Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 835: Are you a robot cat?



R2 let out a series of hilarious screams, and crashed into the wall again...

But this time it wasn't a mistake in its operation, but Anakin did it, and the little guy flew away with a force shock.

Anakin put down his hands with a cold face: "The counterfeit..."

Then he flashed his lightsaber with a swipe, still blue.

"Deng Deng! Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

With a bang, R2 pulled himself out of the wall.

Anakin frowned, and was about to scold another guy, but R2's actions made him stunned.

I saw that R2 also showed lightsabers, and there were more and more, six, seven, eight...ten...twenty...thirty...

Finally, a lightsaber hedgehog was born!

Really a hedgehog! It's so dense that you can't see what's under the lightsaber clump!

And it's colorful and style.

Anakin was a little stunned, how long had he joined the Sith, and the Jedi Knights came up with such a thing? I haven't heard of it.

And whose idea is this? Give so many lightsabers to an astrobot, be sick!

"Ah ha ha ha ~ chirping kisses pap pup pap!"

Then R2 began to approach Anakin, and the lightsaber all over his body was still like an ancient spear array, part of it was thrust out, and then retracted, but the other part quickly filled its position and followed.

Just like that, swish swish swish, the group of lightsabers pierced out continuously, without any gaps.

Moreover, each lightsaber is still vibrating at high frequency, which is obviously caused by R2's manipulator shaking at high frequency, and this further increases the destructive power of the lightsaber.

Anakin was speechless, can he still play like this? In this case... What a fart to predict!

Seeing this, Anakin had no choice but to attack the force again.

But this time, it didn't work.

Nothing else, the power of the lightsaber is still great, and the impact on the nature of energy is still effective, but the effect cannot be shown when the sword is single, but now it is densely packed, and as a result, the impact of the original force is cut into pieces by the power of the lightsaber. Countless streams.

In the case where the power cannot be concentrated, the effect of the impact of the original force will be greatly reduced. This is like the forest's resistance to the wind. As long as it is dense enough, the strong wind will be divided into small winds, and the small wind will become a breeze, and finally...ineffective.

Anakin also tried the Force Grab, but the result was the same. It seems that the lightsaber jungle restrains the Force to control objects, no matter how you plan to use the Force, it will be smashed for you.

R2 was advancing, while still humming: "Hey hey~"

Anakin took a step back and waved his hand.

There was a dense creaking sound, and then a wall panel slammed into R2 with a whistling sound!

The huge concrete wall, as soon as Fang touched the lightsaber jungle of R2, it turned into dust in the buzzing sound!

Nothing but dust.

"Hey hey~"

Anakin broke out in a cold sweat, this robot is too wicked, how did he get so many lightsabers? It robbed the Jedi arsenal? How can I fight this?

Just after Anakin took a few steps back, he suddenly noticed something and stopped moving.

Look at R2 again, pushing forward hehehe, and then...passing Anakin.

Yes, there is a full meter away, this thing is off the track...

So the truth is... After turning into a lightsaber hedgehog, the lightsaber jungle also blocked R2's vision sensor.

Then, R2 just hehehe... slammed into the wall, poked a big hole in the wall, walked away, hehe sound went away...

The young Jedi child who hid and peeked at the battle was stunned...

Anakin, on the other hand, held a lightsaber and walked towards the Jedi children with a murderous look. No matter how young the children were, they could feel that the so-called Master Anakin had changed.

At this moment, there was a loud bang, and another big hole opened in the wall.

But this time it's not close to the ground, but high up.

Yes, R2 did it again, but now it's flying.

Above the lightsaber hedgehog, there was an extra mechanical arm standing up, holding two lightsabers in his hand, still spinning at a high speed, like a helicopter.

"Hey hey hey~ oh yo!"

Anakin's eyes glowed red, and he swung his sword and staggered away from R2.

Yes, he can't do anything with the lightsaber hedgehog version R2, but R2 seems to have the upper hand, but at the moment he is in a state of blindness, unable to find the direction.

So Anakin didn't intend to pester, he raised his hand, aiming at... Jedi cubs.

Seeing that he was about to launch a force shock, Anakin's eyes suddenly changed, and he turned around and aimed his hand at the outer wall on one side of the room.

Almost at the same time, there was a loud bang!

The outer wall of the building suddenly shattered!

Countless broken stones mixed with green energy flow rushed towards Anakin like a giant snake!

This berserk blow came too fast and too fast! Although Anakin maintained the force barrier, he was rushed out of the room by the torrent of green gravel in an instant!


Anakin roared wildly, the muscles all over his face stretched out, and the veins and blood vessels covered his forehead like worms!

At this moment, he has tried his best to support it, but the rage of that power is completely beyond his imagination, it is too powerful!

Vigorous force violently rushes forward!

Wherever it went, a layer of wall skin was scraped off!

boom! boom! boom! Boom boom boom...

Anakin was even more stunned and kept smashing through the walls of the building, one after another, almost without a break in time!

Finally, the huge building complex was knocked out of a hole, from one end to the other!

And Anakin finally flew out from the other end of the building complex, and what he saw was the end of falling from a high altitude to his death...

But he was not dizzy yet, he waved his hands to activate the force control, grabbed a cable floating out of the damaged building, pulled himself over by the force, grabbed the cable and hung it on the outer wall of the building.

Yes, I took my life.

Anakin's face was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were full of horror: "Who is it!? What kind of power is that!? It's so powerful!?"

On the other side, after a berserk blow pierced through the outer wall, Xie Zhi, who was wearing the Lich King suit, flew into the room.

That's right, Xie Zhi came and found Anakin who was about to murder the child. He was immediately angry, so he chose the most direct way, the impact of will energy.

This is not a killer move for an opponent with a certain level of strength, because it has no technical content, but it is domineering enough! It's a hard fight!

But Xie Zhi didn't intend to kill, because it was too cheap to kill Anakin, and he hadn't received retribution yet, and he deserved to suffer, there must be no less.

Seeing R2's hedgehog appearance, Xie Zhi's mouth twitched: "R2, what look do you have?"

"Choke! Woot! Hehe~"

Xie Zhi shook his head: "Well, it's a bit creative, and it's also quite difficult to deal with. Self-protection is completely fine, but you can't see the way, who can you hit when you wander around?

So, if you want me to say, it’s such a waste to put so many lightsabers on you…”


Brush Lala...

R2 quickly put a bunch of lightsabers into his stomach, the speed is so fast, like warding off Only the lightsaber propellers that are rotating at high speed are still buzzing on the head with.

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Little heartless, who do you think uncle is? As for me to scrape your child's grease?

But with your appearance, you stuff everything into your stomach... Are you a robot cat? "

"Chick, meow, chick, chick!"

"Yes, Doraemon can fight without you." Xie Zhi was too lazy to talk nonsense, waved his hand, stunned a group of children, and then teleported away with a group of children and R2.

The location where it reappeared was the landing pad. After entering the spaceship, R2 asked R2 to take care of the children. Xie Zhi entered a cabin with the suspended baby cabin.

There is another person inside, who is Windu who was bound by the mantra lasso. Not only is he alive, but he is also quite healthy, but his face is darker.

Xie Zhi pressed the button, and the hatch of the baby cabin opened, and the quilt inside was bulging, and only two cute big eyes could be seen peeking outside through the gap.

"Is it this little guy?"

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