materials, etc., how many guards are there, what kind of password is needed to enter and exit, what traps are there in the storage place, and the highest How permissions are verified...etc.

And not only the secrets, but also the open ones, he also asked the bottom line, such as the banking group, the method of mobilizing funds in the group, the authority password, personnel loopholes, management defects, all figured out, even if they are done after the incident It doesn't matter if the mode is changed, you can go to the next time stream to withdraw money.

What's even more exaggerated is that Xie Zhi didn't even let go of the information about the private coffers of these big bosses.

In short, if you toss a few more times in each time stream, you will be the richest man in the galaxy!

In theory, in other worlds too!

"Yeah~" Xie Zhi stretched his waist comfortably, with a satisfied expression on his face: "It's always so refreshing to scratch the bad guys, so the most lucrative job is to be the hero.

But how does the richest man generally live? Oh, I usually accept interviews, talk about successful experiences, and pretend to be aggressive. How should I pretend then?

Yes, let’s just say that… At the beginning, I just set a small goal, to save the galaxy. In fact, I am not interested in money. I don’t even know how much money I have. Spiritual wealth is my pursuit… Ahahaha~

Eight mistakes, this kind of coercion is infuriating. "

With a quivering in his mouth, Xie Zhi stunned all the big bosses, and said, "Come on R2, according to the information we have now, in this world, how much can we get according to the plan I said?"

"Da da di." R2 said and called up the star map, and lit up the target planets one by one.

"It's only eight, but the number is very auspicious. Well, it's not a lot. After all, they are all strategic reserves prepared for Star Wars, and I have never been greedy. Restraint is my style."

After saying that, Xie Zhi issued two more orders as the leader of Dooku and Geonosis.

First of all, the meeting is of great importance, and no one should disturb anything that happens.

The second is to close the communication tower with the highest authority and rewrite the activation password. No one can restore the work of the communication tower except Xie Zhi. Even if it is successfully cracked, it will take a lot of time.

That's right, the local interstellar communication technology is very advanced, but it still can't ignore the distance. The interstellar communication still needs a lot of equipment like communication towers for transmission.

So Xie knew that this move was to make it impossible for Duku and others to communicate with the outside world.

After that, Xie Zhi woke up Obi-Wan.

Looking at the comatose people all over the place, Obi-Wan was puzzled and said, "I've said everything I should say or not, including privacy! Are you finished? Don't worry about what to do, just hurry up? Hurry up, tired Already!"

Xie Zhi said in an educational tone: "As a Jedi warrior, you must always maintain a calm heart. Being irritable is a big taboo. Come, take a deep breath, and chant with me...Namo Amitabha."

"What does this mean?"

"This is the ultimate mystery of the lost Jedi. If you can comprehend the true meaning of Namo Amitabha, your achievements will be limitless."


"It seems that you don't have the roots of wisdom, so let's talk about something vulgar and give you a big gift."

As he said that, Xie Zhi released the holographic image, which was the scene of interrogating everyone before, but it was an excerpt.

Let Obi-Wan see, mainly the war plan of the big guys forming an alliance to form an alliance. In short, let Obi-Wan understand that the separatist army has no intention of negotiating at all.

Obi-Wan frowned, and looked up at Xie Zhi: "Show me some, are you going to... let me go?"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right, you can go back and report the letter now, hurry up and call someone, and block these scoundrels in their nest, but don't let them run away."

Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes: "Report? You can completely hand them over to me to take them away. Wouldn't it be easier."

Xie Zhi's face was stern: "You want to fart! You have such a big face, no wonder the disciples are messed up. This opportunity to tip off the news is already a great kindness to you Jedi. Not to mention repayment, you want more, you want it!" face?"

"Your purpose is not to help the Jedi, obviously."

"But the result is to help you, is there a difference?"

"Then how about this, let me use their communication equipment, I will contact Coruscant directly..."

"Thinking about it again, Geonosis is very far away from Coruscant, and there is no direct communication. Your best choice is to go there yourself.

And hurry up, maybe you think I'm very powerful, but in fact it's just a superficial, floating cloud, I feel sleepy after dinner, the doctor said I have thick blood.

So if I persist for another two hours at most, I have to withdraw.

And after they wake up If you haven't arrived yet, you won't be able to catch any of them.

Especially now that you are still short of troops, if you want to mobilize the clone army, you have to hurry up, come on! "

The corner of Obi-Wan's mouth twitched: "Understood, you just want us to fight them!"

That's right, this is Xie Zhi's plan.

What R2 was asked to calculate before was to calculate the shortest time for Obi-Wan to report and dispatch people to attack based on the star map.

And two hours later, the two sides started fighting, and Dooku didn't have the energy and time to warn the strategic reserve planet, and the time of this battle was estimated to be at least two hours.

Then four hours is enough to evacuate the strategic reserves one by one according to the nearest channel, no matter who wins in the end, everything is in hand.

As for the two parties at war, don't say that they would fight without Xie Zhi, not to mention that the two armies belonged to Palpatine, he didn't feel bad, and Xie Zhi would not worry about that.

In short, it is not a good thing, call it.

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