Now that interest in hip hop has increased more than ever through the broadcast of < Rap Legend K>.

Jay-Z was scheduled to release an album.

It doesn’t end there.

Fans who were moved by Jay-Z’s rap featuring on the final stage are waiting for the next performance.

I had just come across a good offer.

as soon as.

“Dreouf said Jay-Z wants to go to an event with you. What do you think?”

“really? I like it. It was really fun to go up to the final stage. Since we are fans who like hip-hop, the response was no joke.”

Draup has been contacted.

Would it be okay if we went to the events and performances that came in with Jay-Z?

In particular, I heard that there are many places to visit because of Grupo, who entered the label after winning <Rap Legend K> this time.

In addition, Dreup and Jay-Z, who were together as a producer team, were together.

“Then we will arrange the schedule. Let’s spend our busy days once.”

“yes. great.”


Early moning.

So, around the time around the evening, I got a call from Derek in America.

Before leaving, Derek said that he would rest a little longer, finish the concert tour at the end of this year, and start working on the next album.

When I met Arin, I said I would go on a trip that I couldn’t finish.

What’s going on?

– Mr. Choi! Did you stay well?

“I was doing well. What about Derek?”

– It’s me, it’s my break, so I have no choice but to get along well. Rather, I called Mr. Choi because he had good news.

good news?

The good news Derek was talking about must have been something related to Arin.

If so, I’m looking forward to it a little.

Even a small thing won’t give you such high expectations.

“I can’t wait to see what happens.”

– That song I recorded with Arin.

<The last piece>, which Derek finished several years ago, but couldn’t finish because he couldn’t find the voice he wanted.

After going to a busking performance with me, I shouted ok to Arin’s changed appearance. Derek mentioned the song he had completed after locking himself in Ringo’s studio for days.

“Mr. Derek. no way?”

– hahahaha. you’re right. I finished a song I wanted for a long time. Can I put this on hold again? I wanted to show it to people as soon as possible. <The last piece>. So, I’m slowly starting to work on the album.

“Congratulations. This is going to be a typhoon on the Billboard charts again.”

– It should be. It’s not another singer, it’s the song that made Derek want to start working on the album right away.

I couldn’t have called at this hour simply to say I’d start working on an album.

Especially since I just told you that I have good news for you.

– So I called Mr. Choi like this to ask him a favor.

“Please? You can speak comfortably.”

– After the release of the album, you will go on a national tour in the United States.

“You seem to want to be with Arin, who participated in the feature.”

– you’re right. But not right away. Even if I start working on it now, I’m aiming for an announcement by the end of the year.

As Derek had just said, it was really good news.

No, good news.

It was because Derek was the singer who always sold out all the tickets for concerts anywhere in the United States.

Even more so if it’s an all-American tour that takes place at the end of the year.

It would be a really good experience if Arin could be with Derek’s concert.

– Wouldn’t it be empty if Arin, who sang <The Last Piece>, the first song in the album to be released, falls into a national tour concert?

I couldn’t even react to Derek’s wild laugh.


What did Derek just say?

‘Arin featured in <The last piece> as the lead single and opening song?’

end of this year.

Arin’s advance to the US was suddenly decided.

< Episode 131 > End

< Episode 132 >

Chairman Choi Kun-wook called me.

“Chief Choi. Thanks to CEO Choi, there is no fuss about saying that people inside are very happy these days. It’s because of the drama featuring the youngest.”

Thanks to <Chasing to the End>, which became the hottest drama with a record high viewership rating, Yuna’s house is not a mess.

Then, a happy smile hung on Chairman Choi Kun-wook’s lips as he spoke.

“The youngest said that he was good at acting, and he was a very live shooter. Am I right? Thanks to the maknae this time, I also learned these terms.”

“you’re right. Taking care of the time when the drama starts is called a live broadcast shooter.”

Chairman Choi Kun-wook nodded at my words.

“Because the shooter said he had to be together. On drama days, you have to go home an hour before the start. The people below you rather like it.”

