“ But… what kind of money is that money…”

Because it was a small two-room, I had no choice but to pretend to be asleep and listen to everything.

The story of mom and dad swallowing tears all night.

I couldn’t understand everything because I was still young, but I knew one thing.

That Mom and Dad lost all their hard-earned money through fraud.

And the fact that you have to pay a lot of interest because you have debt.

next day.

Minjun naturally smiled at his mother and said,

“mom! Later, when I earn a lot of money, I’ll buy you a lot of delicious food.”

“okay. My mother is happy when Minjunie says that.”

And the decisive last night.

Minjun listened.

The situation of the house that has to move.

The situation came when I had to leave Seoul due to my father’s provincial appointment.

Dad said sadly that he couldn’t leave his mother and himself because he had no money.

So Minjun, who woke up early in the morning, said this to his mother as if he was tired of it.


“huh? Why my son?”

“My theater company will only go until today.”

Mom asked if he was surprised by Min-jun’s words.

“why? It was my son’s favorite.”

“I’m tired of it now.”

“Ah, lie.”

“It’s not a lie. I’m tired of playing now. I will study at home from now on. I will be a doctor when I grow up.”

While slightly delighted by her son’s words, the mother could not hide her worry.

Because it was Minjun who showed the happiest expression when acting in the world.

“Did you suddenly change your mind? Is studying more fun now?”

“There is that too. Acting is boring and boring now. I will do it until today.”

“Yes then. Anyway, let’s go ahead and decide. Understand?”


Sprout Children’s Troupe.

It was a place run by the city for young children who dream of becoming actors.

However, the support from the foundation sponsored by the company and the teacher who taught it were retired from active duty were the reasons why it was quite popular with mothers.

In particular, the fact that some of the children who studied here are working as active child actors made me enthusiastic.

If you move, there is a high possibility that it will be difficult to move around anymore.

Knowing that, Minjun also said that he wanted to stop appearing for the last time today.

“Today is my last day.”

“really? why?”

“The play is no longer fun, so I won’t do it.”

In order to show that what he said before coming was not a simple change of heart, it was Min-jun who had an accident as soon as he arrived at the theater.

“oh. Min-joon’s mother, then I won’t be able to see you from next week? it’s a shame. Min-Jun is so good that he was a good stimulus to my child.”

“yes. It’s a pity.”

“If Minjunie said he would continue, I was going to introduce him to a good audition spot this time.”

Minjun knew that those words were lies.

After she passed the test and appeared in the Sprout Children’s Theater Company, Juhan’s mother’s expression used to distort.

It may be because the child who monopolized the attention of the teacher and the children around him was in Korea until Min-Jun appeared.

I heard that Joo-han’s mother wanted to make Joo-han a child actor.

It seemed to pass by the other day, but how much did you brag about appearing in a drama for a while?

It was then.

The quiet mother’s cell phone rang.

“yes? Oh, I see. I’ll be right there.”

The mother, whose face was white, grabbed Min-jun by the shoulder and said.

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“son. I think my mom has to go to work for a while. I’ll tell the teacher, so you have to wait until mom comes back. Understand?”


Min-Jun, who looked behind his mother with worried eyes for a while. I immediately focused on class.

Because I know very well that today is the last class.

You have to learn well until the end so that you can study acting diligently by self-study.


How do you find a child actor that fits director Park Chan-woong and Lee Ju-yeon’s film?

The simplest way would have been to hold open auditions.

But it didn’t.

The biggest reason was director Park Chan-woong’s shooting style.

Director Park Chan-woong’s filming style, where he repeatedly shoots until the scene he wants, was not an easy one even for an adult actor.

As long as Lee Joo-yeon’s casting has already been confirmed, it is clear that the method will be more thorough in order to improve the perfection.

But for such a movie, child actors are selected through an open audition?

It was likely that there were more losses than gains.

There will be cases where you think of the existing filming site for your filmography and can’t follow it.

I needed a child actor who likes acting and knows how to enjoy it.

Rather, a child who knows how to enjoy seeing his acting grow through such repeated filming.

It would be the best if there were parents who silently support child actors so that they can exert their strength even in difficult filming conditions.

“CEO. What if we find one at this time?”

Lee Joo-yeon also said this to me.

“Not a bad idea, though. It will probably be similar to an open audition for a movie.”

If WH Entertainment held an audition for an agency looking for child actors, it was clear that a huge number of applicants would flock to it.

Maybe there will be children who meet all the conditions that are hard to find in the movie open audition.

But there were several reasons for not doing so.

The biggest reason among them was that there was still not enough manpower to hold auditions and handle the number of applicants.

There were quite a few celebrities who wanted to come to WH right away.

What if WH Entertainment announced that it would pick child actors?

There was a high possibility that mothers with strong skirt styles from all over the country would flock with their children.

It will cost a lot of time and money.

In that case, it would have been much quicker to actively utilize my ability, which was close to fraud, as I am now.

Parents who can genuinely support their children’s dreams. I had to find a child with such parents who had passion and talent for acting.

Where the hell is that kid hiding?

“Thank you for allowing me to observe today.”

“no. I hope there is a child who likes the CEO here today. They are all children who love acting and dream of becoming actors.”

I came because there was a children’s theater company that teaches children who dream of becoming actors.

Before coming here, I had been to a couple of TV stations.

I found one child with potential, but gave up.

When NG comes out, I see a mother who gets angry and beats her child.

I had no intention of bringing in anyone who seemed to blur the atmosphere of the company.

Even if it is a child with genius talent.

We built a strong castle called WH, but inside, it is easily shaken by small cracks.


It was then.

Another brilliant talent was discovered in my eyes.

But I didn’t move hastily.

Unlike adult actors, child actors are inevitably influenced by their parents.

