If you are a writer, you probably think of Han Ji-woo at least once in your work.

The synopsis that came directly to Han Ji-woo was also tremendous.

“I am a little friendly with Han Ji-woo.”


I was really surprised this time.

“Of course, that personal acquaintance and choosing the work are two completely different things.”

“I know.”

“But at least once in a while, you can ask the insincerity. but.”

As my words continued, Hana Kim inflated like a balloon.

“Don’t expect too much. The opponent is Han Ji-woo, who is currently the top class among actors.”

At these words, it shrank like a deflated balloon.

However, I was really happy when I said that I would ask him once.

It was because I knew that I could directly show my work to Han Ji-woo, regardless of the possibility of appearing.

the problem is.

It was that even if one side clung to it, there was a high possibility that the other side would reject it.

“So don’t expect too much. I will work hard for the great success of our author’s work.”

“is it so? Then I will only trust the CEO.”

Hana Kim nodded vigorously.



As soon as the doorbell button is pressed, a voice is heard along with a click.

– who is this?

I’m sure you’re standing in front of the camera so you can see his face, but he was the one who dared to ask.

“That’s me.”

– I don’t know who I am.

“This is Choi Woo-hyuk.”

The door opens with a chattering sound over the video phone.

The actress Kim Hana came up with while writing the work.

A person with the acting ability that won’t be pushed back even if he faces Yuna and shows an emotional confrontation.

It was.

It was our WH’s initial investor and building owner Han Ji-woo, a top star.

Han Ji-woo was rather an actor who could show off a presence that Yuna might be overwhelmed.

As for the script, such a picture could make viewers fall more in love with it.

Actress Dok Go-young praised Yuna, and actress Han Ji-woo, who can push her presence through acting, seemed very uncomfortable.

“Why did you come?”

“I feel like I’ve been neglecting it for too long. It’s not a big deal here, but I’ve prepared a present for you.”

“You know what? I almost forgot my face.”

Han Ji-woo, who was looking at me with a clear eye, takes the gift I prepared from my hand.

“I heard you are very busy these days. What about dinner?”

“I haven’t eaten yet to eat together. Have you eaten first?”

“no. wait a minute. I’ll make it simple in no time. I was just getting ready to eat dinner.”

An evening with top stars.

If someone saw it, it would be strange, but it wasn’t the first time for me.

It was because I was acquainted with Han Ji-woo and helped review his next project, and we often had meals together like this.

There, in the past, when Han Ji-woo went to learn cooking as a hobby. There were times when I was called to evaluate the taste of the result.

After a while.

Han Ji-woo called me as if he had finished cooking.

“I came here suddenly and prepared it roughly with what I had.”

“Home food has been around for a long time. thank you for this food.”

It is said that the words are roughly prepared, but it is quite generous.

The side dishes are probably the ones in the refrigerator, but the stew and tenderloin steak didn’t go well with Daerool.

Along with the meal, we exchanged stories about light current situations.

Then, suddenly, Han Ji-woo’s words came in.

“So, what’s your business today?”

“I came to see your face after a long time.”

“It’s been a while since I saw that our Choi Woo-hyuk’s joke skills have improved.”

At my words, Han Ji-woo smiles. It’s like saying don’t tell ridiculous lies.

“Because you have no talent for acting. And I’m Han Ji-woo. You can tell at a glance whether the other person’s words are real or acting.”


After scratching the back of my head for a while.

He revealed the real business that came.

“I came because I had a work I wanted to show you.”

Han Ji-woo’s eyes narrow at my answer.

“I just cooked you a meal. You worked hard to make dinner for someone who came with a sinister ulterior motive.”

It was Han Ji-woo who said so, but held out her hand as if asking to see it quickly.

“Would you like to see it after dinner?”

“Fat. Dinner is usually just a salad. I made it because I thought I couldn’t even eat home-cooked meals these days.”

Certainly, in front of Han Ji-woo, there were only salads that looked like side dishes.

There were plenty of stews and meats in front of me.

