An Endless New Dream

Chapter 50 - Ch 49: Qrow’s Visit.

After a long talk with Ozpin again. Along with taunting Ironwood. We head to the dorms.

"Uncle Qrow!!!" Ruby shouts hugging him.

"I bring you cookies once and I'm your favorite Uncle." Qrow says

"Link wins" holodeck

"Ruby! You left in the middle of the game." Yang says

"But Uncle Qrow is here!" Ruby says

"I thought you quit playing that game whenever I was around?" Kyra asks

"Uhh. Uncle Qrow play against Ruby!" Yang shouts throwing him the controller.

"You'll never beat me old man!" Ruby shouts the second she starts the match.

"Hey, you're nothing but talk, kid." Qrow says

"You can do it, Ruby!" Yang shouts

"Bowser wins!" Holodeck

"By the way don't ever call me old." Qrow says

"My turn!" Yang says knocking Ruby out of the way.

"New challenger approaches." Holodeck

"Now where was I?" Qrow asks

"You were telling us about your last mission." Ruby says excitedly.

"Right, right. I come across a small village in the swamps west of Mistral. Right off the bat, I knew something wasn't right." Qrow

"What were you doing there?" Ruby asks

"I needed information. Tired from battling Grimm along the way, I decided to start my search at the town's inn. The place was crawling with low-life's and thugs." Qrow says

"Sounds like juniors club." Kyra says

"Anyway, even a few huntsmen I could only ȧssume were hired by less than reputable people for less than respectable jobs. And that's when it happened." Qrow

"What happened?" Yang asks still struggling to beat Bowser.

"I was defeated... by the mere sight... of the innkeepers skirt length!" Qrow says

"How small was it?" Kyra asks trying to get a mental image only to be smacked into the back of the head.

"Stop going after random girls!" Ruby says

Yang throws a pillow at Kyra and Qrow.

"Bowser wins." Holodeck

"you two are the worst!" Yang shouts

"Hahaha" Qrow and Kyra laugh a bit.

"If you want we could kiss and make up Yang?" Kyra asks

"Yes." Yang says deadly serious.

"Huh?" Kyra says dumbfounded

Yang suddenly kisses Kyra and rubs the end of her tail.

"Y-yanggg" Kyra mȯȧns and starts panting.

Suddenly Yang is chopped on the head by Qrow's hand.

"Don't do that in front of me." Qrow says

"Pfft" Yang and Ruby are trying not to laugh at the blushing mess Kyra turned into.

"So uncle Qrow did you get in trouble with Ozpin?" Ruby asks

"A new challenger approaches." Holodeck

"Nah me and Oz go way back. We are cool." Qrow says and starts concentrating on playing.

"*scoffs* cool for an old guy." Yang says

"Don't call me old." Qrow says when suddenly.

"Pit Wins!" Holodeck

'Pit was my old main and op in brawl.' Kyra thinks happy that Sandstorm sends her care packages every now and then. She seems happier to be in marvel.

"You beat me?" Qrow asks shocked

"What?" Kyra asks with a head tilt.

"So what are you doing here anyway? I thought dad said you would be on a mission for like... ever." Ruby says

"Well a professional huntsmen like myself is expected to get results, as soon as possible." Qrow says

"I guess that we are pretty much pros too." Ruby says

"Normally I would say, you're not however you did a good job with the white fang and Roman. You can't rely on Kyra forever though." Qrow says

"Why not?" Kyra asks knowing she holds back just enough to support their growth.

"Are you going to be here forever?" Qrow asks knowing the goddess could leave when she gets strong enough.

"Probably? Unless I am needed elsewhere, and odds are I will take Ruby with me." Kyra says

"No. You are not going on an adventure without me!" Yang says

"Ok fine we can try to bring you too." Kyra says having this weird feeling.

"You 5 act like huntresses. However you don't think like them." Qrow says

"Yeah, it's weird how all crime completely stopped. Like a calm before a storm." Kyra says

"Exactly.." Qrow says starting another match on smash bros.

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