It meant that Yuna’s mother, Mrs. Kim Hye-in, was constantly watching the original episode of <Chasing to the End>.

In addition to that, his father, Chairman Choi Gun-wook, also said that he had to leave work on time on the day of the drama.

“I heard that CEO Choi introduced the drama writer to the youngest?”

“I was just signing an exclusive contract with the drama writer, and Yuna was there. That became a fate, and we ended up doing <Chasing to the End> together.”

“Isn’t that what it means? If it wasn’t for CEO Choi, I might not have been able to do it because I was out of line. So let me tell you.”

Chairman Choi Kun-wook cleared his throat with a sigh and continued.

It seems that the business that suddenly called me will continue.

“It’s not like the insider is making a fuss to bring you back one more time. He said that the last time he brought him out of nowhere and didn’t treat him properly.”

“it’s okay.”

“It’s okay! This year, no. Even if it goes until last year, I heard that the best drama is the one with the youngest? It’s not like the insider is making a fuss about wanting to take care of a meal while emphasizing that.”

“It’s really fine. You don’t know how sorry I was for suddenly losing my life at the president’s house the other day.”

Chairman Choi Kun-wook got angry, as if asking what I was saying.

As if the word debt was regrettable.

“this. CEO Choi seems to feel a sense of distance from me. I felt that I was quite close to CEO Choi. Is there no room for you to sleep in that large house?”

“Oh, no. It’s just that I came to see you suddenly and my wife woke up early in the morning because of me and even prepared hangover soup.”

As soon as I finished my words, Chairman Choi Kun-wook’s eyes shone sharply.

It’s like looking at prey that has bitten the bait.

“I mean, if only the insider is okay, CEO Choi is also okay. Then we will go together today.”


“I heard that the youngest has no filming today?”

“you’re right. I told her to rest at home because I didn’t have enough for Yuna to shoot the drama today.”

“So I asked the youngest. The insider wants to invite CEO Choi to his house once again. Hearing that, he said he would come running right away.”


It was an outcall.

Somehow, he suddenly called and asked me to come.

It seems that today’s purpose was called by Mrs. Kim Hye-in to bring me home.

Chairman Choi Gun-wook knew my busy schedule, so I didn’t call him well, but he called me because Mrs. Kim Hye-in missed me.

There was not even a way to deny that request and get out of there because of previous conversations.

As expected, it was a job like the chairman of a large company.

When I came to my senses, the conversation had ended in the direction Chairman Choi Gun-wook wanted.

“Let’s go. I’ve been getting calls from a while ago asking if CEO Choi was bringing you.”

That’s how I ended up being kidnapped rather than kidnapped.

“oh. Welcome. I don’t know if he brought CEO Choi all of a sudden without saying anything in advance.”

It was correct.

I came to meet Chairman Choi Kun-wook when he was suddenly contacted to come, and then followed me to his home.

But his mouth was saying something completely different.

“no. After hearing that my mother even prepared a meal for me. I was about to tell the president that I wanted to come sooner.”

“is it so? Could you sit over there and wait a minute? Because Yuna said she would come in a little while.”

Even a tiger will come when I say it.

As soon as Mrs. Kim Hye-in finished speaking, the door burst open and Yuna appeared.

“mom! uh? Has the chief arrived already?”

At Yuna, who was shouting for her mother and then turned her head towards me.

Mrs. Kim Hye-in clicked her tongue.

“This is why you said that raising your daughter at that time was useless. Yuna, you should wipe your hands first.”


Yuna, who was jumping in with excitement as expected, went straight to the bathroom at the words of Mrs. Kim Hye-in.

Would it be an illusion if he looked similar to Chairman Choi Gun-wook, who was going to change clothes at the words of first lady Kim Hye-in?

In any case, it was a moment to confirm once again who the real power of this family was.

The dining table was cordial.

The main topic of conversation was Yuna’s currently filming <Chasing to the End>.

In particular, Chairman Choi Gun-wook, who could not call Yuna due to his busy schedule, kept asking questions.

“you. What if I call CEO Choi and keep asking questions only to Yuna?”

