The son is coming back.

The Chu people rushed to tell, and they were talking about how cue son, and how could the bones of this festival suddenly came back.

It is necessary to know that the son is sent to Qin State for quality, and he has never thought about him. The two armies fight, the proton is undoubtedly the worst. When the people of Chu, it is already the warming life of Qin.

Wei Yan is clapping in the palace: "That Wei Qian is in the Qin Wang pet, the last goes can be very good. Now I have been playing, I will watch Qin Wang will continue to pet him? I am afraid that the first kill him. Sign! "

A Chinese woman comforted his son: "The mother said, he will be packed by Qin Wang sooner or later. Derry is inevitable, this is not a retribution?"

When Yan Yu is adopted, it will figure out another figure, and it will not pour too much sincere. After that, there is a sanctuary of Wei Yan, the child is always in the distance, and there is more heroic.

When he was equivalent to Qin, she still had some apology, so it is a knees for so long, and it is a dog that is also to raise her feelings. Waving to the Qin State, it is to send death, treat people who will die, Yan Yan does not give a little.

I didn't expect Yan Yan to make a trip to Qin Guo. After returning, he said that heavily in the wind of Qin State, but also narrowly remembered the previous chicken fry garlic skin, and the crowd was deceived to the Qin Wang, hit him thirty board. .

Wei Yan is in the Qin State, no one is used to him, wroned and flexed, come back to heaven, add a lot of shape. Yan Yan is coming to love Wei Wei, heard that he is angry: "It is really a white-eyed wolf. If it is not in this year, he can live so many years?"

Helpless is far from the Qin State, she can't revenge for her son, can only be : "With the Jun as a tiger, he does not give birth to a child, can you get a few hours? And you can't see it. It will be ago, it will not be good at the end. "

Wei Yan is looking forward to the night, finally hoping to fight again. The ancient proton is the first sacrifice, and Qin Wang will love the guards. This time it will still look at him.

When I think that Wei Qi is still good, it may even be dead, and Wei Yan feels refreshing, and immediately ran to Yan Yan.

I don't want the mother and son. I will finish this will be finished, and I will penetrate the temple in a clear and cold voice: "Oh? I don't know, the mother and Wang Di want me to die."

Wei Yan is stiff.

He slowly turned around and saw a young man in white, and his teasing, his expression was like a ghost.

"How do you you are here ?!" He was a big step behind him.

"I want home to come back and see, I am going to see the father. But the child is more doing the mother and Wang Di, this is the first." Warfare lifted the eye, "Just the mother and Wang Di don't seem Too welcomes me. "

Yan Yan is shocked: "Mono! How are you coming back? Qin Wang agreed? Or privately stole it back?"

Waving stare at her: "The mother is so afraid of?"

Yan Yan reaction, emotionally accused of the outside: "Go out! Yang you are already righteous for many years, how come this time? Don't join our mother and son!"

She is very happy. Now, Qin Chu has once again fighting, and the mass of this proton must be very unopened in Qin State. At this time, there is no end to Chu State, and the purpose is really much.

Wavage is now the same as the status of Chu State - Who knows that he is returned by the Qin people? At this time, I played a mother's filial piety. If the guard is really the internal response of the Qin people, Chu Wang will tear her. If he is a chaotic running back, it is also a big trouble. She doesn't dare to go to the legend of the legend of Qin Wang.

In short, it is a tenderness, it is best to use the guardian.

When you have a life, Yan Yan is too lazy to play the mother and child of the long time, it is not polite under the order, and there is nothing to recognize this son.

It's not wrong, and her son is only sanctry.

She will ask for the warliness of this day in the Qin State, it will not suffer, and how can I come back from that dangerous. She didn't greet her, and she was rushing to go, but only guarded her.

"Accommodation?" The guard is like a ridiculous, but it is just a flash, and then it is calm.

"I know, after the airlays, I am freele with you." He looked loudly, "Yan Yan Niang."

Waters turned around and left without nostalgia.

He is really a very easy person, someone else is a little better, he can remember many years. In the adapted hall, even if he worried about his current situation, he would sheltered their mother and child.

But no.

When he took out the palace, he looked up his head and his sun was gorgeous. He raised his hand and blocked his eyes. He felt that the sun did not have a temperature through the fingertips.

It is said that the weather in the country is always the best. Why do he feel that it is better than the Qin State?

When the young time, Yan Yan gradually faded in the scene of the story, turned into Ji Yue on the tester: "Swing, you don't cherish, you can't let go."

Survey is silent.

His heart is not in Chu.

19 years of deep hidden in the cold pool, can't be gone to him, the end of the year.


Chu Wang has already received the news, knowing that the son is in the gate of the city today, and it is unclear, only in the temple.

Sitting on both sides, Mrs. Li and Wu Ji, and the guards who heard the news.

