An Endless New Dream

Chapter 198 - Ch 194: Sasuke vs Gaara

"That was a good fight from Shikamaru." The announcer says

"Next up we have Gaara of the Sand and Sasuke Uchiha." The announcer says

"You got this Sasuke." Naruto says to Sauske in the infirmary waiting for Hinata to be treated for chakra exhaustion.

"Yes." Sasuke says with a nod an a cute smile before heading out.

"I wanna watch." Hinata says her voice strained.

"I can cast at magic and you could watch from here. Like how everyone else is watching at Koa." Kyra says

"Everyone watched that?" Naruto asks

"Yep, good job Hinata." Kyra says healing her.

"You two should get going." Kyra says as Naruto and Hinata take off running.


"You look... familiar." Gaara says

"Really? Hmm, did I meet you? I mean mother in law Kyra mentioned you and the shotty seal work. But I don't remember if we met." Sasuke says

"Naruto the blonde?" Gaara asks

"He was a blonde but now his hair is more of

A reddish orange." Sauske says

"Please fight. You two aren't supposed to just talk here." The referee deadpans.

"Your supposed to the the one to say start dumbass!" Sasuke says with a glare at the man who feels like a tail beast is now staring him down.

Gaara actually gets into a defensive stance.


"Seems like Ruby taught her well." Kyra says feeling the pressure Sasuke is releasing.

"Ah, I don't remember Ruby teaching her that." Hinata says with a head tilt.

"Huh? You sure?" Kyra asks

"Yea." Hinata says remembering the lessons Sauske was getting on how to use a scythe.

"Well, I wonder if she's doing it consciously?" Kyra asks

"S-start!" The referee stutters out.


Sasuke smirks before she leaves an after image and is gone.

Gaara's sand defense raises quickly from behind it only just bȧrėly managed to catch a black scythe.

"You think you could sneak attack me my sand wall will block an-" Gaara begins to say turning around to see a scythe so black it seems to absorb all light stopped inches away from his face.

Suddenly the sand wall activated again blocking some thrown shuriken while cracking in the process.


"Wow? Did Blake help teach her aswell?" Kyra asks

"I think so? Since she's pregnant it was mostly concept classes." Naruto says

"I guess she learned where humans natural blind spots are." Kyra says watching Sauske close in on Gaara without him even seeing her.


"Did she put the kid under a genjutsu she's right next to him and he can't see her" orimachu voices out

"I don't think she did. I wonder how she's achieving this." Hiruzen says


Gaara suddenly heard a clunk.

Gaara turns around to catch the thing flying at him from behind.

"Huh? What's this?" Gaara asks having caught a flash bang.

*Bang!* *Flash*

"Aahhh!!!!" Gaara shouts putting his hands over his eyes as he struggles to stand up.

Suddenly the back of his head feels some pain before he blacks out.


"Wow, that's going to permanently damage his eyes being that close." Kyra says rubbing her eyes with her hand since she bȧrėly had time to close them when she realized what was thrown.

Everyone else that was looking at the object that was thrown is also partially blinded. The downside of enhancing your sight.. The poor Uchiha clan that came to watch.

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