Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 863: fate

When they came to the office, everyone saw Dryden, who had suffered the same fate as the guards. Yes, he was wrapped in plastic, and he was right in the center of the hall.

And Qilu, who was sitting on the desk, was holding a small bowl in his hand, and was digging spoonfuls from the bowl and stuffing it into his mouth. What he ate was sweet.

"Uncle, this Trout octopus is delicious, I'll keep it for you."

As he spoke, Qilu tilted his head, and a small bowl floated towards Xie Zhi.

"Filial piety... Well, the taste is good."

Xie Zhi nodded in satisfaction, and Dryden had good eyesight, and immediately flattered Xie Zhi: "Sir, if you like it, it is the greatest honor in my life. I have a channel to find the source of goods, and I don't mind as much as I want..."

Xie Zhi interrupted: "How to contact Darth Maul?"

Qila understood the situation, and answered quickly: "With Dryden's ring, you can activate the direct contact device on the desk."

Dryden hurriedly followed: "Sir, Qila was trained by me, I am very useful... woo woo..."

He couldn't continue, because Xie Zhi sealed Dryden's mouth with a swipe of two fingers.

At the same time, Dryden's **** jelly also dissipated into a green mist, and he and the ring on his hand flew towards Enfes and Xie Zhi respectively.

Looking at the ring in front of him, Xie Zhi tilted his head: "Dryden is yours now, but don't mess with him here, I have requisitioned the office."

"Good Master."

Everyone retired respectfully, and left with a terrified Dryden.

Qilu also wanted to watch the excitement, but was stopped by Xie Zhi: "What's there to see, I'm not afraid of turning off my appetite."

"Yes, the sky is big and the earth is big, and the dry rice is the biggest."

Qilu sat back on the sofa, continued to eat, and muttered while eating: "Whenever I cook, I think of my senior sister's ability, which is really enviable..."


After Xie Zhi used the force to control things to close the door, he began to change his appearance...

Qi Lu's eyes widened as he watched, he couldn't even care about eating, and murmured: "Master, you are really good at irritating people... Ah no, I mean provocative, it's not right, how should I describe it..."

"There is a saying in the art of war, know yourself and know your enemy."

When Xie Zhi was speaking, he had turned into a handsome middle-aged man with long hair and beard, wearing a Jedi robe, and this image belonged to... Obi-Wan.

"Obi-Wan" came to the desk, inserted the ring into the control interface, and turned it around.

The next moment, the holographic projection appeared, and it was the image of Darth Moore that was projected.

Seeing the appearance of the caller, Darth Moore was stunned, and he spoke after two seconds: "It turned out to be you...Obi-Wan Kenobi! Haha, you actually have the courage to come to me? Very good!"

Xie Zhi nodded solemnly: "That's right, Darth Maul, it's me, the spokesperson of the Light Force, the face value of the Jedi Knight, the peerless idol of middle-aged and elderly women in the galaxy, Obi-Wan!"

Darth Maul sneered: "I haven't seen you for many years, your mouth has become poor."

Xie Zhize looked full of emotion: "Yes, the past is like smoke, we have been separated for many years, you and I are getting old, by the way, how is your waist?"


"To be honest, I'm not sure if that sword hurt your waist. In fact, it doesn't matter. You're gone anyway."

Hearing this, the veins on Darth Moore's forehead twitched violently, he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't need you to remind me, I won't forget it! But you, do you still remember how your master Qui-Gon Jinn was killed by someone? I…"

"Your bottom is gone, I cut it."

The bags under Darth Moore's eyes twitched for a while, and he took a deep breath: "Very good... I can still remember the appearance of Qui-Gon Jinn before he died, a generation of masters, he is really embarrassing..."

"Your bottom is gone, I cut it."

"You...Damn it! You're too proud! I'm not what I was before, I'm stronger now!"

"Your bottom is gone, I cut it."

