An Exclusive love

: (twenty five)

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

Huo Zhong's eyes looked as if they were looking at Xiaotuo: "Do you know what a reality show is?"

Su Su continued to push, winning Xiu disdain: "It is an activity where a group of people show themselves in front of the camera according to Taiwan, **** powder, and come quickly."

"Very good, the children's perception is good. I have seen your movie and the acting skills are also good." Huo Zhong squinted and exhaled a smoke ring.

Yingxiu glanced at Shen Jiateng.

Shen Jiateng coughed twice: "Lao Huo, we still have a little girl ..."

Huo Zhong hit the soot and Su Su sat upright.

"Oh, you are so interesting to be such a beautiful little girl as an assistant," he said, extinguishing the smoke. "You two don't need to say anything to me. For the sake of your face, as long as you are not stupid, you will not Black. "

"As far as I know, this program of Blue Satellite TV is not for Taiwanese, so it is up to you to play it yourself. Want the audience to see who they are and what kind of you they like to watch, can you bring them to the show? Conflicts and effects ... "

Su Su and Ying Xiu's performance changed, with a serious face.

"Some people now like Moe, but if you look old and cute, the audience will only think you are low-powered. Some people like to be ruthless and unreasonable, but if you have been like this episode, you will be disgusted."

"This is a travel show. People who watch it have a wide range of ages. It may be difficult to make them all like you, but at least not to be hated, you will succeed."

Win Xiu raised his hand silently: "So how do you behave?"

"Moderate!" Huo Zhongyi put out a finger, "You can be cute, but it is the occasion. You can be cold, but it depends on the situation. You can also be stupid, but you must be stupid with IQ, otherwise the audience will think You are a fool. "

Su Su took a small note down.

"For example, the favorite thing of the show crew is to shoot your plain face."

Yingxiu raised his hand: "We are not afraid, we are so beautiful."

"The audience doesn't know, they firmly believe that the photos of the stars are all P." Huo Zhongyi interrupted him, "For example, if you take photos of messy hair, but the value is still online, then you are very cute, and the audience will Would like. "

Huo Zhongyi turned to look at Su Su: "But if it is you, no matter how good-looking a woman is, she won't be cute if she messes with her hair, deducting points!"

"... I don't mess with my hair," Su Su said weakly. "And ... without an alarm clock, they won't wake me up."

Huo Zhong glanced at Shen Jiateng: Are you sure your artist can successfully record? It doesn't feel good ...

Shen Jiateng spread his hands: That's why I asked you to knock.

"Don't talk with your eyes, I can see it." Ying Xiu felt that they were so insulting their IQ, "Uncle you go on, what else?"

Huo Zhongyi rubbed his hands: "Grab the camera! The one-and-a-half hour program is your 2-3 day trip. How many shots do you want to cut out? The more the shots, the more time the audience sees you, so It will grab, and it will be beautiful! "

"For example?" Su Su raised her hand.

"For example, how can you keep your own lens while eating together and sitting at a table? It depends on your ability. You do n’t want to talk and you keep burying your food and food. I can give you special effects in the later period."

"Of course, if you have any strange apprehensions, you can talk about it and let the audience open your eyes. Huo Zhongyi said," Don't be affected by others, but also be careful of others to set you up. "Ying Xiu sneered, who looked dare.

"Little girl should pay special attention." Huo Zhongyi ignored him, then looked at Su Su, "Be careful of those female artists, they will definitely try to step on you."

Su Su was not afraid. She never felt that she was being bullied. Who dares to bully her?

"Can I just counsel back?" She asked.

Huo Zhong smiled: "Yes, you can go this route to the end."

In the end, Huo Zhongyi took out another cigarette lighter: "To sum it up, you need to be flexible, don't take the initiative to conflict with people, don't do things that violate human settings, if you do, do it to the end.

"Don't do it, don't carry it, let the self-quote let go of yourself!"

Winning likes the last sentence most.

When Huo Zhong left, he held his mobile phone and stood in front of Yingxiu: "Come, take a picture with me, my daughter is your fan."

Winning repair: Then you are so kind to me ...

"My girl is in the fifth grade of elementary school and is not sensible, so if you mess up this reality show, I can just educate her to study hard."

Win repair & Su Su: → _ →

Lei Xuan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window on the 20th floor and watched Su Su get on the winning nanny car and walk away.

"BOSS, this is the schedule for Blue Satellite TV's tricks." Shang Gonghong will always be able to figure out Lei Xuan's mind first, and find a way to get what he wants.

JU sneered next to him: "Can the boss still fail to visit the class, and it is not a set, there is no reason."

"They have a stop in Turburg. We have a branch over there." Shang Gonghong raised his eyes. "You can arrange an inspection."

JU didn't say a word, Lei Xuan glanced at him: "Just say something."

"BOSS, if the old man is aware of Miss Su ..."