“hahahaha. I’m sorry CEO Choi for this. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to see the maknae’s face since he’s busy these days.”

“it’s okay. After starting the drama, Yuna had a busy schedule, so I understand. And I’m fine because I talked a lot with the president earlier.”

“that’s right. We had a little business talk before coming. But we’re not going to talk about business with you and Yuna, so I’ll send someone after me.”

“Okay, Chairman.”

The topic of conversation naturally came to me at the words of Mrs. Kim Hye-in.

“So, I’ve been hearing these days, so CEO Choi’s company is starting to settle down?”

To be precise, it was in the process of establishing itself and growing steadily at a rapid pace.

It’s just in the public eye. From the perspective of Chairman Choi Kun-wook, it must have been just barely established.

“That’s right. Thanks to Yuna showing her best appearance in the drama, commercials are flooding in as well.”

“is it so? I didn’t know that this kind of day would come even when our Yuna was clamoring to become a celebrity. It’s all thanks to CEO Choi.”

“no. It’s all thanks to Yuna’s outstanding talent and hard work.”

It was then.

In this warm atmosphere, Chairman Choi Kun-wook’s words suddenly came in.

“Come to think of it, CEO Choi still hasn’t met anyone?”

“yes. Apparently, there are a lot of things I do to take care of the kids at the company with my own feet. I haven’t had time to meet anyone yet.”

“Suddenly, the CEO doesn’t try to do everything himself. Now we need to coordinate from above. So let me tell you.”

Yuna and Mrs. Kim Hye-in also seemed to have no idea what Chairman Choi Kun-wook was trying to say.

Because everyone was looking at Chairman Choi Gun-wook with curiosity.

“Could I introduce you to a girl from a good family?”




The chopsticks while eating were stopped all at once by Chairman Choi Kun-wook’s bomb that was suddenly dropped.

There, everyone was looking at Chairman Choi Kun-wook with a surprised expression.

I’m surprised that Chairman Choi Kun-wook suddenly introduces me to someone.

What the hell is wrong with Mrs. Kim Hye-in and Yuna?

“I have a friend who liked you. You insidiously asked me what kind of person you are. Even if the family isn’t big, they’re running a decent business. It has something to do with what you are doing right now.”

It seemed that an acquaintance of Chairman Choi Kun-wook asked about me.

But there would be no reason to find me in a business family.

Chairman Choi Kun-wook continued his explanation as if he had read my thoughts.

“CEO Choi seems to have liked the business skills and methods you are doing now. He said he was watching closely to see if he was interested in the entertainment industry as well.”


There were quite a few places that were interested in me running the company in a different way from the existing management companies.

Unlike other entertainment companies, I ran the company with my own philosophy and perseverance.

However, after watching me carefully like this, I really did not expect that I would be able to come to the senior position through Chairman Choi Kun-wook.

“President. that is···”

Yuna’s words were faster than mine.

“dad. Boss is very busy these days. Even the writer I’m working with in a drama right now is thinking about net movies as my next project.”

“Net movie?”

“huh. To receive investment from overseas rather than domestic broadcasters so that it can be aired simultaneously all over the world. And Arin unni has now recorded a song with a world-renowned pop singer. Is that right, boss?”

“uh? uh. Yes, sir. Thanks to you, I’m going to be busy again, so it seems a little difficult. After all, when overseas schedules are set in earnest, there will be things that I have to run again.”

Yuna nodded as if she liked my answer.

“Right? Just like my dad said, I’m just settling in and I’m trying to grow up in earnest. Where will I have time for dating?”

“That’s right. Still, it’s pretty good…”

“you. stop it. If you talk like that in a place like this, CEO Choi will feel burdened, so will you come next time?”

I replied that I would be busy because I had a new overseas schedule.

After Yuna and first lady Kim Hye-in helped, Chairman Choi Kun-wook took a step back.

“Hmmm. I’m sorry. I was asked to ask you a question the next time I see you.”

“no. On the contrary, it makes me feel good to hear that you look at me favorably.”

In this way, Chairman Choi Kun-wook was requested and the proposed position was passed as it was.