Mrs. Li is the mother of Taizo, leaning against his son from Ji as a lady, but the elderly gradually lost, and it has not earned it.

However, she has a prince, and no one dares to joke. After you can't make a queen, wait for the prince to go to the grass, she can make Wang Tai.

Eshuo ran in the seven seven sons of Chu Wang, he can be a prince, not because he has a smart and energy, but another son acts more absurd.

Chu State passed to the generation of Chu Wang, it was already a good seedllar, and there were also killed, and there was a little daughter cracked jujube. On the beam is not rushing, there is a good father, the sons are all mediocre, and the bad habits are full. It was half a point for the responsibility and obligation of the national as the people, and the proud and arrogance of the children were learning a dripping.

Evaluation is the only brain born.

But IQ is not too high.

Low-saving vigorously and low Welcome countless cuts, there is no difference in the eyes of the airlays.

Chu Wang has been more than 50 years, Mrs. Li is also the age of forty, and then carefully maintained. It is also difficult to cover the corner of the corner. But Wu Ji, this year is a sixteen-year-old little girl, there is no heavily equivalent, and the green onion is temporary and beautiful.

When he was governed to Qin, Wu Ji did not enter the palace, and she was not interested in this proton from Qin State. She had seen her son, and she is unresolved. Abu, how can you have more interest?

Just now Chu Wang is in the hands of her, and where to take her, it will look at the picture of the seven son.

Wu Ji is bored, and the eyes are shocking, and he is a hidden person, and the people who have seen it in the temple will stay.

... who is stunning, the eyebrows are cold, who is the beautiful fairy characters?

Does the son confession?

Wu Ji looked at the king of the bloated blessings around him, couldn't believe it was this.

She also looked at the appearance of a gentle prince, couldn't believe it was a born.

"Father." Garage stepped into the main hall, slightly squatting a gift, the words of Zi Chu said straight.

Wu Ji felt that he had to be pregnant.

This kind of sound is so good, long-term, the temperament is also dusty, Chu Wang is a lard, why do you want to send him out!

Change to think, maybe it is because this is just getting ...

Chu Wang has a "exemption" word has not exported, and he sees the guardian himself, and the face suddenly sinks.

On the side of the first, Ji Mu, who is new, is also staring at the sky, and it is more sinking.

He doesn't like this son. Many of the Chu Zizi, the warrage did not have a sense, but he walked to Qin Lin, he had a good reply to him, slamming his faint, this incident allowed Chu Wang impressed.

Never dare to be so arrogant in front of him.

But at that time, the Garage is to give the gift to Qin Wang, Chu Wang can't move him. Nowadays, this reverse child has slipped back ...

It is said that the king of Chu is universal. He is used to please his father, immediately drink: "Let's go! How can the father get up? What can you get up? The seven kings went to the Qin State, and the number of gifts were forgotten. ?"

Waters and smash: "Never remember."

"You -" Weijiao Shocked.

How do he dare to speak like this in front of his father? !

The guardian can be the Prince, a big reason is that he will be happy to be happy. When other brothers are in trouble, they will let the father of the father, as long as Anan is quiet, nothing, nothing, zero is also full of answers. It is better than other brothers.

Rely on compatriots.

Will see Chu Wang as the Weijiao that is the only means of the power, can't imagine that there is still a world to be so mad.

Weiockehood is to take the king of Chu, can avoid this acknowledgment, and it is called Chu Wang to be more breathable - this reverse child is really unchanged, or then there is no way!

Chu Wang Qiang is relieved: "Who let you come back?"

Mrs. Li said softly: "Your Majesty, I am ignorant, the seven son should be coming back by Qin Wang." I first sent the seven son to the two countries, and now I have been playing, he will not be sent back. ?

Waving is like smiling: "It is really stupid."

Li Dafe is shaking.

It's so far away, she said so small, how did the son are listening?

Gallery has always lowered in Chu. He knows that he will be very popular, and then the master's prophecy will continue. Someone of the whole Chumei knows him.

Today, the prophecy has been solved, he has an extraordinary, naturally too lazy, and a snake.

Li Darsold for more than 20 years in Shen Gong, and I only see the world at the end of the day, and I want to naturally and simple. I don't know if the two countries will fight again, the proton cannot be sent back by the good end, and the proton head is sent back.

Wei Xiang see the mother is ridiculed, the tone is sinking: "Qi Wang brother, you really have no symptom. Father, the children saw that the seven princes were so unknown, I am afraid that the heart has been in the Qin people, don't put us In the eyes. If you come back, you will not want to be a rape, you should take him, put it in a big, strictly interrogate! "

Kings nodded: "The ... ... ...

Waters are light, low and low.

"More stupid."

Which is the responding dare to be arrogant like him.

Is he to give a good time?

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