Just like idol groups that went bankrupt without bottom, Sia’s group members didn’t even get a penny in settlement.

As a result, Kim Ha-yul, who had been running for only one idol, suffered from extreme hardships in life.

At that time, the person who reached out to help was Shia.

It was Sia who was able to work as an instructor at Cheian’s academy.

It was possible because Chaian took good care of Fay.

“So I was really angry when I saw the malicious editing of Xia unnie from Dreams.”

– Then yes.

– A benefactor in his life became a character-breaker due to malicious editing, and he is angry.

-So that was the post you posted on social media at the time

– What is it?

“that’s right. I was afraid that if I mentioned it accurately, it would cause more damage to my sister, but I couldn’t. I was so upset. Malicious editing made her a completely bad person…”

Kim Ha-yul’s eyes turn red as if he recalled the resentment he had at that time.

The way I was angry as if it were my own business showed how grateful I was to Shia.

Kim Ha-yul’s words were not over yet.

Kim Ha-yul was more enthusiastic about Shia’s good deeds, as if he was not the only one who received help.

“It’s not just me. There is still a group contact room for members. It turned out that my unnie took care of everyone behind me. Although I was in the worst situation and received the most help.”

The atmosphere of the chat window that comes up is warm.

Regarding the image of Shia, who has become a victim due to manipulation problems and malicious editing.

Now that the jokes with old colleagues have been added.

“So please love our Xia unnie a lot for 24 hours.”

– yes! we will love you a lot

– I didn’t know, but Shia is a very nice person. Those who said their real personality would be dirty, apologize quickly

– I’m sorry… I’ll listen to the sound source 10 times as an apology

– But Sia, this song is really good

Quite heartwarming though.

It was a heartwarming ending.


After Arin’s music video for <cherry blossoms> was released.

Hot reactions erupted.

To the extent that the music charts, which had been pushed aside for a while by the comeback of an idol with a large fandom, regained it.

As the music video was released during the full-fledged cherry blossom festival season, it was inevitable that people would pay attention to it.

I was aiming for that and released it at this timing.

“Chief. Did you see this?”

And there was someone who started receiving as much attention as the song.

It was Yuna who was calling me excitedly.

“okay. People who said they had a crush on you kept coming one after another.”

“that’s right. They say there are not one or two people who have fallen for Yuna’s eyes.”

on a warm spring day.

Under the fluttering cherry blossoms.

Who wouldn’t fall for Yuna, who shows her sweetness with her eyes falling in love while looking at the camera?

Arin’s <cherry blossoms>, which created a lot of couples while making a confession relay.

Now, a relay was being created to follow the music video for <cherry blossoms> in which the couples who were formed at that time participated.

“Oh my God. So many people follow me.”

Is it because Yuna in the music video came out so pretty?

In the first music video that a few famous influencers copied for fun, copying Yuna quickly became a trend.

The reason was simple.

Because the whole country is in cherry blossom festival season, cherry blossom petals were in full bloom everywhere.

Like Yuna in the music video, it was easy to take a picture under the scenery where cherry blossom petals fluttered anywhere.

It’s another scene, and it’s light props like cotton candy and coffee.

the biggest reason is.

“okay. Yuna, it’s because you act so well.”

That’s how I was surprised too.

After we started filming the music video in earnest.

Honey just fell from director Kang Dong-ju’s eyes.

“This is it! okay. This is the way you look at a lover you love!”

while shouting

That’s why Yuna’s acting was amazing.

Because he showed eyes and expressions that can only be shown between lovers who have just started a sweet love.

The staff also burst into admiration for Yuna’s acting.

Even the people I worked with a few times were so surprised.

What about the people who met Yuna through the completed music video?

[Isn’t Yuna really dating?]

– That’s right. How the hell do you play that?

Honey dripped from my eyes

I’ve been in love a few times, but those eyes don’t come out except in the early days of dating.

ㅇㅇ I heard that you can only come out when you are completely immersed in the other person?

└ What do you mean? Don’t know Yuna’s acting skills?