“More than that. CEO Choi Woo-hyuk, now the CEO, wants to propose a project to this actor, Han Ji-woo, right?”


When I said that I wanted to show my work, Han Ji-woo’s eyes suddenly changed.

That was not Han Ji-woo, who used to have everyday conversations, but literally the attitude of actor Han Ji-woo.

“As Choi Woo-hyuk knows, I am thorough in public and private affairs. No matter how friendly Choi Woo-hyuk is, if he doesn’t want to, he will immediately reject it.”

“I know.”

I, Han Ji-woo, was more prudent than anyone else when it came to choosing a work.

After thinking about it for a few days, the representative of the agency and himself.

I’m just asking for my help in making the final choice.

“Show me sooner than that. If it was an in-between work, I wouldn’t have come to you like this in the first place.”

Excitement can be seen in Han Ji-woo’s eyes as if he is looking forward to it.

Just as I ate the dinner prepared by Han Ji-woo. It is normal for a top actor to feel hunger for good works.

Thanks to Han Ji-woo who kept urging me, I had to get up from my seat.

“Then I will bring it.”

I handed over the prepared synopsis and script to Han Ji-woo. Then he started eating again.

It was a situation where I was hungry because I was already busy taking care of things.

Only the sound of me diligently playing with a spoon and the sound of Han Ji-woo flipping through the script resounded.

The taste was definitely the best.

When I first learned to cook, I had a creative taste.

From a certain moment, he showed the best taste as if he had become a different person.


There was nothing in the world that Han Ji-woo could not achieve.

Certainly, the food prepared by someone who hadn’t eaten in a while was delicious.

As I ate mindlessly, before I knew it, even the stew showed the bottom.


By the time the meal was over.

A moan escaped Han Ji-woo’s mouth.

It’s not something that could be misunderstood.

My fingers are sluggish, as if I was satisfied with the quick script.

“Who is this author? Hana Kim? It’s a name I’ve never heard of before.”

“That is my debut work.”


Han Ji-woo reacts as if he is surprised by my answer.

“yes. He is also a writer belonging to our company. And I am the daughter of author Cha Young-joo.”

“ah! I remembered.”

Ji-Woo Han clapped her hands, probably thinking of my words only then.

“It was very different from what I saw then, so I didn’t immediately think of it.”

“Certainly, it was very different from the synopsis that writer Cha Young-ju showed.”

From noble mtl dot com

At my words, Jiwoo Han nodded.

“Isn’t this finished yet?”

“yes. He said he would go into revision work for about a month more, so the final version will be a bit more complete.”


Let me put down the spoon and drink the prepared water for the last time.

“fun. I’m sure I’m looking forward to Choi Woo-hyuk bringing it to me with confidence.”

“Is that so?”

“What you wanted to show me here is the role of Gwangsu Daewon, the main character, right?”


It was Han Ji-woo who recognized the role I was trying to show at once.

“you’re right.”

“Certainly the role suited me better.”

If so, are you trying to come up with a positive answer?


Han Ji-woo’s answer that followed was withheld.

“It’s still not enough. I know I came here to convince you before choosing your next project.”

“you’re right. In fact, I came before it was complete because I wanted to show it before I was distracted by other works.”

I didn’t think that I would succeed in persuading a top actor all at once.

Even if there is no rejection, it is somewhere.

I should have persuaded him once again with the finished script.

Han Ji-woo, who put down the script, said, as if he had read my thoughts.

“Then let’s talk about my next project again when the script is complete. The work story ends here. Let’s talk more about how you’ve been. Are you okay to drink?”

“yes. I didn’t even bring tea because I thought I’d have a drink.”

“okay? Good job. If I just went, I would have been so sad that I would have blocked my contact information.”

Han Ji-woo laughed mischievously as if he liked my answer.


The script is complete.

The finished work was selected so wonderfully that I could exclaim even when I saw it.


Because my eyes that show the possibility of success are saying that it is more than a jackpot.

“Now, let’s start slowly.”

It was then.

that my cell phone rang.

– Woohyuk Choi. How is the schedule going?


