Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 868: Can I help you?

In fact, apart from exercising Qilu and verifying the mascot, Xie Zhi has a third purpose, which is also the most important.

It's just that I can't tell Qilu now, maybe Xie Zhi won't say it afterwards, let's see how the little guy chooses...

Idu Star, the Empire's Kyber Crystal Refinery is set up here.

However, there is another important institution here, which is... the research and development center of the ultimate weapon.

But today, a visitor came to the research and development base, a very special visitor, a visitor who frightened everyone, his name is...Darth Vader.

Inside the empire, everyone knows that this person is under one person and over ten thousand people, and under the emperor, he is the one.

And this Lord Vader also possesses unimaginable fear abilities, so no one dares to make mistakes, no one dares to disobey orders, and no one will doubt...someone dares to pretend to be Lord Vader.

But there are always exceptions to everything, and someone just did it, and this person, by count, is Anakin's... senior brother, the predecessor of Darth Vader.

That's right, Chirrut dressed up in Darth Vader's usual style, with a fully covered black helmet, and his body is hidden in the usual cloak, which is very suitable for... small people to hide.

Yes, the most important reason for choosing the image of Darth Vader is that Chirrut is too young and not tall enough to pretend to be an imperial soldier without a cloak, so he can’t hide his short arms and legs. Block, just walk on stilts.

Of course, Chirrut would never stretch out his arms. It's no wonder that the funny image doesn't reveal itself.

I just don’t know if Darth Vader knows that someone is pretending to be him, and the reason is only because of his size, will his anger cause the practice of the dark force to improve again.

However, although Chirrut knew that Darth Vader was Palpatine's number one general and the super villain, he didn't know that his predecessor was Anakin. Xie Zhi didn't tell him about this shit, and the two brothers were still united friendly good.

And the reason why he chose to infiltrate with makeup, but not other more covert methods, such as invisibility... Thank you for not asking, no matter, it is really a complete let go.

In his opinion, it is a good thing not to use high-end means. Only personal experience can enrich experience and exercise psychological quality.

As for the purpose of coming here, it is still for the ultimate weapon...the Death Star.

In fact, Xie Zhi told Qilu about the general plan long ago, the details are the ones to let go, and the little guy can play freely.

And after that, Chirrut, in the image of Vader, pretended that this was a secret inspection, and no one should reveal his whereabouts, discuss or inquire about him.

Although it is still a bit unnecessary, after all, who dares to really inquire about Lord Vader? However, Xie Zhi was satisfied. Although his thinking was not clear enough, at least Qilu did not ignore the details.

Of course, Xie Zhi also followed, and in the image of the Imperial Stormtrooper, he became the follower of Lord "Vida", and of course R2 was indispensable.

However, after the person in charge of the base was recruited in the meeting room, Chirrut was silent for a while, making everyone more uneasy, and even the sound of heartbeat could be heard in the silence. Obviously, Darth Vader's death has become a nightmare in many people's minds .

After Chirrut inspected everyone one by one, he said: "Let's all go down, and R&D director Galen Erso stays."

After everyone else left, Qilu tilted his head to look at the middle-aged uncle Galen, and said, "Galen are a good man."

Galen was taken aback, and didn't know how to answer. After all, no one in the empire knows Darth Vader's evil name, so it's obviously not a good thing for this person to say that he is a good person...

Chirrut said again: "I want to know, what do you think of the ultimate weapon?"

Galen felt his head in a trance for a while, but he still didn't lose his mind, and said: "This is... the most important project of the empire."

Chirrut nodded: "Well, the willpower is not bad, I can withstand it."

Yes, in the previous sentence, Chirrut used the force to control his mind, but unfortunately he didn't succeed. Obviously, this scientist belongs to the generation with a firm mind.

Xie Zhi was a little curious, Qilu's performance was different from the previously scheduled plan, but he didn't say anything, watching the child play.

"I'm asking about your personal opinion."

"I... personally don't like violence very much. I think the existence of the ultimate weapon as a deterrent is enough. After all, no one dares to surrender in front of this weapon, unless it is a fool..."

Chirrut's voice changed through the helmet, becoming more and more gloomy: "You, you didn't tell the truth. I will give you another chance to reorganize your language. I want to hear...your true thoughts."

As soon as these words came out, Galen couldn't help shivering, his back was drenched in cold sweat, he knew very well that this moment was a moment of life and death, and his life depended on the other party's thoughts.

After a few seconds of silence, Galen gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and said sternly, "The ultimate just a weapon. The cruel and unpopular rule will come to an end! The same is true for the empire!"

"Understood... It seems that you are not afraid of death."

Galen's face was expressionless, and after fighting it out, he didn't feel nervous anymore: "I know who you are, since you already doubt me, it doesn't matter, I've thought that such a day will come.

But without me, the development and manufacture of the ultimate weapon will continue to be hindered, hehe, anyway, it is not me who suffers, and this result will make me very happy. "

This scene made Xie Zhi more and more satisfied. Although Chirrut borrowed Darth Vader's deterrence, but to be able to do this, for children, Chirrut is quite good.

Just when Galen thought he was going to die, what happened next made Galen's eyes straight.

Seeing Lord Vader's arm stretched out from under the cloak, he raised his thumb: "Not bad, not bad, I appreciate you very much, you are kind."

Regardless of the content of these words, the problem is that the tall and burly Master Vader... his arms are also a bit short.

So this picture... let Darth Vader's deterrence power disappear, but full of joy rushing to his face.

Looking at his own arm, Qilu was also a little embarrassed for a while: "Uh~ well, it doesn't match the height, but don't blame me, I'm still developing, and sooner or later I'll grow taller! Start at 1.8 meters!"

Following Qilu, he took off his helmet, revealing his monkey face, and smiled: "Hi, uncle, you are a nice person, I was offended by scaring you before, don't mind, you don't know as much as a child, do you?"

While speaking, Chirrut also dispelled the leg prosthesis of the manifestation of will, and restored his child's stature.

Galen was completely taken aback, what's going on?

"You can understand that...we are members of the resistance organization, people who specialize in dealing with Palpatine." Chirrut smiled and waved his hands: "Don't worry, based on what you just said, we don't need to fool you. Heart to the empire, kill you and it's over, right uncle?"

Galen still didn't speak, but turned to look at Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi, who was wearing a helmet, shrugged and spread his hands: "Don't look at You two can just talk... Oh yes, I really have a question to ask Mr. Galen, your face is very familiar, are you Didn't you... have been a chef? The one who is especially good at cooking offal?"

Galen looked puzzled, what's the problem? But he still shook his head and responded: "No, I'm not good at cooking, but I have grown vegetables before."

Xie Zhi nodded: "Well, it's good to grow vegetables. I also want to retire to grow vegetables and grow flowers in the future... Oh, to be serious, let's talk."

Qilu continued: "Uncle Galen, we are here. We originally planned to come, but your appearance made me change my mind...Can you help me?"

"What are you going to do?"

Qilu smiled and said, "Of course I should pack this ultimate weapon. It's scary after all. It's a disaster to keep it."

Galen didn't answer, but glanced back and forth between the two with complicated eyes.

Seeing this, Qilu said again: "Don't worry, we don't need you to do too difficult things, just add something to the design of the ultimate weapon, or reserve a part of the space. You are the chief designer, isn't it difficult?"

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