└ Correct. When it comes to acting skills, the new actress that comes to mind is Yuna. Smoke all that

└ Wow, as soon as I saw the music video, I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I’m sure I’m watching it on the monitor, but my heart skips a beat.

└ So. Have you ever seen eyes full of love like that?

He showed such a sweet and perfect image that it made people react like that.

Even me? It was to the point that this thought came to me all of a sudden.

Of course, I kept watching from the side, and I was relieved because Arin, whom I almost lived with, said it wasn’t like that.

That’s why Yuna, who only digests her schedule at work, at home, and at school, didn’t have time to meet anyone.

At school, I even had a driver and bodyguard following me around.

Even Yuna was a child who didn’t even hang a pattern on her phone.

“It’s Yuna.”

“yes? Chief, why?”

Yuna, who was happy watching people’s bright reactions on her cell phone, stiffened at my words.

“Would you like to film a challenge video?”

Actually, I was worried.

Will you wait a little longer and watch? Or create an opportunity to explode right here and now.

After much thought, the conclusion was the latter.

“A challenge video?”

“okay. You know Sia’s <24 Hours>, right?”

there’s no way you wouldn’t know

At my words, Yuna nodded.

“Although the challenge of copying the choreography of a part of the song from <24 Hours> is prevalent by some people. A lot of people still don’t know.”

If Yuna participates in the challenge.

Now, when the interest in Yuna is higher than ever, the ripple effect would not be small.


This wasn’t simply to play Sia’s song.

“Actually, if Yuna and you did this, it would be so much fun at the upcoming university festival.”

“At the college festival?”

I can see Yuna listening to my words.

The college festival was literally a place to enjoy.

It’s not just about singing a song in a place like that.

What if you show the <24 Hour> challenge while communicating in between?

Or if you bring some of the audience up in between and hold a challenge competition?

What better atmosphere could there be?

I want the kids to go to the festival and not just sing, but literally enjoy the festival while communicating with the audience.

After hearing my explanation, Yuna made a tempting expression.

“It will literally be a differentiator from other event singers, right?”

“yes. You guys will be able to enjoy the festival you went to as invited singers a little more.”

If so, wouldn’t the synergy literally double?

Of course, the beginning and end of all this is in Yuna’s hands.

I didn’t mean to force myself to do something I didn’t like.

The most important thing was Yuna’s thoughts.

I did.

“I will.”


I heard Yuna’s answer that she would be happy to do so without needing any persuasion time.

“Isn’t that the suggestion the chief made with Shia unnie and me in mind?”

“Right. Especially, I think it’s an opportunity to let people know about Yuna’s unique charm.”

“Look at that. So I’ll try.”

Yuna’s eyes full of trust were directed at me.

< Episode 103 > End

< Episode 104 >

The reason I suggested it despite knowing Yuna’s creaking dance state was simple.

Yuna may be lacking in appearance, but if she shoots a <24 Hours> challenge video, she will be the biggest beneficiary.

There was also a high possibility of achieving greater results than Sia who sang.

“I need to make some changes to the way people see you and Yuna.”

“that’s right! I’ve been feeling a bit of that lately too. Even when signing autographs, many people find it difficult to approach me.”

Even though Yuna fascinated people through Arin’s <cherry blossoms> music video.

There were also many people who accepted that Yuna’s acting was the best.

The Yuna people see now is so perfect.

As Yuna said, even Yuna herself, who signs autographs with a chain sign, feels it.

“Maybe if this challenge video spreads, people will feel more friendly to you.”

Crazy looks that are unconditionally in the TOP 5 when selecting actresses for their beauty.

She is a conglomerate and the youngest daughter of KW Group Chairman Choi Gun-wook.

A genius acting ability that leaves everyone in astonishment.

And even his singing ability, which has grown rapidly before he knew it.

When a person is too perfect, it feels far away.

If Yuna was a top-class actress who filmed one film a year and only wanted commercials, that would be the best image.

From noble mtl dot com

Yuna’s main job was as a singer.

They are also excited about having fun with the audience at the college festival that will start this time.

That’s why, rather than lacking, I try to show the part where I can feel the human charm.

To be honest, it was a situation where people even responded that they were so perfect that they felt like they were from a different world.

