An Exclusive love

: (twenty one)

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

After listening to Lei Xuan's words, Su Su understood it without his hint.

"Is someone pointing her behind? Is it sister Liu ..."

Lei Xuan went through the list of companies in her head. Sister Liu seemed to be Jane's agent. The little girl looked silly, but she knew all these things.

Either I have experienced it or I have seen more in the circle of life.

"It shouldn't be her." Lei Xuan put away her mind, "I've checked it and told you that I don't want you to misunderstand."

Su Su's eyes narrowed: "Why should I misunderstand ..."

"It's nothing." Lei Xuan didn't poke her careful thoughts, "I'll tell you when I find anything."

The dishes came up and there was a cup of bird's nest.

"Eat all, good for the body."

Su Su blushed: "I'm not sick again ..."

"His face doesn't look good." Lei Xuan poured her a cup of hot milk without asking her what happened.

Su Su buried his head and ate, as if his back hurts ...

"You like light vegetables and seafood," Lei Xuan said suddenly, "unlike northerners."

"My mother is a Southerner." Su Su glanced at him. "Yangzhou people."

Lei Xuan knows that there is information on it.

"I also like spicy food." Su Su poke a piece of yam, her face disgusted.

"So I'm sick." Lei Xuan looked at her. "It's not like a cold. What's wrong?"

Su Su blushed: "No ... I just didn't sleep well."

"That soup was drunk." Lei Xuan didn't ask, knowing that he couldn't ask anything.

When returning to Su Su, she spent a long time not getting out of the car.

"Say something." Lei Xuan wanted to laugh a little, and this girl had the character to write on her face. As long as she was not blind, she knew what she was talking about.

Su Su got her fingers right: "I ... you ... actually ..."

"Do you want me to guess the ellipsis in the middle?" Lei Xuan's mouth rose, and Su Su's eyes were straight.

How can there be such a beautiful man φ (≧ ω ≦ *)?

"Still want to see me?" Lei Xuan suddenly approached her.

Susu jumped back in shock, hitting her head against the window.

"Be careful." Lei Xuan grabbed her, but it was too late.

Su Su shook her head.

"Let me see." Lei Xuan touched her hand away. "No drum kit."

Su Su quickly pushed him away: "No ... no pain."

Then he scrambled to the door.

Can't open ...

"Don't you have something to tell me?" Lei Xuan's hand rested on the automatic lock button.

Su Su stammered: "I ... I just want to ask, why do you help me, obviously Jane is the company's artist."

"You're also the company's ... assistant." Lei Xuan looked at her. "And, you're not wrong, are you?"

Su Su scratched her hair, which she did not mean. What company assistant, assistant is not as good as a finger of an artist, let alone an artist who is about to become popular.

"But ..." She didn't come out for a long time, but she wanted to ask if you were interested in me so she helped me?

Lei Xuan opened the door: "Go back, if you want to thank me, bring me a gift."

"... What? Ah, you know I'm going to Europe?" Su Su's heart was about to rise, and then he heard Lei Xuan say again.

"The company that wins the trip also knows."

Yingxiu was sitting in front of a TV screen across the wall and playing a game. A zombie swayed closer and closer to the screen. He brought a body sensor in his hand to shoot a gun.

Slam! A headshot, a blood-splattered screen, all looked like zombies and brains with heads bursting across the wall.

"Come back!" Yingxiu pointed his hand at Su Su who just came in.

Su Suzhen pulled her head into the sofa, and a small nest looked particularly pitiful there.

"What's wrong? Lei Xuan bullied you?" Yingxiu destroyed another zombie and sat down opposite him. "Come! Tell me something unhappy and share it with your brother."

Su Su rolled her eyes.

"Yo! My sister looks so good at rolling her eyes." Yingxiu Dang Erlang dangled his legs. "Say!"

Su Su slowly lay down: "He said that someone behind Jane Yi had an idea. He had already been watched. Let me not misunderstand."

"Isn't this okay?" Ying Xiu felt wrong after he said, "Ha, what's the matter with him, we'll send someone over to Jane. What good person is he?

Su Su pouted, "I want to ask why he helped me, but I'm sorry ..."

"My silly sister, what could be the reason a man is good to a woman?"

"But he has forgotten me. He doesn't know me at all and doesn't remember our family saved him." Su Su has been tangling this issue.

Ying Xiu saw that her face was not very good. She went to the kitchen and was warmed up by the milk. "Drink! Didn't he say it all, didn't he deliberately, maybe he was hypnotized, or ... amnesia."

"That's what we guessed." Su Su said hard. "Well, even then, what is he trying to do now?"

"All said, a man is good to a woman, what else can he do?" Yingxiu struck her mind, "I want to chase you."

