Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 826: swiss army knife

Xie Zhi has great confidence in Qilu, after all, this kid is the strongest in the old Xie's family in terms of perception.

And the intelligence of the orthodox world is still nothing special.

But this time, after Xie Zhi thought about it, he didn't rush to leave, but went to... Naboo.

After a little investigation after arriving, Xie Zhi's guess was completely confirmed.

Anakin and Padmé, married, and married secretly.

Yes, Xie Zhi had already determined that the two of them would definitely fight each other, but whether they would break up halfway was not certain.

And this information was obtained by Xie Zhi who hid himself and monitored Padmé.

At this time Anakin has become the general commanding the troops and has been fighting outside for a long time, so it is very easy for Padmé to investigate. After all, she is not a Jedi Knight and cannot sense the abnormality in the mirror space.

Xie Zhi is sure that this information is not idle, but that follow-up plans can be adjusted according to the current situation.

The specific details are to do some tricks on R2 and C3-PO beside Padmé, yes, let the two robots be undercover.

They don't need to do any bad things, just record the situation of Padmé and Anakin, and they usually don't notice the abnormality, because they don't rewrite the instructions.

The specific method is to force them to shut down, and replace the original parts with the parts that appeared in the tool, so as to achieve the functions of recording information and transmitting communication.

In this way, there will be no time diversion in the orthodox world, but it can save Xie Zhi a lot of work. Just go to the farther future and contact the two robots to know... when Padmé is pregnant.

This is important because Padmé's pregnancy means Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader is not far off.

So this is another crucial time node.

After easily handling the two robots, Xie Zhi continued on his way.

During the period, the various diversion worlds were still receiving information, until... Two years later, Padmé became pregnant.

And the due date is approaching, indicating that the lives of Anakin and Padmé are about to change drastically in the near future.

Xie Zhi's pace of crossing also temporarily stops here.

And after only three days, a major event happened. Palpatine, the chairman of the Galactic Republic Congress, was kidnapped by the separatist army.

From Xie Zhi's point of view, the old boy's move must be to punish some kind of moth.

According to the information obtained these days, and then deduced from the plot of the Star Wars trilogy, then there are probably only two purposes of Palpatine.

One of them is to catalyze Anakin's blackening.

Second, I am afraid it will speed up the end of the war.

In fact, it is unclear who will be the ultimate winner in the war between the two parties at this time. Although the Republic has an advantage due to the all-round participation of the Jedi Knights, the overall battle situation is still in a stalemate.

In fact, from a practical point of view, a Star Wars of this scale would take decades to say the least.

And Palpatine wants to end the war, which is actually good news for Xie Zhi.

Because the two sides have not yet shown signs of deciding the outcome, and their strengths still exist, that is to say... the separatist army can still make money.

Although many strategic reserves must be used, but there is one thing, how can there be no gains in war? War money is no joke.

So Xie Zhi seized the time and dealt with the banking group first, and made as much money as possible before the other party found out the abnormality and took measures!

As a result, this wave was even fatter. Within two hours, Xie Zhi transferred 8% of the bank's reserves!

You must know that the banking group spreads over half of the Milky Way, and the scale of its assets is simply astronomical!

Of course, what is in the banking system is just a number after all, so Xie Zhi is aiming at a way that can be realized quickly.

As for how to do it, the boss of the banking group back then taught him personally, and the boss personally cheated himself. Who can prevent this thing?

As for the other strategic reserves and technology centers, Xie Zhi can do as much as he can. Anyway, the war is coming to an end, and if he doesn't do it, he will miss the opportunity.

When Xie knew that the matter was over here, he also got the public news that Palpatine was successfully rescued.

The rescue operation is very fast, and there is "good news" attached, the leader of the Separatist army, Count Dooku, is dead.

And it was the Jedi Knight who participated in the rescue operation... Anakin who killed Dooku.

"It's only been a few years, and Anakin has managed to beat Dooku to death. He's making rapid progress... It's a pity that if you don't learn well, no matter how strong you are, it will be a disaster."

Xie Zhi shook his head, turned off the TV news, and turned to look at R2: "Little Fatty, how did you understand the "Actor's Self-cultivation" that I showed you recently?"

R2: "Shhhhhhhh."

"So good? Let's test you. Make a nervous expression to see. First, let's wait for the wife to give birth in the hospital."

R2: (⊙_⊙)

"The son was born."

R2: (⊙_⊙)

"My wife is dead...the son is called daddy...the son grows on his won the first prize...the son is dead..."

R2 is smoking...

Xie Zhi smirked and said: "Hehe, well, don't be wronged, the question is a little over the top, but this is to spur you, pride and complacency will suffer big losses.

Of course, don’t let this be decadent, you must have ideals to be a human being, and you must also have ideals to be a robot, come on, I’m optimistic about you~”

R2 hummed and chirped.

Xie Zhi patted R2 on the head: "Come on, get ready to work, your task is to be an undercover agent and sneak into the Jedi Knights' garrison.

Although the space robot is your true performance, but occasionally you have to make cameo appearances such as cleaning robots, electrician robots, tea robots, etc. There are still many scenes.

In short, adapt to your own circumstances and don't screw up your acting.

Now let's look at the backup plan. What if you are discovered by a Jedi Knight? "

R2: "Hiss, hiss, diyo!"

At the same time, there were continuous rattling sounds, and a bunch of mechanical arms popped up all over R2, holding something in each hand, and waving its teeth and claws.

Xie Zhi opened his mouth: "Uh... pipe wrench, wrench, nunchaku, nine-section whip, and... meteor hammer?! Well, I can understand these, but kitchen knives, bottle openers, nail clippers, small scissors, leather picks What the hell? Are you a Swiss Army Knife?

Where did all this mess come from? "

R2 chattered.

"Picked up? Collectibles? Return the treasure? I didn't realize that you still have this hobby, but what's the use of picking out earpicks? Forget it..."

Xie Zhi raised his hands and gestured: "Okay little fat man, I know you are extraordinary and confident now, but we are operating in secret, so don't be so violent.

If you are seen through by the Jedi Knights, you can run away, don't worry, they can't fly, they can only eat your fart. "

Amidst the clicking sound, R2 took back its treasure, with a very disappointed expression: "Tattoo~"

"That's it, act! act! act..."

R2: "Hiss!"

After R2 left, Xie Zhi also started to look for his target. That's right, this time he still planned to pretend to be a senator and observe closely.

With the experience of last time, it can be considered familiar.

There is no way to use the hidden method, he just plays the original he knows that the original force is powerful in intuition, and the local technology is also quite dark, so the ultra-high-end surveillance is not very good in the Jedi den use.

The traditional way of espionage may not be outdated.

Xie knew that things went well here, and replaced a senator who looked like a watermelon. Coincidentally, the other party's name was Sha Lu.

It is the residence of the Jedi Knights, and strange things have happened recently.

From time to time, there are less things, but they are not valuable things, some training supplies, combs, hairpins, eyebrow pencils, eyelash curlers and the like.

But the atmosphere in the station is really not right, because those who lost the truly precious things dare not tell, mainly because they have no face to tell, and they are all secretly investigating.

But in a pitch-black garage, beams of light suddenly lit up one after another.

A small robot is reflected in the light, it is R2.

The little guy's several mechanical arms are grasping a bunch of... lightsabers!

"Howling hee ya~ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! Ah hiahiahia~"

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