It was the moment when the last puzzle that would lead the drama to success was put into place.

< Episode 105 > End

< Episode 106 >

The pockets of students who came to Seoul from the provinces to college were always light.

The cost of textbooks, food, rent, etc.

No matter how much I tightened my belt, I couldn’t ignore the money going out.

For such freshmen, the Department of Theater and Film at Joongseo University had a unique tradition.

During the three-day festival, a pub was opened in a place secured by the Department of Theater and Film, and the proceeds from the bar were distributed to the participating students after excluding a certain amount.

Why am I telling this story?

It was.

The period of college festivals has arrived.

“You know we can start at 3, right?”


“What about the ingredients?”

“I checked everything.”

Under the guidance of the student council and two experienced seniors from last year, freshmen who participated in the bar were busy moving.

“Alcohol can be sold after 6pm, so don’t forget. Last year, the tent next to me sold before 6 o’clock, and the tent was withdrawn due to two warnings. Until the festival is over.”



The freshmen trembled as if they had heard the scariest story in the world.

It cost quite a bit to prepare the ingredients. Of course, the cost was supported by the student council first.

As the senior said, if the tent was demolished, the investment cost would literally disappear like a bubble.

If that’s the case, you’ll be doing all the work you’ve been preparing up until now, and you won’t get a dime.

“So, let’s be careful and suffer for only three days. Last year I participated as a freshman and it was really the best.”

I heard from a senior that if you work hard for 3 days, you get a pretty decent amount per person.

That is why Kim Ji-soo eagerly puts the ingredients to the right place.

I was setting

In this pub, Kim Ji-soo’s role was cooking. The taste of the food is the most important, but Kim Ji-soo and Han Si-yeon, who were classmates, did the best.

“It’s Jisoo!”

A fresh voice called Kim Ji-soo.

There was only one person who called Kim Ji-soo with such an excited voice.

“uh? Is it Yuna?”

The most famous person at Jungseo University.

Yuna came to see Kim Ji-soo.

“Why are you here?”

Since it is a theater and film department, there were quite a few freshmen with agencies.

Such new students were not able to participate in the festival bar because the company manages them.

Of course, I thought Yuna was like that too.

“I’m here to help my friend. Instead, I can only help until 6:00.”

“really? I’m fine.”

“no no. They said that the flower of the college festival is the stage at night and this bar.”

Following MT’s talent show, it seemed that he had heard it somewhere else.

Perhaps she really came to help, Yuna’s outfit is quite light.

It was always like that, but even in such a simple outfit, her face shone.

“uh? it’s Yuna Why are you here?”

A senior passing by found Yuna and asked.

“no way. My friends are working hard, so of course I have to help them. I will help for a while until 6:00 and then go.”

“okay? Are you okay?”

It was not a question about Yuna’s personal opinion, but a question about Yuna’s agency.

“of course. I’ve already told the boss about everything. It will be difficult tomorrow because I have to come as the guest singer. I will help you today and the day after tomorrow.”

It was Yuna who helped set the table while humming a song as if she was excited.

Rumors were faster than feet.

People flocked to the store before it even opened when she heard that Yuna was taking orders from the Theater and Film Department tent.

The moment when freshmen try to panic in an unexpected situation.

Yuna quickly stepped forward, probably knowing this situation in advance.

“wait a minute! everyone! It’s not open yet, so please line up this way!”

Even the students who came to watch out of curiosity joined the waiting line as if bewitched by Yuna’s words.

“I knew I was going to do this, and I’ve been thinking about it.”

Yuna said to her friends who were confused about what to do with the sudden crowd of people.

“ruler! Here’s a waiting number ticket with Yuna’s signature. If you are nearby and your number is called, just show it then! Instead, if you don’t come by the time we call five times, we’ll move on to the next turn, so you must come!”

If people had gathered just to enter the pub of the Department of Theater and Film, complaints would have erupted.

“Should we have a quick bite next to us while we wait? The waiting number is also long.”

“Is that so?”

“OK. I’ll call you five times anyway, so you’ll hear all the nearby tents.”

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