Susu sprayed the milk.

"Ah, what are you excited about?" Winxiu hurriedly gave her a tissue. "What's weird about chasing you? Previously at school, the love letters you received in a semester could be sold by the ton, and those who chase you could go to the Pacific! "

Su Su blushed, and thinking of Lei Xuan would like her like a ant crawling in her heart.

"No ... no ..." She didn't feel like it. Thinking of the beautiful and mature Ximanman, Lei Xuan might like that type?

Winxiu scorned: "Are you the last name to win? Where is the confidence?"

Su Su looked at him for a while, and thought his second brother was still very handsome, especially handsome. So I must be a little beauty myself, that's it! That's right!

"Fool!" Yingxiu decided to give his sister a lesson. "Listen, from now on, you will forget Lei Xuan from childhood, just as if you never knew each other."

Su Su grimace: "For ... why?"

"Because you remember the past that he has forgotten?" Ying Xiu reckoned inscrutablely. "You have to know him for the first time, and you didn't know him at all? Lei Xuan when he was young is completely different from Lei Xuan now."

Ying Xiu thought about it: "You see, you think of him as a man who is suspected of pursuing you, and then try to understand, contact, see if you like him, accept him."

"I always liked him ..." Su Su whispered, in exchange for winning a pop-up.

"Then tell him your true identity now, and then pull him to see my dad!"

Su Su's poor Baba shook Win Xiu's arm: "Well ... I was wrong, I listened to the second brother, I will do whatever you say!"

"Really, Dad didn't like him ..." Ying Xiu began to scratch his hair. "What should I do if I help you go back to being stabbed?"

"There is an older brother! The older brother and we are from the same country." Su Su quickly said, "And mother, mother also likes Lei Xuan."

Win Xiu did not hit her mother like Lei Xuan as a child.

"Then you listen to me. Forget about it when you were young and start to know him again." Yingxiu drank a big sip of red wine. "But don't go too fast. I have to look at him slowly!"

Su Su snorted and pointed behind him: "Second brother, zombies are coming out."

"Crouch! So much?"

After the lesson of being unreliable, Su Su built himself a few days at home and then went abroad to work. The photo taken by Winxiu this time is for a certain expensive expensive car.

"Mr. Win, look here, OK!"

"Hurry up, let those pigeons out ..."

A red-haired photographer clicked the shutter excitedly, and Ying Xiu in front of the camera was wearing a beige windbreaker leaning against a black car with a background of the 80th-century cathedral.

A group of pigeons flew by, and the man in the backlight was full of ascetic sexiness, and several female staff members were fainted.

"Looking at him in front of others, why is he so uneasy in private ..." Shen Jiateng whispered in his arms and Su Su muttered, "You see Weibo, do you know what he did?"

Su Su didn't dare to laugh, because Shen Jiateng's face was so dark that he would smoke.

Yesterday when he set off, Yingxiu sent a special Weibo post. The idea was to give a message to a certain local luxury car. Thanks to the senior who spoke for the past few years, he will learn from him.

"The endorsement of this brand of car in Southeast Asia has always been Huazhong." Shen Jiateng said in a murky mood, "You know? This year they changed to win repair."

Su Su nodded: "The person who has won three film emperors is also the first Chinese to win the Golden Leaf Award. He is ... almost 50 years old!"

"In this world, the most helpless thing is the lateness of the hero, the beauty is white, no one can escape." Shen Jiateng sighed. "In fact, Hua Zhong is not old in the entertainment industry, especially in actor."

"But when it comes to this type of spokesperson ..." Su Su is also very sorry. He has watched Hua Zhong's movies and is really a great actor.

Shen Jiateng: "So the brand side re-selected the spokesperson and decided to win."

Originally, this matter was quiet. Everyone knew when the advertisement was broadcast. Even if someone came up and said that the cold talk would not cause any storms, it was necessary to win such a microblog.

"Okay, now I know all about it online. Huazhong fans and fans who have won repairs have torn their heads on Weibo." Shen Jiateng helped him, "Just give me nothing to ask for something."

Su Su grinned, "I saw it in the morning, but both fans are quite good, and they are quite polite."

Shen Jiateng glared at her: "When did you watch the Weibo? Do you know someone has invited the Navy to start picking things?"

"Ah?" Su Su quickly pulled out her phone. "I don't know, who is it?"

"The company checked again, so I didn't move. They found someone to talk about." Shen Jiateng smiled. "Just right, look at Lei's strength. If this is unsure, then ..."

He glanced at Su Su. The winner knew that the little princess had liked Lei Xuan since he was a child, otherwise he would not let a good young lady improperly, and ran to play incognito.

PS: In order not to yell at you, there is one more at night ~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~

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