– Really?

– ㅇㅇ It seems that only you don’t know. Weekly WH fans already know

– I remember. A few times in the past, there were gifs of Sia’s dance floating around in the community. I heard that there is a member in a ruined group that draws attention

– ah. That person must have been Sia. So what am I looking forward to?

Looking at the reactions of those chats, Jay-Z spoke brightly.

Without ever stimulating the emotions or making the eyes red and solemn.

“I also challenged <Dreaming Girls 100>, which was on cable TV. I don’t have much of it because it was almost edited.”

Rather than a sad story because I was ruined because I spoke brightly.

This happened about the past that has already passed. It sounds like a fairly light story.

The story of Jay-Z, who said it was like that in the past, has come to the present.

“This is Sia, who gave up her dream of becoming a singer. As you all know, I got a chance. Where is YO?”

– WH enter yo!

– It appears here too, WH CEO Choi Woo-hyuk hahahahaha

– I admit that WH is an actor restaurant. Don’t you know the singer yet?

– yes? Isn’t it the end of the story with Yuanna and Arin? I don’t know who is number 1 on the chart right now?

“that’s right. WH CEO Choi Woo-hyuk recognized Sia’s talent and gave her a chance.”

It was kind of a story.

To Sia, who kept drinking the bitter cup of failure and tried to give up her dream of becoming a singer.

The story of I, Choi Woo-hyeok, CEO of WH Enter, who was writing only a success story, reached out his hand.

Viewers who have heard the story so far will have high expectations.

Debuting as a girl group failed.

Failed even after appearing in 100 Dreaming Girls.

Will WH’s Choi Woo-hyeok be able to make Sia a success after all his challenges have ended in failure?

I will be filled with such anticipation.

like now.

– Weren’t all of Choi Woo-hyuk’s picks successful so far?

– No, it wasn’t just a success, it was a great success.

– Through the diss battle, Jay-Z also became well known to people.

– Then, isn’t Sia, who is making her debut this time, worth looking forward to?

But still, the opinions of viewers were tightly divided in half.

First of all, the kids I succeeded in were all kids who were not known in the field.

As actors, there were Hyeokjun, Kim Sujin, and Yuna.

As for the singers, Jay-Z, Yuna, and Arin were among them.

But what about Sia?

She already had a career as a singer in a girl group.

On top of that, I even appeared on an audition selection program.

In a word, I gave a chance to the kids who didn’t have a chance to show it until now.

Despite the opportunity, I have never succeeded in failing.

The point of the people on the other side of the fight right now was to say that part.

“Everyone, don’t fight. I’ll show you on KBC’s music broadcast this week. I, Jay, will also do my first face reveal that day, so please look forward to it!”

“that’s right!”

People’s interest in the firewood that was thrown again flared up again.

You just need to keep your interest.

All controversies can be put to rest with your skills on stage.


KBC music broadcasting waiting room.

When Yuanna first appeared on a music room, she used the waiting room with other rookies.


“Ahem. Sister, this is all thanks to me, Yuna!”

Next to Sia, Yuna is seen showing off her arrogance.

Today is Sia’s debut stage and Jay-Z’s first appearance on a music show.

Shia alone was using the waiting room here now.

To be precise, it wasn’t that he gave it to Sia. Anyway, from the beginning, U & Na had a big stake in using the private waiting room.

“Thank you Yuna. I’ll do well today.”

“Go and sprinkle everything!”

don’t break it

In fact, there was a reason Yuna continued to talk like that next to Shia.

It was to relieve Shia’s tension.

It must have reminded me of Arin on Yuanna’s first debut stage.

Unlike Arin, Sia didn’t look very nervous.


“CEO. Thanks for the opportunity. I will show you the best stage.”

When I say that, I just show my confidence.

In the far corner, Jay-Z can be seen checking the choreography once again.

Rather than the pressure of being on stage.

As I said on the weekly WH live broadcast, I felt the pressure of revealing my face to people for the first time.

I was thinking of taking care of Shia first and calming down Jay-Z, so I decided to send in firefighters.

It was Yuna.

“It’s Yuna. I think I should take care of Jay-Z rather than Sia?”

“is it so?”

Yuna’s head turned around at my words, and she quickly ran towards Jay-Z.

