Waving is an action, with an idea, soon put into reality.

On a day of the night, Xiao Wen just took a break in the room, and the window on the window was flashing, and the director is the direction of Lin Yuner.

Xiao Wen was soaring, immediately pushed the door to chase it.

Two figures fly out of the inn, falling together on the roof.

Xiao Wen is looking forward to the masked black man: "Who are you?"

Black people do not send, directly.


In the inn, after Ji Yipu, he heard the door of Lin Yuner.

Otherwise, he has been staring at Lin Yuner's nervousness at the moment, he can't find the opportunity.

Lin Yuer was resting on the couch, heard the opening of the door, opened his eyes in an instant, and the medicine powder was straight to the face.

Walking the rivers and lakes must always have a living thing in life.

Warfare folding fan opened, and the potions were assessed in the ground.

Lin Yuner saw that he was a heavily, and the gesture was relaxed, and Xiao Xiao said: "Lang Jun is bartending into the slaves in the evening, and does not knock a door."

"It's hard, what is it to taste the taste of women?"

"The girl is laughing." Warfare jange into the door, the back hand closed the door, the eyes were concerned, "I just heard the outermost unusual movement, worried about you."

"How do I don't have the slave home?" Lin Yuner smiled lazy, "the slave is good."

Waving is more worrying: "In case of Xiao Xiong ..."

"What happened to him?" Lin Yuer out.

Looking at the eyes of the sky, Lin Yuner suddenly took a look, he said: "His is big, can you have?"

Waters and laugh, slowly get close to: "The girl looked down."

Lin Yuner did not twist him directly: "What happened?"

Welcome black eyes are deeply unspeakable, gently ask: "Is it good to see?"

Waving is naturally very good. However, he will not ask such a word, Lin Yuner's heart is suddenly enrolled, and it is unfortunate that his heart has been traded.

The incense burner is burn off, Lin Yuner has gradually lost his gods and becomes empty.

The heavens have a successful syndrome, and finally tone.

He is also the first time to give a hypnosis. If you don't have a month, Lin Yuer is not so alert, and it is easy to succeed, and he may not be successful once.

From a certain extent, the Galant is indeed a difference. If you learn, you will pass.

Waving did not waste time, immediately asked the first question: "Your name."

Lin Yuer slowly replied: "Lin Yuner."

"Your life."

"Chu Guo ... father is a fragrant manufacturer ..." Lin Yuner said in concurrently, and all the information she had said.

This is right with the guessing guess. Lin Yuner did not lie on the lie on subjective will. She said that she is really what she thinks.

Verify this, G / F, the topic: "How is the incense on your body?"

Lin Yuner silent for a moment, suddenly there is a meaning of biting teeth: "It is ... being hurt by the woman!" The strong angry almost made her breakssenger.

Warfare immediately increase the hypnosis, continue to ask: "Who is the woman?"

"I don't know ..." Lin Yuner's heart, "I only know that she is in Wang Cheng, the identity is very distinguished, and it is very beautiful ..."

"What do you come to Wangcheng?"

"Let's find her to revenge."

"What did she do for you?"

Lin Wei was quiet for a while, and he replied: "I was taken away when I was a child, and many children learned to be poisoned. She was transformed into us, from the age of 14 ... The body has not been away from this man. It will be very uncomfortable, it is difficult to die, will lose rationality. Don't do more with a man, he will die ... There is a time I have been too long - I don't know why I have to endure it, anyway, it is I haven't finished ingredients, and I ran to the outside ... I resumed the reason ... I saw a lot of people died in me ... until the age of 18, was found back in the home, move back to the Central Plains. "

Because it is in hypnosis, Lin Yuner is not too organized, but it can also understand.

Guardian Q: "Do you like men and women?"

"I like it. I like it."

"Since I like it, why should I revenge?"

"One thing, I can do it voluntarily, but others can't force me." Lin Yuner's eyes, it has been extremely sleepy, "I just want to sleep men, don't want to kill people ..."

Asking here is almost the limit. Continue, she will collapse.

Warfare asked the last question: "Do you like Xiao Wen?"


Waitage looks very quiet, as if it is looking at another person through this pair of sac: "In fact, I went to see Xiao Wen again. He let me see your safety, don't take him."

Xiao Wen was seriously injured. "

He talks to another personality hidden in the body of Lin Yue.

The personality can be consciously coexisting. It means that when a personality dominates the body, the other personality does not sleep, or you can feel everything in the outside, even short memory.

The subcomponent is tired in the hypnotic hypnosis. If the owner is willing to come, it can take this opportunity to wake up and control the body.

Waving and lindering her Xiao Wen seriously injured, but also to stimulate the owner.

Sure enough, I heard Xiao Wen, Lin Yuer's momentum turned a clear struggle, and his fingers were not lifted by control.

It is just a short moment, and the slightly light is re-quiet.

The owner is far more imagined to be imagined.

If Xiao Wen personally occurs in front of Lin Yu, the owner is probably not coming.

Real estate, the guard is not asked. Don't end the hypnotic Lin Yuner will not stand.

He has gone a lot today.

"Sleeping well." The guardian finished, Lin Yan was exhausted, and he went back.

If he hoses the door without anything, it seems that he has never been there.

Xiao Wen hit half, I found it wrong. The other side just like a cat's mouse, but didn't do it.

I am afraid that I am tiger.

Xiao heard that the other party also had a relationship to Lin Yue, no longer love the war, and retreat.

Ji Yapo's estimated time is almost the same, and the heavens should be completed, and there is no chasing.

