Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 891: slap

Xie Zhi rubbed the little guy's head, and said with a smile: "Are you angry? You locals knew that such a day would come, so you chose to die generously.

And Jean Erso lost the chain at a critical moment, but this is not an established fate, because you in the local area have no intention of changing, and you have to look at things from a comprehensive perspective. "

Qilu blinked and blinked: "Master, are you saying that she is destined to lose the chain?"

"It's doomed to be shit. If you lose the chain, you will lose the chain, but that's not the point. The point is that you in the local area already understand why you sacrificed yourself, so do you understand?"

"Hmm..." Chirrut glanced at the middle-aged Chirrut in the spaceship: "In order to deal with the Death Star, he knows everything now. If the Death Star is not destroyed, no one will be able to make a comeback."

"No." Xie Zhi shook his head: "There is a reason for this, and it is also the core, but I asked you if you understand clearly, and I didn't mean this."

Qilu thought for a while, then wondered: "Master, just tell me, I'm a little confused."

Xie Zhi patted Qilu on the shoulder: "Sacrifice is for a goal, and in the end it must be sacrificed, although some people's mistakes have something to do with losing the chain, and there are even some people's stupid factors.

But these will only make bystanders feel uncomfortable, such as you and me, we can complain that sacrifices are unnecessary.

However, for the parties involved, those factors are actually not important, because the parties did not intend to be a bystander, but to participate, even if they knew that they would sacrifice their own lives.

So it would be a pity if you just collect the corpse for other versions of yourself, because the other you are using your life to deduce a truth, what is... a man can do something and not do something.

Boy, don't let yourself die unworthy. This unworthiness is not due to Qin Erso's loss of chains, or the random command of other stupid politicians. None of them matter, what matters is you.

Will you be proud of your choice, your courage, and your arrogance? "

Chirrut was stunned, pensive, and turned his head to look at the middle-aged Chirrut who stopped telling silly jokes with Baez, while the eyes of the little Chirrut became brighter and brighter...

Xie Zhi added fuel to the flames, and said lightly: "Big man... Be so!"

"Hmm! I feel so handsome!"

Qilu nodded heavily, then tilted his head, thinking: "But uncle, this is not our style."

"That's because you don't have a good understanding of our family's style, and the time has not yet come..." Xie Zhi raised the corner of his mouth: "Go back and ask your senior sister, she cried and peed her pants back then... Forget it, she must have felt very ashamed and wouldn't tell You two."

Qilu was startled: "Senior sister still cries and urinates?!"

"Don't look at your senior sister's various snake spirits, but at critical moments, your senior sister is not ambiguous at all. At that time, she was much younger than you, and she was still a brat..."

Thinking of his daughter crying and urinating to fight with Tian Qi, Xie Zhi couldn't help feeling proud, his chin raised a bit.

But even if Qilu asked, Xie Zhi didn't tell him the details of the year, probably just outline the aggressive behavior of the daughter's mother, and find out by yourself.

But it is said that the people from all walks of life who got together temporarily chose to go to Scarif.

Jean Erso's reason was to rescue his father. I personally convinced the Rebel Alliance. The spy Cassian did not object. However, when he secretly talked with the headquarters, he couldn't hide it from Xie Zhi who was watching the theater in stealth. This task Actually to assassinate Garen Erso.

Of course, the motives of the Rebel Alliance can't help but make the father and son complain.

Nothing else, the Death Star was hanging brightly on the Jada star, and a cannonball had been fired to completely wipe out the holy city, and the survivors just took their lives in a dangerous way.

Even if there is no full firepower, the Death Star has at least proved one thing, that is, the ultimate weapon has been created. At this time, you don't want to countermeasures, but you want to assassinate the chief designer. What do you think?

Galen Erso is not dead now, does it make sense? Even if the empire couldn't make a second ultimate weapon because of this, it still hasn't been resolved yet! What's more, why do you think that if Galen Erso is dead, the empire will not be able to build the Death Star?

The key is that Cassian's report to the rear has already mentioned the important points, and the information about the ultimate weapon is true!

The reason for the rear commander turned out to be "I don't know what Galen Erso will do to the empire, and it must be eliminated!", but the crisis that existed before him... turned a blind eye!

Could it be that without Galen Erso, all crises would be resolved? Even if he is really the "running dog" of the empire, shouldn't it be more important to catch the living and obtain key information?

Even though Xie Zhi taught the child that other people's stupidity is not important, he was still speechless. What the **** is this? If it weren't for Palpatine's other premeditated plans, would these things be able to fight the empire? What a mess!

No wonder Palpatine in the orthodox world is much weaker than other worlds. Now Xie Zhi fully understands why. He is just playing around.

But there is no way, Xie Zhi and his father are only watching the show this time, but it is precisely because they are purely watching the show that they are even more angry. If they really participate, it doesn't matter if they are stupid or not, if they dare to get in the way, they will be cut off together!

But after arriving in Scarif, the father and father are more and more impressed with the ability of the middle-aged Qilu.

The middle-aged Qilu could feel Cassian's murderous intent and reminded Jean Erso that it is not surprising that the two of them are Qilu's unique talent.

However, what the middle-aged Qilu showed later really made the two of them admire.

But he said that because of the forced landing, he lost contact with the rear of the rebel army, and the rebel alliance even sent fighter planes to bomb them.

As a result, a battle was triggered, and the two of them also complained again. An assassination is really expensive. If they can't be contacted, they will send troops to bomb them. Can't they put this effort at all costs to the right place?

But in the air battle of fighter planes, the blind middle-aged Qi Lu fired a single shot, and then...destroyed a high-speed TIE fighter plane!

That's right, true blind shooting!

Logically speaking, this move is not uncommon for players of the Force, but it is actually not simple at all. Don’t look at the explosive bombs that can be fired by waving a But this kind of prediction is It is based on the situation where the opponent attacks itself.

It's another matter to take the initiative to shoot and hit the target. It's not that those who play the original force can't do it. It's just that during training, it's more difficult, because it's not based on their own predictions, and it's not so easy to trigger.

But the problem is, the middle-aged Qilu has never received formal force training at all!

This ability is also found in little Qilu, and everyone in the Xie family knows about it, but the difference is that Xiao Yu deliberately strengthened the training for the unique talent caused by little Qilu's blindness, while the middle-aged Qilu didn't have a master to teach him.

More importantly, the target is a high-speed flying fighter! This is no ordinary goal comparable!

Seeing that little Qilu was dumbfounded, Xie Zhile said, "Do you really admire yourself?"

"Yeah! The anti-Japanese dramas are not so amazing! I was playing blindly!"

"Listen to can't do it?"

"Yes, yes, but uncle, my reaction speed was trained by Hulk as a partner. He, I... how did I get it?"

Xie Zhi said with emotion: "It should have nothing to do with reaction speed, I guess it is perception, prediction and foresight, the combination of the three is different from us.

I just don’t know if you still have this ability after taking a different path. "

Little Qilu thought for a while, then closed his eyes, and raised his hand to make a pistol-like gesture, moving back and forth to aim at the fighter plane on the battlefield...

The little guy wants to try it, and Xie Zhi is also happy to see the result.

"Crack! Crack!" Qilu still closed his eyes after dubbing with his mouth: "Uncle, did I hit it?"

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