Unlike Jay-Z, who relaxes with Yuna’s chatter.

Shia really looked calm.



“You just have to do what you practiced. Believe in yourself because you are the one who passed through my eyes. Understand?”

“yes. Actually, in the past, I was really nervous before going on stage. But this time it’s really okay.”

Sia said.

He said his body moved when he heard the song even while he was sleeping because he practiced so hard.

“I think it was because of my lack of effort. By the way, CEO.”

Not anymore.

said Sia.

“The image of dominating the stage that the CEO first showed me. I’ll go up and show everyone and come. That the CEO’s eyes weren’t wrong.”


I thought it wasn’t like that, but it seems that Sia was also concerned.

While putting firewood in people’s attention and making it roaring.

These reactions erupted.

“hey. Isn’t Choi Woo-hyuk becoming arrogant because he’s so successful now?”

“Right. They know that if you put your hands on something, everything will be a jackpot.”

“You’ll come to your senses once you taste failure as a rookie this time, right?”

“When I saw it, this time it failed 100 percent. He’s already failed twice.”

It’s these kinds of stories.

It’s me, my visible talent.

And rather, I didn’t worry because I saw Sia digest the amount of practice that I should be worried about.

I guess it wasn’t really Sia herself.

Seeing Sia getting angry at the words directed at me rather than at herself made me smile.

“okay. Let’s go ahead and show everyone.”

With the voices of music broadcasting staff.

Sia left the waiting room.

with Jay-Z.

The stage of Sia’s <24 Hours> received quite a lot of attention from people even before it started.

because i made it like that

Sia climbs onto the stage.

As the electric pole begins to sink, Sia’s eyes change.

Those eyes that made me have no choice but to be sure of Sia’s success.

Innocent and s*xy.

At the beginning of that provocative gaze and charming choreography, people start to be charmed one by one.

That moment.

“uh? what?”

Embarrassed astonishment is heard from the side.

Apparently, I sang for about 20 seconds after the prelude to Sia’s debut song <24 Hours>.

The song suddenly stopped.


“hey! Quickly figure out the situation and report to the sound team to deal with it!”

After 5 seconds, the sound naturally revived and then disappeared again.

It wasn’t that the song stopped, it was a problem with the sound.

An acoustic accident occurred.

Even Sia’s breathing could be clearly heard through the microphone.

The MR sound of <24 Hours>, which should have been heard, had died.

The moment when the expressions of the broadcasters are dying.

Only two of them were smiling.



And in that silence, Sia was still continuing her live performance with stable breathing.

She is showing the stage of <24 Hours> with only her voice without singing.

The sound team hastily solved the problem, and the song resonates on stage again.


“Is it great?”

And people began to exclaim in admiration at Sia’s stage, which was perfectly connected without a difference of 0.1 second.

Could there be a more perfect showcase than this?

I smiled as I listened to the admiration of the people around me.

Because this was a jackpot that I got at a moment I didn’t expect.


[The debut stage of a common WH new singer]

– Did you see the video?

Today’s KBC music broadcast is the debut stage of WH Enter’s new singer, Sia.

First of all, I attached a comparison video of yesterday when Sia was active in an idol group before.

did you see

What kind of dance are you doing with such a talent?

And the crucial thing is this.

Surely the song stopped shortly after it started?

The song doesn’t stop. I heard a song that continued for a while right after it, and then it cut off again.

However, when I saw Sia naturally continuing the stage as if she was perfectly suited to her body, my mouth dropped wide.

Obviously, breathing is stable even while continuing the intense choreography.

Above all, when the sound came back 30 seconds later, the timing matched perfectly.

There was not even a 0.1 second difference hahahahaha

└ I was surprised to see that too. What kind of intense choreography is the live stable?

└ More than that, I just liked the song. I wanted to know what innocent s*xy meant, but I understood it when I saw Sia.

└ Hip-hop fans decided yesterday to honor Jay-Z as the hip-hop goddess

└ It was just perfect. There was an acoustic accident, but that rather served as an opportunity to properly show Sia’s class.

The Internet community went into an uproar.

It all started with the hip-hop community.

Hip-hop community users who had been waiting for Jay-Z’s face to be revealed were watching Sia’s stage.

Despite the sound accident occurring in real time, they burst into admiration for Sia, who showed a perfect stage.