"Obi-Wan!! Are you a Jedi Knight!!"

"Your bottom is gone, I cut it."

"I swear!! I will cut you to pieces!!"

"Hey." Xie Zhi smiled: "If I said this earlier, it would be over, I want to kill you, and you want to kill me, but I can't find you, and you can't find me either.

The problem is, we're not young anymore, and it's a matter of heart if we don't resolve these grievances and grievances. If we don't find each other until we die, then we will die with regret, right? "

Darth Maul gasped and said, "It's rare that you and I agree on the same idea, so keep it simple and fight to the death! Don't run away if you have the guts!"

Xie Zhi shook his head: "I am a qualified person, and I have always taken care of the disabled, so let's do this, you decide the time and place of the one-on-one appointment, and I will go to the appointment alone.

But, we are all playing with the Force, if I sense an ambush, don't blame me for letting you go..."

"Don't be so troublesome! Right now!" Darth Maul waved his hand, showing a murderous look: "The place where everything begins is also the place where everything ends, right here on Tatooine! Do you still remember the Gobi where I chased and killed you all those years ago? ?Look whose blood will stain the yellow sand!"


Xie Zhi was startled, nothing else, the real Obi-Wan is also living in seclusion there, isn't that a coincidence, so... Tatooine is really evil.

"What? Are you scared?"

"Hehe, okay, then Tatooine, and Moore, you still haven't grown up after so many years, so many provocative and provocative words are used? Look at me, just one are gone, I cut it."

The hologram disappeared, and Darth Maul's side was shut down.

Xie Zhi opened his mouth: "Hey, how dare a **** hang up on my phone? It's rude."

"Uncle Master is awesome!" Chilu clapped his hands.

"What's awesome, don't just watch the excitement, what have you learned?"

"You don't need to talk too much nonsense when you hate someone, the point is to poke it into the lungs! And repeating it repeatedly can multiply the damage and insult! Cause massive critical damage!"

"The summary is good, and I have the opportunity to practice more."

"I have experience with this. When I use Teemo, I can make those elementary school students cry!"

"That's right, I almost forgot if you didn't mention Master Uncle."

"That...uncle, I said I was talking nonsense after eating too much, do you believe me?"

An hour later, Taito Kai appeared near Tatooine.

This time Xie Zhi didn't bring Qilu with him and came here by himself.

He is assured of the safety of the little guy. Although Qilu is young, he is definitely not easy to mess with, and even if there is trouble, now that he has learned how to change his mind, Xie Zhi can cross the stars in an instant and reach rescue directly.

But Xie Zhi still remembers the place where the fight was, the Gobi Desert not far from Mos Espa.

But when the big sword flew over the destination, Xie Zhi was surprised by the scene below, and even began to lament the good fortune...

Nothing else, Darth Maul seems to be here long ago, which is not surprising, maybe he started from closer to Tatooine.

But the problem is that he is fighting with This is not a new thing, the key is that the person he is fighting with is also holding... a lightsaber.

So it was... Obi-Wan, yes, the real Obi-Wan.

"How should I say it? It's all fate, maybe they... have looked back and passed by 50,000 times in their previous life.

So who dumped whom in the previous life? Well, it is estimated that Darth Maul is the one who betrayed his heart, otherwise Obi-Wan would not rush to use his sword in the next three ways in this life, this is really hateful. "

He was talking nonsense, Xie Zhi was not idle, he didn't intend to watch the excitement, he went back early, after all, no matter how rest assured, Qilu is also a child, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

So Xie Zhi jumped directly from the air and landed not far from the two of them.

And the sudden appearance of the visitor also made the two of them take advantage of the situation to stop fighting, and each became more vigilant.

But seeing the appearance of the visitor, both of them were dumbfounded.

Xie Zhi Da Lala waved his hand: "Don't be surprised, you can tell by looking at your face, I am Obi-Wan's father, very prosperous."

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