Anyway, I was really surprised.

I knew that Ji-Woo Han had been learning to cook recently.

I thought that when the three of us had dinner together, we meant to solve it with the dishes we bought.

However, the dishes on the table were really made by Yuna.

“Eat before it gets cold. Food tastes best when eaten hot.”


It was Yuna who said what she had heard a lot.


After taking a bite of the side ribs that Yuna made, Arin’s eyes widened.

“Hey, is it delicious?”

Why is it a question instead of an exclamation?

After bursting into laughter at Arin’s reaction, I ate a spoonful of the stew Yuna gave me.


And I couldn’t help but have the same reaction as Arin.


Spicy and deep flavor that spreads in the mouth.

It was because it tasted the same as the stew that Ji-Woo Han sometimes cooks for me.

no. Do you think it tastes better than that?


Yuna grinned as she drew a V, probably expecting Arin and I to react.

“Is it delicious?”

“huh. It’s really delicious. It tastes much better than eating at a restaurant outside.”

Yuna nodded as if she was satisfied with Arin’s words, and her eyes turned to this side.

As if I want you to quickly hear my evaluation.

“I was surprised. Was this really made by you or Yuna?”

“I was also surprised. I lived without knowing it, but I have a talent for cooking.”

I tried other food just in case, but it was still delicious.

Not joking, really.

“ruler! Then let’s eat deliciously!”

The meal began with Yuna’s cry.

The atmosphere was heartwarming.

Really delicious food, Yuna’s drama that went viral, and Arin filming <Busking>.

It was a place full of good things.

It was then

Yuna suddenly asked me a question.



“To manage stress during filming, I plan to learn various dishes and try them when I get home.”


“Every time I come home and cook, my sister and I eat it all, and it turns into a pig. It is too precious to throw away.”

I nodded at Yuna’s words.

Even if it’s delicious food, if you eat a lot like today, you’ll gain weight.

Throwing away this delicious thing is nonsense.

“So, whenever the chief cooks practice, can’t you come and try it and give him a cold-hearted evaluation?”

“Not bad? CEO, you solve it outside every day. Eating outside food every day is irritating and not good for the body.”

Arin is also there.

It certainly wasn’t a bad suggestion.

Rather than cooking at home, I was the one who solved it with a line of gimbap.

Above all, Yuna just said that cooking is a way to relieve stress accumulated during filming.

It was also my job to help the actors in the company maintain their best condition.

“Is that so?”

Yuna smiled brightly and was delighted with my answer.

I didn’t know until now.

To think that I would become a maid of honor for Yuna’s numerous cooking research trips in the future.

< Episode 119 > End

< Episode 120 >

I visited Ringo’s studio after a long time.

To talk about what to do with Sia’s next album.

Although Sia said she wanted to prepare for the next album right away.

A comeback didn’t start right away because I wanted to do it.

The comeback timing that fits the song concept was important.

Especially for Sia who is a dance singer.

Who would be interested in listening to a song about a snowy landscape in midsummer?

“Is the representative here?”

“yes. Everyone has been waiting for you first.”

“Sia came in an hour ago. I even brought a sandwich to keep it safe.”

Ringo and Park Ki-beom are always working like Ji Park-ryeong in the studio. And three people were waiting, including Sia, who ran to the news that she was talking about her album.

Then, before we start talking about the full-scale album.

“Can I listen to the song first?”

“Of course it should. The representative just needs to listen calmly and give an honest evaluation.”

First of all, you should listen to the song and judge what it feels like.

After listening to the song Ringo prepared for Sia, the schedule for the future will be roughly drawn.

“Because a total of three candidates were prepared. Then we’ll play it right away.”

not one song?

I nodded my head once I knew it.

Rather good.

Being able to choose not just one song, but one out of three.

When Park Ki-bum played the song, a total of 3 songs came out in succession.

A version in literal MR state that has not even been recorded as a guide yet.

What captivated my ears was the picture the song drew.


“As expected, the CEO recognizes it as soon as he hears it.”

Ringo replied as I looked at the two of them with a surprised face.

As if I knew I would react like this.

Then he asks me a question.

“Do you know who the singer that springs to mind right now is spring?”

“Isn’t that our U & Na’s Arin? <Cherry Blossoms>, which was released last time, is literally a hit, and there are many people saying that it will be on the charts again when spring returns next year.”

“you’re right. So I prepared ambitiously with Kibum.”

“If there is Arin in spring. Let’s make it remind us of Sia’s song in the summer.”

Ringo and Park Ki-beom are right.

All three songs I just listened to were songs with the scent of the summer sea.


“When I heard it, the cool summer beach spread out in front of me under the blue sky. It was so exciting and exciting.”

“also! Exactly. That was the feeling that Kibum and I wanted to express. If Sia’s voice is added to this, the level of completion will go up even more.”

As soon as Ringo finished speaking, Park Ki-beom, who was next to him, supplemented the explanation.

“Arin in spring. And in the summer, I thought that if Sia could continue, that would also become a story.”

“Good idea. If this song hits the jackpot, our kids will be entirely responsible for spring and summer.”

To my words, the reaction of the three people present here is good.

And after listening to three songs in a row, I thought it was okay to carry out the plan I had briefly considered.

Even before I arrived here, I thought that the song Ringo and Park Ki-bum had prepared was one.

It was a song that I made with the inspiration that came to me while I was busy, so of course I thought it was one song.

However, there are three songs that the two of them made while thinking of Sia.


“How about trying this?”


Just as the song Ringo and Park Ki-bum made while thinking of Sia expressed summer, Sia’s next comeback was likely to be summer.

There is no need to quickly prepare and make a comeback now that summer songs do not fit the season or summer has not arrived.