Next, praise for <24 Hours>, composed and written by Jay-Z.

Lastly, it was a surprise for Jay-Z who revealed his face.

└ Hey. Even when I said that Draup was pretty, I thought it was an empty comment. But after watching the broadcast yesterday, I thought of this.

└ What do you think?

└ Why did he suffer as a singer without a face? It’s not that I don’t have any skills.

└ I don’t know what. That’s why it’s more exciting. Even when I didn’t see the light of day for several years, I revealed my face for the sake of my friend.

└ That’s right

And people also focused their attention on the friendship between Sia and Jay-Z.

Despite living an unknown life for several years and going through life’s hardships, Jay-Z revealed a face he hadn’t revealed for a friend.

Even though the song was cut off due to an acoustic accident, Sia showed off a stage that perfectly matched the perfect live performance with no difference of 0.1 seconds.

And the overwhelming stage control that Sia shows on that stage.

People started to pay attention to the story between these two people.

Then, all of a sudden, communities started to burn with this one article.

[hey. When I was in Dream Sosia, I watched all the broadcasts. Is this editing weird?]

From noble mtl dot com


Gotta get over this

Because it was maliciously edited, it was perfect for the back talk to come out later.

So, before we stumble on the other side, we should solve it neatly on this side.

< Episode 101 > End

< Episode 102 >

[hey. When I was in Dream Sosia, I watched all the broadcasts. Is this editing weird?]

– First of all, you all know that through Sia’s debut stage, a huge rookie appeared.

I fell for Sia and looked up old videos to try some fanfare.

By the way, did something strange happen in the dream place?

Sia came out as a character who is nervous and doesn’t have the ability to pick the other person out.

It’s also very short.

First of all, I edited and uploaded only the amount of Xia, so watch and judge.

weird isn’t it

It’s not even how many years have passed since the dream cow ended.

Is it possible that you can show a perfect stage with your skills changing like this in the meantime?

It’s also going live with intense choreography, but even breathing is stable?

└ ㅇㅅ Actually, the reason I didn’t expect much was because I remembered what I saw in the dream place. A completely different person?

└ This is a dream PD seems to have to explain a bit?

└ No. It’s short in Dreams, but it’s the same person as Xia who showed up on the debut stage and the amount that came out? lol

└ But your real personality could be that dirty. Even if the skill is set aside

PD Cha Joo-han of a cable channel was looking at the monitor with his lips biting hard.

“What kind of child are you?”

After making <Dreaming Girls 100> a success, no, it was a PD who was walking on the path of success.

Now, I was preparing to launch a hit program by gathering male idols.

Cold water poured over.

It wouldn’t be much of a problem anyway, but it was true that the back itched.

“Anyway, even the superiors pay attention to trivial things like this.”

It’s probably just a flashy issue anyway.

It was after the debut of a solo singer named Sia that a dark cloud hung over his bright future.

In fact, even though PD Cha Joo-han heard the news of Sia’s debut, he didn’t pay much attention.

“WH? No matter how good the CEO there is. You couldn’t take a child who had failed and make it a success?”

These were the words I said to the worried voice of assistant PD Kim Joo-ah, who I had worked with.

He was a kid who didn’t seem to have much talent when he saw himself.

It should have been noisy for a while and then disappeared without even getting attention.

“no. How did the KBC sound team deal with things, so it’s such an accident and it’s a mess.”

The sound accident that occurred on the debut stage gave wings to Sia’s popularity.

And Cha Joo-han PD was also Sia who showed a stage that surprised her.

Even now, it is receiving so much attention that various communities are buzzing.

“hey! Korea. Will this be okay?”

CP Park opened the door with a worried face and came in.

Since he was a nobleman with a corner that could be stabbed, he looked more restless.

Looking at Park CP like that, PD Cha Joo-han said confidently.

“no way. My brother worries too much. Don’t worry. WH wouldn’t want to keep mentioning this anyway, right?”

“Is that right? Now that you’ve made a fresh start, you probably want to erase the past, right?”

“yes. And at that time, he said his real personality was like that, so what would you do? And the viewers voted it out.”

Cha Joo-han PD giggled and said.

Of course, I was the one who made malicious edits and sent it to the broadcast.

It had been a long time since such memories had been erased from his mind.

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