The soul of Danshi is rare, and the guard is only available from Merna. Making a manpower, material, and financial resources that are still expensive, it can imagine.

Liang Guo is a country that believes in the witch. The power of Shen Ling is on Liang Guolling, the status of the Son of the Son of Siao is more expensive than Wang Zi's master, and that is probably the power of the kings. If Lin Yuner once gave Xiao Wen, she had deeper contact with Liang Guo.

This is the guess that guess the night's gika and the heavily discussions. Just there had many doubts at that time, for example, there is no exact evidence that Lin Yuer is a person. After that, Lin Yuer said that she is a fragrant daughter, who lived in Liang Guo, but the woman of the merchant is more impossible to have a daughter.

Nowadays, it is taken out from the Richetikou - the he knows, and once admitted that he is a liang, and there is a disgust against Liang Guohuai.

This can be different from the rhetoric of the forest now.

Ji Yue heard the gentleness of heroism, if you think: "So ... the world is really one of the souls?"

They have not seen another Lin Yuer so far. The only abnormality is the night of the mountain, and Lin Yuer suddenly saved Xiao Wen, but also let people follow, after another, I don't remember this.

That look does not seem to be a pseudo, not to mention the high-top acting, and there will be no shape in front of Gho and Waving.

"I used to read it in the words. I only felt absurd, I didn't expect it." I have a lot of words to read the experience of reading the experience of reading. "The folk often has a ghost, and the fox fairy These ambitions. There is also the undead attached to the soul. If you don't have the soul of the body, you will have two souls to compete for a body control. "He said, the more you think it makes sense, feel I have a truth in my own, and I ask for a face, "I am right?"

Waving is not given to the face: "Continue ghost."

: "..."

It is very wronged.

"Then you are." Ji Ya is lazy and later. The operation has specially attacked. He is a political home. It is not a missionary to grasp the ghosts. It is not a mystery teacher, explaining the strange phenomenon. It can be said that a shocking speculation has broken through the imagination of ordinary people.

It is more than a matter of warring, and there is a disease in the world, called dissociation. "

Gikou suddenly realized, gently headed.

Warfare, he: "Understand?"

Ji Yapo shook his head: "I didn't understand."

What is the dissociation? This noun he has heard it.

This is the word "corpse", and the Tai Hospital is also very awkward. It is completely exceeding the scope of the cognitive.

"Didn't understand what is your head?"

Ji Yue has no principle: "You are right, although I haven't understood, I feel very reasonable."

I just want to seriously speaking, I suddenly didn't hold back: "... You are really."

He received a laugh, and continued to give Jiyou Science: "This is also a disease, but not physical disease, more inclined to psychological and mental illness. Patients usually have been huge, if they can't bear this pain, Split others in your mind instead of the memories of his pain. "

"This split person can use the personality to call. The body originally called the master person, and the division is called the child." Warfare said, "child personality is also divided into many people. Double personality is very small, they tend to have triple four or more or more. Each personality has different names, character, memory, face and gender, good at different things, with a complete pass experience. Just like A completely different people live in a body. "

Ji Yue is listening to it.

"Some children are born for protecting the owner, bear the painful memory of the owner's personality, acting as the role of the guardian. Some are the ideals of the owner. Some is the dark side, will have an attack, and even want to kill the owner. ... ... "Warfare one by one," "There is no interworking between personality. Some will have a short sense of consciousness in the conversion, some know the existence of other personality, some don't know, in some personality When you control your body, the other personality will fall into sleep. After they wake up, they should know that their bodies have been moved by other people. Even if they only lose, and even there can be automatic replenishment of the full experience to fill memories. "

Ji Yapo is slightly emptied.

Safety, you will hit this: "I know you can't understand, don't install it."

: "..."

Guardian said: "In fact, I can't understand. The master gave my medical book, I made a whole, recorded it. I also encountered a real case."

The theoretical knowledge is still sufficient, and practical exploration needs.

Ji Yapo: "Since it is a disease, then can it have a method of healing?"

"Yes." Guasheng calmly, "guided by hypnosis, combining the personality or ..." he suddenly doned, "killing personality."

Kill personality. This sounds a bit horrible.

A personality is already an independent spiritual individual. It is really integrated or eliminated.

But who is present in the field did not kill the real person?

So they still discuss it very calmly.