Xiao Wen 100,000 fired back to the inn. After the door is found, Lin Yan is sleeping well, it will put down a heart.

He still had doubts about the sudden black people who suddenly appeared tonight, and he intended to knock on the door of Wei Yunzhiyun.

After all, the two martial arts can be much higher than him, and it is impossible to discover movement.

Moreover ... Xiao Wen is actually a little doubt. He didn't encounter an enemy in the rivers and lakes. How can there be so many martial arts than him in this short time? The shape of the black man and the cloud is too like, and he will not think more.

I didn't expect that he was planning to knock on the door, he heard the breath of the young people: "Fu Jun, light ..."

Then the man gentle and won the whisper: "How did the brother can't stand it?"

Xiao Wen: "..."

He is doing something wrong to just hit this.

Xiao heard is complicated back to his room.

Although he didn't have any prejudice against the breakdown, he accidentally heard that his psychological impact is still quite big.

At the same time, he recovered that doubts. If the two are just ... what is that is that, it should be noticed that there is no movement outside. He will ask if he will ask.

It is more impossible to be the black man.

This pilp is destined to become a mystery of Xiao Wen's unknowned.

In the house.

Waving low channel: "Go."

Gi Yapu is higher than Xiao Wen, even if it comes back from another road from another road, it is too early than Xiao Wen, but it is just the distance between the front and rear feet.

Basically, Ji Yapang has just come in from the window, and the night is not replaced, Xiao Wen is planning to knock on the door.

Such a short period of time is of course not going to change clothes. Waters are in an urgent worry, and the "Fujun is light" in his mouth, and quickly put the Dressing in the quilt in the quilt.

Gihya also responded very quickly, it is only to send Xiao Wen to go.

Ji Yue is destroying the nightclothes, "Success?"

"The owner is not coming out." Warfare said, "But now this Lin Yu is almost informant."

He will get the message original this this tells Ji Yue, then said: "These news may not be true."

"The personality assumed the painful memory belonging to the owner, but did not know the existence of the master." Warfare said, "So things that the master experience will be rationalized by another way, so that the personality thinks that is What she experienced. Lin Yuner's past, not necessarily true, but at least there is a combination point. "

"The real Lin Yan, the same as a group of children, is the victim of a woman. She has no self-control from the age of fourteen, and she wants to be fired, her madness, but madness, but With the same person, he will die many times. "Warfare pursue said," I guess that she has tried forced tooth resistance, and the result lost reason, ran to the wild, and be a group of her beautiful men ... "he exposed Patient look, "then ... those men are dead."

Waving pity is not the man who is greedy and beautiful, he is poor is the woman who is not insulted.

Probably, in that stimulation, huge pain stimulating women split a new personality.

Ji Yapu: "What is virus that she turns her to such a person."

"I doubt, the woman hurts her." Warfare is cold, "is a person who cursed you."

"I just broke into Lin Yuer's room and found a problem. She used the poison powder, and Merna did it."

"She used to be forced to learn tox with a group of children, and control their high weight of their women and appearance."

"Jiye," Guardian Road, "to the Qin State People until people who have shot, must have the interests between countries and countries."

"Liang Guo is the country of Shenshine. I thought that the people of the curse came from Liang King Room, but they saw it all the way, and the people here were more respectful than the royal family. I listened to them, the national witch is a beam. The people who have the highest vodes of downsides.

The national witch is the unique position of Liang Guo. It is responsible for communicating with God, and the status is sitting in Wang Ping, and even more than the king.

Liang State has a complete set of ignitation system. The Minzi is the sacred and saint.

"Then I think, compare the nature of the general people, this fascinating national witch, I am involved with Merna, and Lin Yuner seems to be related, more things ... I will curse you."

After Ji Yue listened, I first felt that it was aducing more than a smart musical, then suddenly responded: "Who do you listen? Do you not understand Nanjun?"

"It is not a month ago." Warfare doubts, "Is it not a language in this month?"

Language environments here, plus Lin Yuer acts as a translation, he has always had a payment word, and everyday communication is no problem, and pronunciation absolute standards.

Just not read it.

: "..." He really didn't.

Feel your own waste.

Warfare comfort him: "Nothing, nothing can be as not as I am."

Ji Yapo and Garage are a genius-type person, but the operation is specially attacked, and genius has its own strengths. More talents of Jiye are lighting on military fights and governance.

Safety Tensone: "You don't have a common language."

He is not happy: "You should praise the advantages of counting, not to make me a lot of shortcomings."

Ji Ya immediately changed him in a manner: "Your poisoning skill is really strong."

There is also a word.

It also exaggerated the gauge medical skills, and the connotation of his cooking is like a poison.

Warfare thought for a long time, I found that I can't find it.

But he is never admitted.

So the bonus of

Beautiful young people are deeply eye eyelashes: "You don't love me. You can't talk to me before."

Ji Yue is smiling from the kindness. "Poor to the lonely is not used. Xiaobai Lian, I have said that the loneliness is not the previous day."

Youth helplessly bite lips: "How do you believe in me?"

Ji Yapo said: "Simple, called Zhi Zhi."

He laughed: "I am happy, even if you do it again, you will go back to the dead fish that is not slippery, and the alphan will praise you.

Oh, man.

Warfare ruthless pointed out: "You don't want to praise my cooking, you just want to get rid of Zhi Zhizhi bed."

"Lonely didn't say this, the alone is such a superficial person." Yan Yue is strict, "So Zhizhi?"

Waittag lie down, lie down, cover the quilt, turned over to: "There is no sesame, he is jealous of the personality to kill, from now on, you will harvest a bed in a bed."

: "..."

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