Parents who are legal representatives are also parents, and parents who have a strong desire to raise their children as child actors also have strong opinions.

I was thinking of moving slowly after seeing the child’s mother.

I did.

Even though class was over, the child was left alone.

Apparently, the other children left with their mothers waiting for them.

As if not noticing my presence, the child started reviewing what he had learned today by himself.

you are good?

Certainly, as the talent that shows in my eyes says, I do well.

Despite being left there alone, he is passionate enough to practice what he has learned today.

More than anything.

Seeing the happy face of a child acting moved my heart the most.

I asked the teacher not to be wary of the child, and we approached the side together.



When I say hello, I bow my head to my belly button.

First impressions pass.

“Have your parents not come yet?”

“yes. Mom told me to wait here after class.”

As he spoke, the child’s eyes glanced toward the door.

It looks like she’s waiting for her mother who hasn’t come yet.

“May I ask your name? I’m not a weirdo Did you see that I just came with the teacher?”

First of all, I was approaching the child with the teacher to lower the child’s vigilance.

“I’m Minjun. Minjun Kim.”

“how old?”

“I am 11 years old.”


It’s not that his appearance is mature for his age, but he felt like a grown-up child with a story.

“Does Minjun like acting?”

At my question, Minjun shakes his head.

“It was great. But not from today.”

From today?



No answer came back this time.

The rough story was heard through the teacher.

When I showed interest in a kid named Minjun, the teacher explained it.

That I said I would only take classes until today.

I heard that you have to move due to financial problems in your family.

It’s a class twice a week, so the teacher caught on because it was Minjun who showed talent.

“sorry. I haven’t told Minjun yet, but my child knows about it. That there is a financial problem in the family. So maybe this week will be my last class. Sorry sir.”

To Minjun’s mother who puts down her pride and speaks honestly, the teacher said that she couldn’t hold on anymore.

It was because I was really hungry and the hard job was an actor before I became famous.

Even child actors had to do all the care for their parents while following them.

Until there is an agency.

“this. Uncle didn’t introduce himself. Uncle is such a person.”

I took out a business card from my pocket and handed it to Minjun.

Until now, when I received a business card, the reaction of surprise came back.

This time, there was only a dull reaction.

but i saw

The glance of the child’s eyes toward the business card.

After looking at the business card as if possessed for a moment, Min-jun shook his head and said sternly.

“mister. I’m not acting anymore. I will study and be successful. So I will make a lot of money.”

“Isn’t acting fun? I watched you earlier, but you smiled brightly during practice.”

“Acting is fun. But in order to continue learning, you have to come this far. So it’s okay.”


It’s not good to become an adult at such a young age.

It’s not an idle farce.

I’m not a philanthropist, and there’s no one in the world who doesn’t have a story.

However, the talent and enthusiasm of that child that I could see in my eyes was so pitiful.

I had already asked the teacher.

About what kind of people Minjuni’s parents are.

He said that Minjun’s house was quite far away. From there to here, he said that he came together every time for a child who likes acting, even taking two buses.

In addition, the teacher who had several conversations to discuss the child gave an evaluation like this.

“I’ve only seen Min-joon’s mother, but I really like people. There is no polarity like other children’s mothers. Always say hello first when you come.”

I heard that Min-Jun’s mother is also really nice to people.


This makes me want more.

“That representative.”

It was then.

The teacher who left the place to talk came back.

“I got a call from Minjun’s mother. He says he’s sorry that he’ll be very late to pick up Minjun today. They say that they are in a hospital right now and there is no situation for them to come this way.”

“it’s okay. Then I will take Minjun and go there.”

Rather good.

On the way, I wanted to find out more about this child’s passion for acting.

But I couldn’t speak right away.

Because of Min-joon’s gloomy appearance.

You probably feel it vaguely. Saying you can’t come from the hospital isn’t a good thing.

That’s why it was necessary to know Minjun’s mind before arriving at the hospital.

That way you can decide whether to invest or not.

“Min Joon-ah.”


“What if, what if. You learn to act to your heart’s content and do filming. What would you do if you could? As long as mom doesn’t suffer.”

“That’s… that’s practically impossible.”

Be realistic.

That might be the right story for me.

To pursue only dreams without thinking about reality.

However, Min-joon met a person who, like Cinderella’s fairy, could make the impossible a reality.

“If I could make that possible. Minjun, do you want to act to your heart’s content?”

“I would be really happy if I could. Mom said nothing is free in this world.”


I think we need a little more time to serve our young actor.

Still, one thing was certain.

If there are no realistic restrictions, Minjun is a child who wants to act to his heart’s content.


Min-juni’s mother, Kim Mi-ryung, was waiting for her son with a broken heart.

My husband was in a serious car accident while he was on his way to work.

Unfortunately or fortunately, it ended with broken arms and ribs, but it was difficult to move.

They say that luck and gifts come after continuous misfortune.

My eyes were reddened as to why only upsetting things came to me one after another, but I held back when Min-Jun contacted me that he would be arriving soon.

After a while.

When his son, Min-Jun, appeared with a man he had never seen before, he ran to him and hugged him.

“Min Joon-ah. Sorry. I said my mom was going to pick me up.”

“are you okay. Is Dad okay?”


I tried not to say

I ask myself if this little one has already noticed.

“Thank you so much for bringing our Minjun.”

Mi-ryeong Kim turned around and thanked the man who brought her son to this place.

“no. I was impressed by Min-Jun’s acting and wanted to see my mother. This is my business card.”

Seeing the business card the man handed over, Mi-ryeong Kim was startled.

“Hey, where is it?”

“Greetings. I am Choi Woo-hyeok, CEO of WH Enter.”

Kim Mi-ryeong turned into ice at the gift that came after bad luck.

< Episode 125 > End

< Episode 126 >

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