"If Lin Yuner really suffers from alternatives, then this Lin Yue is probably not the clue we want, or says there is not all the clues." If he is thinking, "then, you should figure it out. A few points. Lin Yuer has a total of a few personality, who is the owner of the person, there is a memory of different personality, what she has experienced ... These issues, I have broken her heart, and I will have a hypnosis. "

Gihye is fierce: "Do you hypnify?

He heard hypnotism, and the powerful person can even hit the murder in invisible.

How many things he shaken? ? ?

Warfare: "I have nothing."

Ji Yapo is not expressing him.

Warate thinking, honesty, "I am a doctor, I see this disease is very unfortunate, I also involve some psychological categories and spiritual fields. I mainly treated physical treatment, hypnosis is not high, only dissociation Patients are easily hypnotized than ordinary people ... "

"So," I asked seriously, "Do you have thought that he had a hypnosis?"

"No." Guardian said.

Gikh is gentle.

Warfare also said: "I want to have such a big matter, when you order the penalty, I should suggest you to sword."

: "..."

Waving is accompanied by the mouth. This thing is instantly poked the soft ribs of Gik, so that he is gone.

That is definitely what he lasts in this life, no one.

When you look at the look of Ji Yapan, you know what he is thinking, hook the lips: "Is this going to turn it off early? If you feel that you can't go, you will have a good night, you must Give me a pick. "

"I don't pick it up." Gi Yapo said, "I put you on the day, you go to pick it."

Warfare's eyes have a laughing: "All make you less, getting more and more acid."

"This sentence is not a word." Ji Yue is holding his face, "This is a promise, I will give you. For a lifetime, I will continue."

Waiter looked up and blinked: "Then I can believe it."

He did not believe in his promise, and he would never believe in the world. Everything is solved by her own, and the days have also been.

It can be used to believe that a person can be happy.

Entering night, Ji Yapo and Waitual Sleeping a couch, both sides have no sleep.

After all, what happened to Lin Yuner is too incredible. This will not know that the Liang Guo man is endless, Xiao Wen is drunk in the place where they are separated. So many things happened, how can people sleep.

However, Ji Yapo and Guardian are now not thinking about it.

Ji Yapiang lying on the bed, looking at the house, recalling: "I suddenly remembered that when you first saw you, it's a smooth look, and it was really two faces." He turned over to pinch the face of the face, "Wei Small convergence, you should not be a double personality? How can I play? "

Warfare eyes, instantly contained fog, Chu Chu, said: "Is it necessary to investigate the minister?"


That's right, this expression is this tone.

Poor and innocent, delicate like a small white flower that is easy to be destroyed, deceived him.

"It's enough." Ji Yue is no longer the day of the true Qin Wang. He can have indifferentted in the eyes of the warruily false.

Waving is more sad: "Is the minister not getting the pity?"

Hey, addictive.

Ji Yapo, with him, laughing: "Love is the sky, this real master, which child? He is not like you."

Guardian Q: "What?"

Jiyou knocked him with his forehead: "Clarile dripping, a white lotus pattern. I heard that the person will have different names. What is your name? If you don't want it, you will call you." His hammer sound.

Wei Lian: "..."

Harmony is very powerful.

"Lonely doesn't like white lotus, I don't want to see you for the time being." Ghike is cold and ruthless, "" For a personality, I have to see Chiczi. "

? ? ?

Wei Yuli smiled: "Do you love it? It's coming?"

Jiye Guangming is a road: "Lonely."

Wei Yulian Q: "Is it not true?"

: "You don't know, Zhizhi has a lot of waves on the couch."

Waving has a very cute little habit. He is very open at home, enthusiastically and sticking, but also shy like a turtle, always wrapped his own wrapped in a small quilt and did not let Yan Yapo. After waiting for the clothes, it will restore it into a cold and cold group, just like anything.

Ji Yapo smiled: "Swing, this forgotted last night's appearance?"

Wei Gong is always corrective: "Last night is Zhizhi, not me."

Anyway, the name of Zhizhi is already enough, just don't want his face.

It was said that he was suddenly said, the guard is annoyed, and the cold is said: "The bed loves to guard, and the bed loves Zhizhi, the man is really a virtue."

Ji Yue, kissed him: "So cute, it seems Zhizhi."

Wei Zhi Zhi did not accept: "Is it not cute?"

"Chiczi, don't mention the name of another man in bed." Ji Yapo said.

Wei Zhi Zhi: "..."

Ji Yapo is really quick to use this personality infarction.

Wei Zhi Zhi immediately switched back to the guardian personality, and the cold and precious sister smiled. He went down to the bed: "Roll to the next door and Luo Zahai to die for your death!"

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