Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 897: clue

Xie Zhi sighed: "Although it is a good thing to have pursuits, but... okay, with your senior sister's pursuits as the foundation, nothing can surprise me."

"That's right, don't worry, uncle, I'm not interested in square dancing."

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay if you like it, I don't ask much, just stay away from pornography, gambling and drugs.

It's my fault too, I didn't mention the main point... You said that the girl is beautiful, that is to remember her appearance, can you embody it? "

"Yes, it's the master uncle who has the wisdom to manifest right and wrong!"

As he spoke, Chirrut raised the ring, and in the flickering green light, the image of a young girl appeared.

Although it is not a living person, the manifestation of will energy is more accurate than holographic projection. As long as it is an image in the mind, it can be easily moved to reality.

And that girl looked to be about twenty years old, and she was dressed plainly, a simple coarse cloth robe.

In terms of appearance, she is Zhou Zheng, but she only embodies her expression and eyes in the image, and the wound on her forehead is bloody, which highlights her heroic spirit and a proper female warrior.

Especially the posture of holding two lightsabers shows that she has been trained.

Xie Zhi scratched his chin: "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, yes."

Chirrut understood in seconds, and continued to materialize, followed by the image of Palpatine, the old guy was raising his hands, releasing lightning, and what the girl resisted was precisely the incoming electric current.

Judging from the actual holographic image, Xie Zhi can't feel the strength of both sides, which is not surprising.

And as Qilu continued to demonstrate, the girl's approach was also the same as that of Master Windu back then, and also pushed the lightning back.

But the result was completely different. It was not an ugly change in Palpatine's face, but his skin was torn apart, and even the flesh and blood that was knocked into the air instantly turned into powder!

But after only two or three blows, a violent thunderbolt suddenly descended! It turned Palpatine into a scum!

Xie Zhi's face changed: "What you see is really like this?"

"It's true, uncle, is there a problem?"

"It's a big problem!" Xie Zhi frowned: "Your master is an expert in playing thunder and lightning, if she is the second, no one dares to be the first, not even Asgard!

So those who play thunder and lightning are counterattacked by lightning, it is simply... useless, useless, useless!

Back then I knew that Palpatine was acting, but this time, it was obviously not acting. His wounds were not faked. Although the power of the last blow could not be judged from the screen, my intuition told me that the level of that blow... Absolutely surpassed your master! "

Qi Lu's eyes almost fell out: "Uncle, is this impossible? Our family is stuck on the hurdle of breaking through the original force. It is reasonable to say that no one's thunder and lightning can surpass Master."

"That's right, it's impossible in theory, but since it happened, it means... This girl has broken through a hurdle that our family couldn't break through! It's amazing..."

"That's amazing...Uncle, doesn't that mean you can't beat her?"

Xie Zhi pondered and said: "'s hard to say, in terms of power alone, she is indeed a super heavy artillery battery, but...our family has a lot of tricks.

Chiru, apart from these, the surrounding environment, the year at that time, do you know? "

"No, about this scene, that's all I saw."

"All right."

"But I foresee something else."

This time, Qilu directly manifested the image, which is a spaceship flying into the sky.

The spaceship did not look surprising, ordinary.

But this time the manifestation was accompanied by a childish baby voice: "Come back! No!"

"that's it?"

"Well, it's gone."

After thinking about it, Xie Zhi suddenly changed his expression and waved his hand: "R2, come to work, scan this girl's image, and then reduce her age, and do an age retrospective."

R2 does the same, and this function is actually not a black technology. The earth in the 21st century has similar portrait prediction software, not to mention the increase and decrease of age, and it can even analyze the general appearance of a boy and a girl.

And it's not just technology, some master portrait mapping masters in the police have this unique skill. They can draw the target's appearance at different ages according to the target's face, which is called a magic skill.

So R2 should not do this too easily. Not long after, Xie Zhi suddenly shrank his pupils and shouted, "Stop!"

Looking at the big girl in the picture again, she has regressed to the appearance of a five or six-year-old little girl, and the little girl is quite cute.

Seeing Xie Zhi staring at him intently, Qilu couldn't help asking: "Master, do you know this kid?"

Xie Zhi shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I have seen it, and this matter has to start with your second aunt.

When our family first came to this place, some premonitions were triggered, and your second aunt, Ryan, saw a little girl being sold. Given the deep impression, your second aunt also manifested the appearance of this child appearance. "

"Wow, uncle, you still remember after several years, what a memory."

"Isn't it because I have a good memory? We've all experienced it. Foresight is nothing small, so I paid attention to this child's face."

This is not nonsense. The reality has repeatedly proved that foreseeing the future is a big deal, but Xie Zhi still has reservations. The fact is that when he was preparing his plan for the world of the force, he did not let go of every clue, including this one naturally. little girl.

Now it seems that sufficient preparation is absolutely necessary, so there is no clue.

And there is no doubt about the importance of this child. Among other things, since she killed Palpatine, it is enough to prove that this girl is the one who restores the balance of the Force in the Jedi prophecy!

That's right, because there is a description in the prophecy, that person wiped out the Sith Lord!

A figure that was prophesied countless centuries ago cannot be overemphasized.

What's more, for Xie Zhi, the meaning of this girl is also not simple. Since she finally killed Palpatine in the orthodox world, then based on Xie Zhi's understanding of this old thief, it shows that Palpatine at that moment has already played the trump card. Exhausted!

More importantly, he did not foresee his own death, which inevitably made Xie Zhi have a guess.

Maybe just like the vision of many Jedi masters back then was disturbed by the dark force, and they couldn't foresee what Palpatine did, then since this girl is the one who balances the force, maybe the balance of the force also disturbed Palpatine Foresight Then if the guess is comfortable, this girl is equivalent to a humanoid shield! It's too important to engage Palpatine!

As for Anakin, the man in the previous prophecy, he should just be a tool man used by Palpatine.

But as soon as this judgment came into being, Xie Zhi's intuition denied this idea, so Anakin should also be very important, at least for the orthodox world.

It's just the meaning of Anakin's existence. There are not enough clues now, so I can't figure it out.

Xie Zhi simply put down the question first, but took a step forward and carefully looked at... Palpatine's face.

"It doesn't look much different from before, so how old is this old guy? R2, can you tell?"

R2: "Hehehe~"

"Can't figure it out, well, fortunately, there is still a clue, compare it with our intelligence database, and confirm the model of this spaceship."

R2: "Yo mumble~"

"Not the same model?" Xie Zhi couldn't help frowning: "Well... So either there is no manufacturer producing this model of spaceship, or it is a private order, but the latter can be ruled out, and the shape is not high-end.

Therefore, this is also a clue that the time has not come. "

"Uncle, then we will be this little girl next."

"No, the next step is to find a cemetery for you and bury you."

"Yes, yes, I have to choose a good place, uncle, you said it would be better to bury it in the jungle world, and I can take care of the other one, sweeping the grave, by the way, Da Qilu is an old bachelor, for him I I don't mind, so I can ask Xin Zhao to burn some young ladies..."

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