“right! dad. I told you that this drama is full of good things and we should celebrate it.”

“is it so. Our Yuna did well thanks to CEO Choi, so let’s celebrate today.”

“Hmmm. Could it be? Is CEO Choi okay?”

Everyone nodded as Yuna let out a congratulatory rhyme.

It was a rather good offer for me, so I gladly accepted it.

“I’m fine, of course. President. And a drinking party with my mother is always welcome.”

“is it so? Then I’ll bring you some simple snacks.”

Mrs. Kim Hye-in stood up and said she would prepare snacks.

“dad! I’ll bring you a drink.”

“okay. Since this is a place to celebrate you, Yuna, feel free to bring anything you want to drink.”

From noble mtl dot com

Yuna said she would bring a drink and disappeared.

Like that, Chairman Choi Kun-wook and I. When only the two of them were left, Chairman Choi Kun-wook brought up an unexpected story.

“this. It seems our youngest follows you just as well as his older brothers.”


When I replied as if I did not understand, Chairman Choi Kun-wook continued his explanation.

“When my older brothers first brought me as a new sister. I hated it back then as well.”

Chairman Choi Gun-wook speaks with a chuckle.

It was like taking out the old story of Yuna, who didn’t want to lose her brother.

“It seems that he trusts and follows CEO Choi like his older brothers. May CEO Choi take good care of our maknae in the future as well.”

“yes. I will think of her as my younger sister and take good care of Yuna.”

When I was having such a conversation with Chairman Choi Kun-wook.

Yuna, who went inside to get a drink, appeared.

with a mischievous face

Now that I can read Yuna’s expression, I’m sure.

That Yuna was acting like a petty revenge towards Chairman Choi Kun-wook.

But why did Yuna go to Chairman Choi Kun-wook?

That thought came to mind, but Yuna took out a bottle of alcohol that crossed her mind.

“Voila! A good drink on a good day.”

“Yu, it’s Yuna.”

Chairman Choi Geon-wook is taken aback when he sees a bottle of alcohol in Yuna’s hand.


I think I’ve been through a similar situation before.

“dad! What did Dad say when I had the highest ratings of the year? You said it was the happiest day in the world.”

“Yeah, it was. But it’s Yuna.”

“And the last time I cooked for you, you told me to tell you anything you wished for. Is it a waste of alcohol, Dad?”

“Not that. it’s Yuna I’m going to drink it next time there’s something really nice…”

“mom! Daddy must not be very happy!”

When Yuna called for reinforcements, Mrs. Kim Hye-in, who had been away saying she would bring snacks, appeared.

“you. Today, it is also the place to serve representative Choi’s meal. It’s a day to celebrate Yuna’s happy work. I will buy it again next time.”

“Hmmm. Right. Shall we start drinking then?”

The alcohol Yuna brought was something I had already tasted.

as soon as.

“Louis XIII Black Pearl! I never thought my dad would prepare this again for me. Thanks Dad!”

It was Chairman Choi Gun-wook, who melted away at Yuna’s aegyo.

But that was only for a moment.

Starting with Louis XIII Black Pearl, as the number of similarly priced bottles increased one by one, we could see Chairman Choi Geon-wook’s expression looking sad.

Chairman Choi Gun-wook and Mrs. Kim Hye-in were also seen looking at Yuna and making a funny face.

Then, seeing me, Mrs. Kim Hye-in asked me with a strange expression.

“oh. CEO Choi seems to be okay today?”

“I think it’s because I got a little closer to my mother. The last time I saw you for the first time, I was nervous.”

“is it so? I am happy to hear that CEO Choi seems to have become close to me.”

I prepared the medicine in advance because I thought this situation would come.

Thanks to this, we were able to prevent the situation where the film cuts like the last time, even though the drinking party was prolonged.

“I’ll prepare hangover soup for you tomorrow morning too, so go eat it.”

“Thank you, Mother. And I found one that I really like. I will visit Yuna and her mother sometime soon.”

“is it so? It’s good to just listen. I will expect.”

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