Amoral Village Head

71 The SecondAttemp

After having fun with Chimeg, I was completely drained. I ate and quickly slept in Mother's hut itself. One of my hand was on Chimegs barelly covered bottom and another one on my Mother's open ass.

I slept peacefully and dreamt of lewd things for the future. When i woke up the next day morning my mother had already left to do her work and Chimeg was getting ready to go to the Orchard.

I quickly got up on seeing the bright sunlight streaming through our entrance. I had to go to the third section quickly as Bilgun the runner would be waiting for me. Even in my hurry, i didn't forget to quickly give load of my love for Chimeg to taste.

When i went to the third section Bilgun was impatiently tapping his foot against the tree i had worked on yesterday. On seeing me his face cleared and he quickly pointed me to next tree i had to work on.

I initiated a conversation with Bilgun as i wanted a helper today before i activated my gift.

"Bilgun do you have any more work for the day"

"Yes Gan i have to show Bayaar the trees she has to work on today. After that i will run errands the head asks me to, mostly passing information from the people working in the orchard to him"

"Oh, i need someone to watch me when i use my gift. Do you know of anyone who can do that today"

Bilgun scratched his head with his athletic hands and thought for some time.

"we can ask Buld, the head had exempted him from Orchard work and he already has made a stockpile of Charpoys to sell. He will be more willing if you barter for a few Lhasa."

"Lhasa won't be a problem. Can you ask him to come quickly."

BIlgun smiled and ran towards the village. I wanted to learn more about my gift and the only way seems to be exploring the connection i make with the Ilphyr.

But i am a little afraid that i will go overboard and forget myself. I wanted someone near me to help in the worst case scenario.

When Buld came i bartered with him to sit near me till the tree i work on has matured fully and then forcefully interupt my connection. He agreed and went to bring a Charpoy to get comfortable.

With that burden taken out of my shoulders i delved deeply into my connection.

I visualized as much as i can about the tree including the things i learned from my previous time. And like last time, i saw my awareness merging with that of the Ilphyr. I slowed the process as much as i can and tried to glean as much information as i could.

The Ilphyr tree didn't seem to be a sapient organism like i doubted after my first connection. It just had its own sense of awareness about its growth and things hindering it which became refined when i connected with it.

When my consciousness merged with the Ilphyr, i couldn't have clear thoughts as my awareness shrinked to include only the Ilphyr. Together we focused on the shortest way to eradicate the Zukr and send energy to grow and mature quickly.

With every step we went through together i became fully enmeshed and my thoughts moved in a singular direction. When i was involved in the process, i abruptly felt the connection getting disrupted only to wake in the real world.

I was pretty confused for some time and only after Buld shouted my name i slowly gained my self.

Once again the tree was grown fully and it wasn't even afternoon. I thanked Buld and patted myself for having little foresight.

I went in search of Ochi as i had a long day to pass now.

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