Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 854: normal operation

"I don't know how powerful the card master is, but I know he's not something we can afford." He followed Beckett with a playful smile: "People's hearts are easy to guess. It's understandable for you to be jealous, but be smart kid."

Han Solo was puzzled: "Then why did he rent the boat to us?"

"Who knows, but the route map is indeed a good reason, anyway..." Beckett shrugged: "I know he won't be interested in a hundred kilograms of core elements, that's enough.

And the current L3 is very beneficial to our trip. Frankly speaking, if it weren't for her personality, I would have wanted to recruit her into the team. Well, now I say this, I can't climb high. One of them is worth a hundred of us. Shaking up. "

Then the hatch closed and the Millennium Falcon lifted off.

However, everyone on board did not know that there were actually three passengers on board at the moment.

Yes, Xie Zhi, Qilu, and R2 just went out for a few steps, turned a corner, and came back in an invisible state.

Xie Zhi is not worried that a gang of thieves will be able to abduct the Millennium Falcon. The problem is that Xie Zhi knows the plan of this group of thieves. If everything goes well, then the time it takes for them to buy and sell the ticket will not exceed one day, and it will be very fast.

Then being idle is also being idle, it is right to watch a show, and you can also verify whether your hunch is right or not.

In fact, the Millennium Falcon is already different at this time. After L3 uploaded all the navigation data to the onboard navigation computer, Xie Zhi felt a little vague. The Millennium Falcon really seemed to fill in a blank, but It seems... almost something.

So it's okay to follow for a while, and this gang of thieves has no supernatural ability at all, and they can't find it without the mirror space.

However, they said that the bandits worked really fast, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at the planet where the target was located, and sneaked into the slave mine under the guise of their identities.

It's just that although it went smoothly, the group of people was a temporary team, and there was no tacit understanding. There were some mistakes, so in the end it turned into stealing.

During the period, L3 also played on the spot, liberating a group of robotic slaves from the shackles, and these robots liberated other slaves, causing a riot in the mine.

And the upgraded version of L3 wearing Mandalorian iron, relying on her invulnerability, was able to make waves in the chaos, killing all directions, and the firepower of the mine guards could not hurt her at all.

The resulting chaotic battle also affected Lando. Unfortunately, the veteran captain was hit by a stray bullet and injured his arm.

Seeing that Lando was injured, L3 restrained himself and helped the captain back to the Millennium Falcon.

The main pilot was injured, which also gave Han Solo the opportunity to drive the Millennium Falcon.

Although in Xie Zhi's eyes, this group of people were unprofessional, but after all, the things were in hand, and the group of people ran away in the spaceship.

But this is not over yet, what they stole is the unrefined core element, and they have to rush to a refinery as soon as possible, otherwise the unrefined core element will be in an extremely unstable state, and its temperature will soar to Critical point, and then there will be a big explosion!

Therefore, the bandits are running out of time.

However, it seems to be extremely risky, but it does not threaten Xie Zhi and his party. As long as he wants, he can bring Qilu and R2 into the mirror space at any time, or teleport away.

But Qilu watched the whole process with gusto, and even couldn't help saying: "Master, let's just watch and not participate?"

"Participate in what? Help them cryogenically stabilize the core element? It's not necessary. I think the Millennium Falcon can survive it, and...we're not thieves."

"Of course, we are the big... the hero, and we can make more money by cleaning up the big villains, but uncle, just watching the show is quite boring, don't you feel itchy?"

"If you want to play, just say so, but with our family's strength, participating in such a small scene will lose our reputation."

"Uncle, I don't want to play. Well, it's not just for fun. I heard from my senior sister that you still killed the world with one shot. You are legendary! Uncle, don't you miss the past at all?"

Xie Zhi's heart was moved by Qilu's words. If he said he didn't miss him, it would be a lie.

But Xie Zhi still shook his head: "Deliberately lowering your strength is purely taking off your pants and farting. Isn't it sick? Besides, even at the level of the year, your uncle can put them all down. It's still a crush."

"Hey, Uncle Master is right."

Chirrut nodded with a grin.

Xie Zhi looked down at the little guy's small body from a high place, and his heart moved. Among the three children, Qilu is the most reliable, but no matter how reliable, he is still a child... Maybe... it is right to take the child to the playground.

So Xie Zhi smiled: "Well, but... Although it doesn't make sense to do this, maybe... it will be very interesting. It's a long journey, and it's good to adjust it once in a while."

Qilu suddenly excitedly said: "Uncle Shi is wise!"

"Don't worry, kid, it's not now, let's wait."

"Uncle Master, don't worry, I understand, we can't delay the business."

The father and two were chatting, and the thief group ran into trouble again.

However, this place belongs to the worst area in the interstellar environment. The weird celestial phenomenon maelstrom in the universe, the star field is completely shrouded in clouds and mist composed of ionized gas and water vapor, which not only affects the line of sight and scanning system, but also there are lightning flashes in the clouds and mist. .

According to L3, there are mines larger than planets floating and colliding, as well as black hole clouds, gravitational wells... In short, there are too many deadly things.

Obviously rushing in is a narrow escape, so flying in such a ghostly place must navigate along the hollow channel in the vortex cavity.

But this group of thieves had bad luck. The only way to pass through the channel was blocked by an Imperial Star Destroyer.

The bandits can't break through the blockade, otherwise they will be over if they find out that they have the core element, which is stolen goods after all.

In this regard, Han Solo said that he was an imperial soldier, and the empire would never send a TIE fighter to track a small broken ship.

Then the words fell, and several TIE fighters came over.

"Uncle, this Han Solo...has a bit of talent."

Xie Zhi knew what Qilu was referring to, and sneered: "It's just a coincidence, not to mention the Kryptonian, I think that when my uncle was on an interstellar trip, he casually babbled and attracted a perverted monster that can travel through time and space. He, The small scene, master uncle made it up, that's called scaring people to death."

"Yeah, how can the light of fireflies compete with the bright moon!"

At this time, there are chasing soldiers and time bombs on board. Han Solo proposed a crazy plan to enter the maelstrom and take a shortcut!

Originally, this was a 100% suicide plan, but with the most complete navigation data in the galaxy in L3, it is not impossible to win a chance of survival. Han Solo convinced everyone, but in fact the bandit group had no choice.

Ever since, the Millennium Falcon plunged into the maelstrom.

But the Imperial Air Force is also very crazy, and it will not let it go, and it also ventured into the maelstrom.

A thrilling chase and the Millennium Falcon has only one cannon, which has insufficient firepower, and the opponent is a professional fighter plane.

In the maelstrom, there are huge boulders flying around, and thrilling scrapes are occasionally staged.

Even though the shields were opened, the collision and bombardment still caused the spaceship to tremble violently, the lights flickered on and off, some parts sparked randomly, and some pipes leaked air, giving people a posture that the spaceship would be finished at any time .

But Xie Zhi didn't look anxious at all, Qilu couldn't help asking: "Master, you value the Millennium Falcon so much, don't you feel bad?"

"As the saying goes, if the sky will send a great task to the people, you must first work hard...Maybe it is also applicable to ships, um, some ships."

The two had a relaxed chat, and Han Solo and the others nearly destroyed the pursuing fighter planes in the air battle, and they were able to take a breather for a while, and flew to the darker void area.

However, as a flash of lightning illuminated the void, Qilu looked at the majestic and vast figure in the void, and murmured: "Master, what did you just say, big monster...I won't accept anyone, but you !"

"Uh...this...routine operation, don't need to worship too much..."

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