Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 881: Dongfeng Express

It is impossible to overestimate the significance of the Death Star to the old Xie family, so Xie Zhi's attitude is to proceed cautiously to the end.

Then this trip will no longer do anything to train the children, the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, the more stable the better.

So no impersonation, this time, Xie Zhi used the most advanced stealth method, the mirror space, to enter the inside of the Death Star.

As for whether there are Sith masters on the Death Star, such as Darth Vader, Xie Zhi is still clear. Information before action is a basic operation.

Of course, even if Darth Vader was here, or even Palpatine came in person, Xie Zhi couldn't be stopped, but Xie Zhi himself was the one who suffered the loss from destroying the Death Star.

As for Qilu, he didn't have any face to participate this time, and Xie Zhi specially told the little guy not to let him go, stay away.

The reason is very simple, the picture is not suitable for children.

That's right, Xie knew that there was going to be a massacre, because there were a lot of troops stationed in the Death Star, more than 40,000 people.

You must know that the Death Star is not only a fort, but also a super space fortress, with many warships and fighter planes stuffed inside.

Therefore, when the construction of the Death Star enters the later stage, there is no need for escorting battleships around, and the firepower of the Death Star itself can protect itself.

In fact, even without the Star Destroyer Cannon, the Death Star is the strongest carrier of force in the Milky Way. With conventional space combat methods, it cannot be defeated at all. It is reasonable to be eaten by the Death Star in turn.

Of course, in view of the weakness of Galen Erso's deliberate design, Luke was given the opportunity to destroy the Death Star later.

And even though the massacre of more than 40,000 people this time is far from the end of the killing for Xie Zhi, even though Qilu is also a child who has seen people kill people since he was a child, even though killing the star is a good deed to save countless people... But Xie Zhi didn't I intend to let the children watch it directly, even if the picture is not bloody, but this kind of excitement is still better.

But after Xie Zhi went in, it was easy to find the location of the supreme command center because he was familiar with the design drawings.

Here is the core center that controls the Death Star. All orders are issued from here, and all high-level officials are also here. If you control this place, you will control the entire Death Star.

The purpose of coming here, Xie Zhi, is just to confirm whether the verification code of the command authority has changed, it is purely for safety.

So after seeing that the high-ranking officials recorded in the intelligence were all there, Xie Zhi started to act.

His movements were very simple. With a wave of his hand, everyone in the command center was frozen in place, controlled by the original force, and remained motionless.

Immediately afterwards, the controllers of these Death Stars all disappeared, yes, they were pulled into the mirror space by Xie Zhi.

Then, a Tai Chi lamp was released by Xie Zhi, and then the yellow light began to flourish, and the energy of fear exploded in an all-round way!

Almost immediately after, countless soul-like beings with yellow lights shone, screaming, howling, and howling, like a swarm of bees coming out of a nest, rushing into the command center, endlessly!

The entire command center has been completely enveloped by golden light.

That's right, Xie Zhi is letting the fear energy absorb all the fears of the Death Star crew without reservation, completely refusing to give the garrison troops any chance, killing them all in an instant!

And this killing method is not only extremely efficient, but also can completely take down the Death Star without causing any damage to the equipment, which can be said to be the safest method.

As for Chiru, who was watching from space, he only saw the entire Death Star start to glow, turn yellow, and go out...

As a result, within two minutes, Xie Zhi was the only creature that existed on the Death Star.

Of course, this is also one of the reasons why Qilu was not brought here. Under the full-scale explosion of fear energy, Xie Zhi didn't know whether the little guy could stand it.

"The name of this weapon is well-deserved, and it has really become a Death Star, which is unlucky..." Xie Zhi frowned, and muttered: "After all, the Death Star is pretty bad, even if I don't do it Otherwise, the Death Star 1 will also be exploded by Luke, and the Death Star 2 will also be the same, and the luck is not good.

So... who came up with the code name? No culture, no background, no taste, change the name! It must be replaced! "

Xie Zhi thought for a while, then nodded: "Well, it's still the Dongfeng series, but before I came here, there was no new serial number in my hometown, so it's called...'Dongfeng Express', it's simple and easy to remember, catchy, and Very connotative! Well, number 001."

Muttering in his mouth, Xie Zhi didn't have idle hands, and began to release the robot troops he carried, fully took over the entire Death Star, and cleaned up the mummies everywhere.

By the way, I strolled to the command platform and reported the command authority verification code in the intelligence I got before, but there was no accident, and it was universal.

Then the high-ranking officials of the empire left before are useless, and they will all be killed.

After finishing the work, the little guy finally had a chance to visit the Death Star, no, it was Dongfeng Express.

Yes, Xie Zhi has arranged for the robot army to repaint the surface of this man-made celestial body, and the four characters of "Orient Express" are very eye-catching.

And the robot army worked quite quickly, and quickly installed the shrinking device in the reserved position.

So Qilu had to leave not long after he arrived, the little guy was a little regretful: "Master, are you in such a hurry? I haven't picked a room yet."

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "What the hell, this is a weapon, we can't live here, no matter how big the place is."


"This is a target, the steering is not flexible, and the maneuverability is still far away. In case Palpatine foresees it again, a superluminal impact will not be in vain.

Besides, living here is too high-profile, just shrink it down when not in use, and go away. "

This is Xie Zhi's true thought. In fact, in his eyes, this Star Destroyer weapon has too many flaws, too many problems, and needs to be corrected.

At least in terms of range, it has not met Xie Zhi's ideal requirements. The current range is only within the range of a small galaxy. Using the solar system as an example, it can travel from one end to the other.

But after seeing the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, this range seems too backward, people can shoot wherever they want...

Of course, the flaws do not conceal the merits. The Death Star can make hyperspace transitions, which makes up for the lack of range. Although it can't shoot wherever it wants, it can also go wherever it wants.

What's more, the focus is on power. Deterrence is the main meaning of existence of star destroying weapons. Who is free to play around the planet and play interstellar billiards?

And Xie Zhi thinks that the shooting range may not be impossible to improve. When the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard collapsed, it was equivalent to the facilities of the fort, but Xie Zhi got rid of it all. Go back and study it hard. Maybe there is a possibility of combining the two. .

After everything was the father and father flew out of this man-made killer celestial body, and witnessed the start of the shrinking function, and Dongfeng Express shrunk down to the size of a ping-pong ball.

And just because it can be scaled, it actually has a huge advantage over Asgard's Rainbow Bridge.

It's very simple, will Heimdall be free enough to look at the pebbles in the universe? Xie Zhi is absolutely unbelievable.

Such a small stone that is enough to destroy the planet, it is estimated that if Odin knew the existence of this thing, he would be scared to pee.

So Xie Zhi thinks that after returning to the settled world in the future, it is necessary to fire a few shots, because Star Destroyer weapons are like nuclear weapons. Make full use of the deterrent effect, so as to save everyone from having no idea.

In short, now that we have a real star-destroying weapon, a nuclear deterrence pattern similar to that of the major powers on the earth will come into being. Xie Zhi's worries are over.

The long-suppressed uncertainty and insecurity are also greatly subsiding, and the trump card is in hand, and it is stable!

Then the next thing to do is... test the gun!

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