“And this will help not only you and Yuna, but also the president.”



Starting with the last MT support, I was building up little by little.

It is the image of a father who loves his daughter so much.

For Chairman Choi Gun-wook, Yuna’s appearance, which looked too perfect, was likely to be a stumbling block.

That’s why Yuna needed to approach people with a friendly image.

“Is it too perfect?”

than this reaction.

“and. There was a human aspect that Yuna couldn’t do. But isn’t it so cute that I can’t?”

to get this reaction.

I just can’t do this kind of thing. There is such a lacking but cute side, not to show off. is to show

“If Yuna and your dancing were so bad, I wouldn’t have suggested it.”

“is it so? Were you okay then?”

Not that.

That Yuna’s face was done.

It’s obviously creaky and something awkward.

The fact that the person doing the dance was Yuna covered up all the shortcomings.

I wonder if even Shia, who taught me once before, said something like this.

“and. If a really pretty person dances, that becomes its own charm.”


creaking body.

While concentrating on the choreography, Yuna’s expression, as if hiding something shy, looked really attractive.

“Then, shall we take a picture in a little while?”

“ah. When I think about doing it, I get a little hesitant.”

After twisting her body for a moment, Yuna said awkwardly.


Even before meeting Sia for the first time, she was Yuna, who didn’t try to dance if possible.

“It was always helpful to you. There won’t be any harm. So trust me and give it a try.”

Yuna, who stared blankly at my answer for a moment, nodded.

“yes. Okay.”

while answering

Of course, Yuanna’s colleague and Yuna’s soul mate, Arin, sent an OK sign before even listening to the story.

“Is it helpful to Yuna? Then you have to do it unconditionally.”

From a certain point on, they were two people who seemed closer than sisters.


The door to the Cloud Actors office was opened roughly.

“CEO. Please explain the situation now.”

Lee Joo-yeon opened the door and entered with an angry face.

“Our actor. I’m in an executive meeting right now.”

Director Park looked at Lee Joo-yeon and said, For now, Lee Joo-yeon ignored even Director Park’s voice.

“It’s called an executive meeting, but all I can see is the CEO, the director, and the new team leader, Chief Kim?”

Lee Joo-yeon’s giggles continued.

The reaction of the three people was calmer than expected.

As if he had predicted that Lee Joo-yeon would come in angry like he is now.

“My actor might not know it well because he is concentrating on acting. Being a team leader is not something that goes up in order of seniority.”

“under. Now, is there a reason that Chief Kim should be promoted before our Chief Park Sang-heon?”

“When you become a team leader, you need to know how to coordinate the overall situation. By the way, does Park Sang-heon know anything other than taking care of Joo-yeon?”

At Director Park’s words, Lee Ju-yeon let out a ridiculous laugh.

Although the word was Cloud Actors, it was a company with a weight class comparable to that of a small and medium-sized business.

Cloud Actors was a small company with a little over 10 actors.

“If you become the new team leader in our company, what will be the size of the manpower to build the team?”


I could see director Park’s embarrassed expression, as if he hadn’t expected to say it so plainly.

“Juyeon-ah. This decision was made after considering all the opinions of the company above. No matter how much you say that you are an actor that the company cherishes, your current behavior is crossing the line.”

Lee Joo-yeon’s expression hardened at the words of the representative of Cloud Actors.

This was also a word to convey the will of the representative that he would not overturn the decision made this time.

If so, there would be no point in standing here with a sore leg and talking.

Because it was all over already.

“Okay, I’ll go. I’m busy with filming tomorrow.”

“There are advertisements in which Jooyeon came in front of you.”

As <Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate> topped the viewership ratings in the same time slot, quite a few ads came in.

Due to the breathtaking performances of Lee Joo-yeon and Kim Soo-jin, the ratings continued to rise without knowing the ceiling.

“Later. For now, I want to ignore everything else and concentrate on filming.”

After speaking, Lee Joo-yeon roughly closed the door and left the representative office.

When she opens the emergency stairway door, Lee Joo-yeon catches Park Sang-heon, who is sitting in a dreary place.

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