Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 871: show off

In fact, as soon as they met, Xie Zhi and his father knew that something was wrong with this girl. The reason was that they sensed that she was wearing a Kyber crystal necklace.

Kyber crystals are not available to ordinary people, let alone made into necklaces. Obviously this is a gift, and it is of great significance.

Otherwise, why would she steal the ship? Sell ​​the pendant, become a local tyrant in seconds, and still lack a boat?

These few questions now are nothing more than confirming this incredible result.

Yes, even if the father and son tried to throw the shoes in a playful manner, when it really happened, the shock was indescribable.

Because this power is too terrifying!

That's right, for a split second, Xie Zhi thought of something bad. With his unparalleled rich experience, he knew that this kind of unpredictable mystery is the most annoying, because it will make wisdom and ability look like a person. joke!

And the strong hate this kind of uncontrollable... the halo of the protagonist the most! It's disgusting and totally unreasonable.

Including him, even if he got three mascots out of auspicious mentality, the result now makes him feel very complicated, and happiness is the least important part of the mentality...

Even for a moment, Xie Zhi had the idea of ​​destroying the three mascots! Just because these three words are uncontrollable...

But it was only for a moment, Xie Zhiben is not a person who likes to drill into a dead end, once drilled is enough.

So this extreme idea didn’t last long, and Xie Zhi figured it out quite quickly, not because the three mascots belonged to him, but because he decided to respect science, according to the law of conservation of energy... luck, Sooner or later it will be used up.

Well, leaving aside the reason for nonsense, in fact, the main reason is that Xie Zhi is influenced by the infrastructure culture in his bones. As the saying goes, when the moon is full, it will lose money, when the water is full, it will overflow, and the historical lessons of prosperity and decline, infrastructure people are the most indispensable .

The significance of 5,000 years of history does not exist for the sake of bragging. The super error database is the most precious wealth left by the ancestors to future generations!

But wanting to hold everything in his hands and control everything, the result can only be to play with himself.

Lao Su didn't understand this truth, and he disintegrated, and Lao Mei didn't understand even more, and he was not far from disintegration.

As for the old Xie family, they were strong enough to wrestle with Kryptonians and Asgardians, but they never thought about being a god. Of course, this was due to the subtle influence of Xie Zhi and Xiao Yu.

So if you can't control it, you can't control it. Trying to control everything is pure madness.

What's more, the one I found by luck was an ordinary girl. When this luck can make Palpatine unable to withstand it, it's not too late to worry.

So now, just enjoy this good luck with peace of mind, it's cool.

However, seeing that the uncle was silent all the time, and the female thief didn't dare to move, Qilu couldn't help but ask after waiting for a while, "Uncle, how can Miss Sister arrange it?"

"Huh? Oh, distracted, Jean Erso..."

The female thief hastily denied: "I don't have that name!"

"Don't panic, girl, I'll show you something."

As he said that, Xie Zhi called up the holographic image, which was the scene of talking with Galen Erso.

But even with Galen's image as proof, the female thief didn't show any abnormal demeanor, which Xie Zhi and Qilu appreciated very much, this girl is calm enough, she has seen the wind and rain.

Xie Zhi glanced at Qilu: "How is her character?"

"Miss is a good person."

"That's fine." Xie Zhi nodded to the silent female thief: "Girl, whether you admit it or not, I have a basis for judging your identity. Don't worry, we came here to find you. Your father helped you. You have done us a great favor, so reciprocate..."

"Just let me go, I don't need anything." The female thief's beautiful big eyes moved quickly, obviously she didn't trust Xie Zhi and his father, or she didn't trust anyone.

"Miss, are you admitting your identity?"

"Well, I'm... Jean, Jean Erso, I thank you, really, just let me go, nothing else."

Xie Zhi was about to speak when R2 suddenly mumbled for a while.

C3-PO said: "Let me tell you, sir, the airport requires us to undergo boarding inspection. It is said that they are arresting a fugitive, female, with guns, very dangerous..."

Xie Zhi spread his hands and smiled: "This luck...Girl, are you going now?"

Qin's head drooped helplessly: "Okay, you don't mind if I change my mind?"

Xie Zhi gave Qilu a look, and Qilu immediately understood that the uncle is still completely letting go, so the little guy smiled: "Uncle, do you mind being a pilot? I'll go to the fort."

"Breakthrough, okay, let's play." Xie Zhi Chaoqin tilted his head: "I need a co-pilot, can you?"

"Yes!" Qin agreed hastily, for her this moment was a matter of life and death.

Of course, Xie Zhi doesn't need a co-pilot, but he also understands Chiru's thoughts. A fight with the Empire will help Qin to let go of her guard, and... when the entertainment time comes, it can also verify the good luck index of the Millennium Falcon again.

Seeing everyone doing their own things neatly, C3-PO was a little confused: "I hope I guessed wrong, is this going to war? Actually... the skewers are pretty good..."

At this time, there were already a large number of empires swarming outside the tarmac. After all, the tower's warning from the Millennium Falcon did not respond at all.

It didn't even take a few seconds for the Millennium Falcon's engine to start, which clearly showed that this spaceship had a ghost.

And the imperial side reacted quite simply, directly ordering to fire! Live or die!

Immediately, the port forts, bunkers and other firepower points turned their guns and aimed at the Millennium Falcon, including the ground troops, of course, and the ground troops were the first to attack, after all, the firearms in their hands were more flexible.

"Does your ship have shields?" This was Qin's first question with a nervous face.

"It's already opened, don't be afraid of the child." Xie Zhi operated calmly, and said with a smile: "So many people arrested you, what did you do?"

"Uncle, is this the time to talk about this?"

"It's time to fasten your seat belts."

Following Xie Zhi's ultra-fast series of operations, it can be described as dazzling, at least in Qin's eyes.

After understanding several operations, she suddenly screamed in horror: "Are you crazy!? Pushing forward at full speed at the port..."

Before the words were finished, Jean Erso was completely stuck in the co-pilot seat with a huge push back feeling, followed by a super-high-speed spin!

Outside of the spaceship, all the witnesses at the port couldn't believe their eyes. Someone actually played the spaceship with outrageous maneuvers!

Seeing that the Millennium Falcon started to propel at full speed in an instant, but the spacecraft did not rush out, but spun around at the parking position, and the hull also rotated at high speed!

This is not just drifting on the spot, but also a roller maneuver, which looks very similar to a basic skill in martial arts, the spinner, but now the spaceship is playing the spinner!

It's crazy, because the spacecraft didn't meet the lift-off standard at all, and the distance from the ground was less than one meter! There will be crashes and deaths at any time!

But it was this crazy that led to avoiding all kinds of fire attacks, and at the same time, blowing away all the surrounding Stormtroopers with the jet from the back of his butt!

But it's not over yet, because the Millennium Falcon's machine guns were also firing at the same time. It was obviously a shooting in super-high-speed motion. It looked like random shooting, but it just exploded several firepower points!

Not only that, but also hit several imperial gunboats in the distance!

Immediately, the port was bustling with explosions and flames!

To put it bluntly, the Millennium Falcon only took two seconds to show off its skills, and then rushed to the sky!

And before Shenqin slowed down, Qilu excitedly shouted from the speaker of the spaceship: "Uncle, don't fly too fast, you have to give the TIE fighter pilot time to start the pursuit!"

Xie Zhi smiled: "Okay, then slow down."

Qin stared wide-eyed and said in shock: "Are you crazy!?"

Chilu responded: "Don't worry, Miss, I'm pretty good at bees, I can break the record with my eyes closed!"

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