Chapter 21: This sour plum soup recipe is going to be sold, no worse than Lao Ganma!

The visitors were none other than Su Can and Lian Qingxue. to be honest.

When Su Can saw the scene in front of him, he was shocked.

This is so fucking outrageous.

My stall hasn't even been set up yet.

Good for you!

Is the queue almost reaching the school gate?

What's even scarier is.

When everyone saw Su Can appear.

They all burst out into shouts.


"Brother kid, you are finally here, we miss you so much!"

Su Can was puzzled.

Are these college students all idle with nothing to do?

Are they just waiting for me to come over and make food for them?

At this time, Lian Qingxue, who was riding a tricycle, seemed to have thought of something. He hurriedly rushed Su Can said,"Yes, maybe it's because of the weekend, they should be on holiday!

Su Can was stunned:"Then you won't take a holiday?"

Lian Qingxue shook her head helplessly:"Boss, I'm in my senior year of high school and I only have one day off per month!""

Hearing this, Su Can nodded.���, an expression of pain instantly appeared on his face.

It seemed like he was recalling the miserable senior year of high school in his previous life.

There is a saying that goes well!

It’s normal to miss your senior year in high school.

But if anyone really wants to go back to the senior year of high school, then he must be a bad guy!

Su Can became more determined not to follow the path of studying in this life..........................................

After arriving at the previously fixed stall location,

Su Can first set up the stall by himself.

Then he said to Lian Qingxue

"Sister Qingxue, it will take me a while to set up the stall."

"You first sell some sour plum soup, which costs five yuan a cup. If anyone wants to drink it, you can give them a cup directly for a fee."

Hearing Su Can's words,

Lian Qingxue nodded quickly.

Then he carried a kettle filled with sour plum soup.

Holding a bunch of plastic cups, he started to sell the new sour plum soup to everyone.

Because everyone had already heard about it before Su Can came over. The team was photographed.

So in order not to ruin the team,

Lian Qingxue could only sell cups of sour plum soup along the line.

But what she didn't expect was that the sour plum soup, which cost five yuan a cup, was surprisingly popular..

As soon as everyone heard that it was the ancient sour plum soup made by Su Can himself, it didn’t matter that it cost five yuan a cup.

You had to get it today!

"Miss, is this the sour plum soup that Xiaohai made himself? I want a cup!"

"And for me, I love sour plum soup the most. I’ve been waiting in line for a long time and I’m almost dying of thirst!"

"The weather is so hot, you have to drink something cool like this. Give me one too, little girl."

For a while, almost every customer in the queue asked for a cup of sour plum soup.

Lian Qingxue was exhausted.

Each time this small kettle was filled, it could pour about four or five cups.

And there were about 150 guests here.

In other words, Lian Qingxue had to run back and forth 30 times to pour a cup of sour plum soup for each guest.

In the end, a few college students with friends or parents couldn't stand it anymore.

They asked their parents or friends to help them take a seat and ran over to help Lian Qingxue pour the sour plum soup.

Of course, this hard work was completely worth it.

Almost every customer who drank the sour plum soup showed an expression of surprise on his face!

At first, What do you think?

Although it is made by Chef Su himself, how delicious can a bowl of sour plum soup be?

Most people just drink it to quench their thirst and show their support.

But I didn’t expect that once this sour plum soup is in your mouth, you will instantly feel refreshed and happy!

The heat and boredom caused by the queue before are also swept away in an instant!

The ratio of sour and sweet is perfectly balanced.

After drinking a mouthful of sour plum soup, it feels like every pore in your body is liberated.

And more importantly, after taking a mouthful of sour plum soup, people feel that their taste buds are activated again.

Some people who originally had no appetite due to waiting actually felt their appetite increased greatly at this moment.

Some can’t help but want to eat something........... certainly.

The above are the feelings of some ordinary people.

And let’s talk about the person who is most excited at the moment.

And none other than Hu Dafu!

Originally, he was not convinced and wanted to follow his son to see what the so-called eight-year-old Master Su was like.

But drink this sour plum soup!

He was convinced instantly!

As a chef, he is naturally more picky than ordinary people when it comes to food.

Sour plum soup is the most representative classic drink of Long Country.

Of course he also knew something about it.

Such a delicious sour plum soup.

To be honest, it was also the first time for Hu Dafu to drink


"Don't tell me, son, Master Xiao Su is really good at it!"

"This sour plum soup has a mellow taste, smooth texture, distinct layers, and every flavor is blended just right!"

"I dare not say anything else, just relying on the skill of making sour plum soup"

"If he is willing to take out this formula!"

"Those beverage companies are probably going crazy, even if they don't reach the level of household name like Lao Ma Zi Doubanjiang"

"It instantly kills 99% of the drinks on the market, so I don’t think there’s any problem at all!"

Hu Dafu was telling the truth.

He could taste it in one bite.

This sour plum soup is definitely made by the ancient method.

The ratio of each ingredient is perfect, and the key is that it doesn't have the sourness of other ancient sour plum soups.

I really don’t know how Master Xiao Su did it

"Of course!"

"Dad, you have been a cook for more than 20 years after all."

"Are you stunned by a bowl of sour plum soup?"

"You haven’t tasted Brother Xiaozi’s other crafts yet!"

"The egg fried rice and braised beef noodles are amazing!"

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