Lei Xuan's eyes darkened: "Grandpa is not afraid, but the second child is getting more and more restless recently."

"An illegitimate child, if it weren't for the second room, there would be no one, and the old man wouldn't pick him up." Shang Gonghong's rare tone was cold.

JU snorted: "I'm not too busy, I always want to find something for the boss."

Lei Xuan's cell phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the number and connected it. At the same time, Shang Gonghong's cell phone also rang.

"I know, the company will deal with it immediately." Lei Xuan hung up the phone. "Simanman had a car accident abroad."

Just when Su Su and Ying Xiuwo watched a season of reality show at home, the headlines suddenly burst out on the Internet. After the film, Xi Manman was involved in a car accident in Europe. Now the injury is unknown in the hospital.

"She's so unlucky ..." Su Su sighed as she read the comments on the Internet. "When she got off work, she was caught by the police and the car was knocked over by the gangster's car."

Yingxiu turned off the TV and asked Shen Jiateng: "Our insurance is all right?"

"Of course not, Blue Satellite TV has insured each of you 1 million." Shen Jiateng came to deliver the meal, and by the way, to see if they were lazy.

"Only 1 million?" Winxiu was dissatisfied. "Is it worth so much money!"

Su Su ignored him and handed a list to Shen Jiateng: "Brother Shen, please go to the supermarket and help me buy the above."

"What are you doing with the hotpot sauce?" Shen Jiateng glanced and ate.

"In case you have no money to eat, you can only eat instant noodles. Hotpot seasoning is good for noodles." Susute pointed out, "especially this brand, it is delicious!"

Shen Jiateng was about to put away, the note was gone. Win repair brushes and tears off twice: "Su Su, you don't trust me, how can I make you hungry. Rest assured! The second brother completes the task every day and earns money to take you to Michelin dinner!"

"Win repair!" Su Su was angry, and kicked over, "Give me a rewrite."

Winxiu jumped away and ran away: "It's better to pack your luggage at this time. I'll help you choose your clothes!"

"Miss." Shen Jiateng reminded him, "Your clothes are made by the winner's workshop. If the logo is too conspicuous, it will be easily recognized."

Winner's hand-made clothes are well known all over the world. Many Holly stars and designers like to use their Chinese style. The winner's women's clothes come from the inside, and some of the embroidery are embroidered by Xin Rong himself.

"Yeah!" Susu didn't expect this.

So, she forgot to buy food, and laid a deep foreshadowing for her future tragedy ...


"BOSS, Ximanman's broken leg, his face is fine." JU ran in. "We have already negotiated with the crew over there, and they will issue a statement immediately. In addition, Ximanman's role is just over, and she can be hospitalized in peace."

Shang Gonghong slowly walked in: "Simanman wants to return to China."

"It's not honest to have her legs broken, and the conditions abroad are no better than the domestic ones!" JU was troublesome. "She wants this to come back. The company has to figure out how many bodyguards it can use to transport people out of the airport."

Lei Xuan stared at the phone, Shang Gonghong and JU waited for him to order.

"Tell her assistant to calm her down, and I'll watch her at the end of the month."

Blue TV officially released the program poster, and the middle face of the evil and mad face was winning repair. For a while, the people eating melons were crazy and couldn't accept this huge surprise.

Shuluodian Xiaohongniang: Well, you and I are not watching the world ’s Weibo, right? Am I going to participate in a reality show?

A piece of pigskin fluttered in the wind: @ 陆 成 小 lover Come and see, my husband is going to participate in a show with you, how do I flip the brand ~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~

Love the shit: I wanted to hack this show, now I have to watch it every week!

Shuluodian Sand Sister: @ 蓝 卫视 @ 花样 旅行 Official Weibo, please take a picture of my family's sleeping face, or take a bath, I guarantee that your family's programs will be supported in the future!

Lu Cheng's Weibo was also lively, and many fans ran to comfort him.

My sister is Teacher Cang: Lu Cheng doesn't cry, stands up!

Chengcheng Support Club: Come on, I Chengcheng, no matter who goes to join us, we love to see you!

Blazing flames Auntie: Honestly, don't you think that Ying Yingdi really loves Lu Cheng? For him to participate in a reality show.

Little caviar's eggs: plus one upstairs, proper love, flying together!

"Are there any problems with the eyes of these fans?" Winxiu looked at the comments on the Internet and despised. "As long as he looks like an impermanence, if I were a woman, all men in the world would die and would not like him."

Su Su packed her luggage and they were leaving tomorrow. Shen Jiateng was also there. He was responsible for staring at the repair.

"Hurry up and check your baggage. Give me your mobile phone, and don't post Weibo."

Yingxiu lost his mobile phone: "Rest assured, I won't post it until the show airs."

→ _ → What do you want to post after airing?

PS: Continue to requisition your Weibo name ~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~, leave a message in the exclusive circle of Latitude App, babies!

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