Rather, releasing a perfectly prepared album at the right time is good in the long run.

That means we still have a little more time to prepare for the album.

“It might be a story that the composers have to work through more. For Sia’s comeback this time, let’s go with a mini album.”


Sia, who was listening with teary-eyed eyes, is startled by my words.

“When I listened to the three songs you just prepared, all of them were good. Did you think of giving it to another singer if you said you weren’t chosen?”

“no. I was going to clean it up right away when the CEO evaluated it as not good.”

I knew it.

It was a response that showed the craftsmanship of the song.

Because Ringo used to discard songs he made with momentary inspiration without any regrets if they didn’t pass the standard.

From noble mtl dot com


This time, all three songs I listened to were really good.

“It will be too sad to choose one of them, so let’s take them all.”

“Is that okay?”

“that’s right. Anyway, since midsummer still has some time left, there should be plenty of time to refine it.”

“There will be plenty of time for Sia to prepare for her comeback stage.”

It means that there is enough preparation period to create a high-quality mini album.

I moved away because we were talking about how to compose the songs for the suddenly decided mini-album.

As the two of them work as a team, coordinating opinions with each other is the most important thing.

After coming out of the door for a while, Sia’s face, which is still excited, catches my eye.

Seeing Sia like that, I told her why I decided to make a mini album.

“Sia. Didn’t I show you and Jay-Z the college festival stage the other day?”


“Do you remember what you said to me when we came off that stage?”

“of course. You told me you wanted to bring my songs to that stage later.”


The warm cheers and cheers of the audience.

A stage that shares the joy of breathing with the audience in real time, different from the music broadcast stage.

Sia and Jay-Z were running hard, aiming for that stage next year.

If so, I should make it as the company representative.

The songs that Sia will perform on stage next year.

Arin and Yuna, who were on stage at this year’s festival right away, sang their songs generously.

It’s next year, but Sia can’t show the floor without singing a few songs.

For dance singer Sia, there is no peak season like summer.

It’s such a waste of time to throw away a single digital single in this peak season.

Of course, if there weren’t any songs that I was satisfied with, I was going to make a comeback with only the best song.

All three songs Ringo and Park Ki-beom just listened to were good enough to satisfy my ears.

So you should take it all with you.

“Although the composers will suffer a little more. You often come and give me snacks to cheer me up.”

“Okay! Because we need two more songs to make a mini album.”

I see Sia, whose eyes are burning at my words.

There is something called canned food.

It means to confine the writer somewhere and let him write only.

Looking at Sia’s heat right now, I don’t know if that’s why she is canning Ringo and Park Ki-bum.


No need to worry.

Except for special appointments, they were noblemen who were confined to their studios and only composed music.

Since they used to be able to live on their own, it would be fine if Sia could help by helping.

So, Sia’s next album.

It was decided to be a mini album with a total of 5 songs.

Anyway, Arin is doing well.

I was leaving for the airport in the morning, so I said goodbye.

It’s just a busking performance overseas.

Anything special?


Derek was in Lisbon with only one manager on vacation.

“As expected, vacation should be spent quietly like this. Peacefully, not bothered by people.”

At Derek’s words, manager Brown couldn’t hide his anxious expression.

Even though they used to cover it up with sunglasses and a hat.

Derek was the superstar with the so-called aura.

A superstar whose fans are huge, not just in America, but all over the world.

<GOOD DAY>, which finished its activities last month, reached #1 on the Billboard chart not long after it was released. It was still holding a fairly high ranking.

Because it was Derek, people’s eyes were often directed to something special that could be felt even while walking with his face covered.

Derek doesn’t even seem to care.

“derrick. Be careful. If your identity is discovered here, people will flock to you and cause mayhem. Did you know?”

The company was also about to make a new request.

Knowing Derek’s stubbornness, I couldn’t stop him from going on vacation to Portugal.

After persuading to the end, even one manager, Brown, was able to accompany them.


It was then.

Derek’s steps stopped suddenly.

“Mr. Derek?”

Ignoring Brown’s words, Derek began to move quickly.

Brown hurriedly followed after Derek, not even shouting in case people would hear and notice.

The place where Derek stopped was a place where there were quite a few broadcast cameras and staff.

“Is this a broadcast shoot?”

However, the composition was a bit unfamiliar.

The staff and busking performers all looked Asian.

That was the moment.

The voice that hijacked Derek’s steps to this point was heard again.

“hello. My name is Arin from Korea. This time, I will listen to K-POP. Even if it’s unfamiliar, I’d appreciate it if you enjoyed listening to it.”

An electronic keyboard and an acoustic guitar.

And a voice that shakes emotions that comes through the lips close to the microphone.

“okay! This is it!”

Derek could feel the thrill the moment he heard the voice.


This thrill that only those who are born with a natural talent for music can make them feel.

I never thought I would feel it in this unfamiliar land of Portugal.

It even came from Korea.

It wasn’t finished yet, but that was a gem.

When Brown saw Derek’s expression, it became urgent.

It was Derek who always took a sudden action after making a face like that.

In the US, there would have been no problems with bodyguards following him and a company to deal with his unexpected actions.

This was Portugal.

not America.


“Oh, no.”

Did he notice what Derek was about to do?

Brown tried to stop him, but it was too late.

“Instead, what if we end our vacation here and return to the plane tomorrow morning?”

“That’s after… great. Instead, you must return to your accommodation as soon as it is over. For Derek’s safety.”

“okay. Shall we talk to the director over there then?”

Derek strode over and tapped the supposed manager on the shoulder.

“uh? who is this?”

During the filming, everyone’s eyes were focused on Derek, who naturally intruded among the staff.

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