An Exclusive love

Vol 7 Chapter 67: The best tabby cat

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

The tabby cat's tail exploded, and the woman looked at her with malicious eyes.

"Crunch!" She waved her paws far away, twisted her fat head and asked Daytime Heart, "Is there a poison?"

During the day, Xinxin was studying where to rest! Hearing the words, "What do you want, poison?"

"Poisoning her creaks!" Tanuki pointed at the distant Mu Wanqing, who was next to the prince, and scratched her neck.

Liang Pi has taken a round metal ball out of the storage bag. It is very large. It is his magic weapon, which can defend and rest. Naturally, it is also given by Winking.

"Ma'am, where are you going to put the poison?" He asked amusedly.

The civet cat looks at your stupid human eyes: "Of course ... on the paws!"

It also poisoned her.


In the daytime, I saw Ying Qingcang came to see, silently found a suitable big tree and made a house with vines, and then slowly went up.

"Crack?" The civet cat was still ruthless, so why did people leave.

Ying Qingcang hugged a ferocious tanuki cat: "Fool, don't you want your claws? Without poisoning her, poison yourself first."

Right! The civet cat reacted.

"Well! She's going to kill her anyway!" Tanuki thought of the woman's eyes, "she ... she must also want to kill her ancestor."

Win Qing Cang patted her: "Green forest, countless monsters, who knows if she will be eaten without long eyes, is it?"

"Crack!" The raccoon covered her mouth and smiled treacherous, "Yeah! Yeah! Eaten."

Mu Wanqing entangled the prince and wanted to get on his carriage to rest.

"His Royal Highness's carriage is so big, I don't have as many as I have!"

Anyway, she must be the princess of the future, even if there is nothing happening now.

Yan Shu had a faint smile on his face: "How can the girl, Jin Zhiyu, be wronged to live with me, and spreading it is not good for your reputation."

"The people we practice don't care about those!" Mu Wanqing looked at him with a charming look, but unfortunately his face was covered, and he really couldn't see the beauty.

The other monks who followed the Prince didn't have the heart to watch, and the Prince's men glared at her.

You don't care if our prince cares!

"Wan Qing ..." Mu Jintang frowned, "How can your unmarried daughter live with a man, come here quickly!"

Mu Wanqing also wanted to entangle, and Yanshu smiled: "Mr. Mu would take a good night's rest, otherwise it would be troublesome if her appearance was damaged."

When Mu Wanqing heard it, she realized that her face was ruined. It would be too shameful if she wanted to do something in the middle of the night ...

"Thank Your Highness for your concern!" She said diligently, then stood up and went to her camp, but unintentionally saw the boat not far away.

"Uncle, there are a lot of good things on those people!" She was a big girl in Mu, and she was also very knowledgeable. The wooden boat and metal ball were all excellent magic instruments.

Mu Jintang nodded: "I said earlier that they have a long history, and look at it!"

In addition to their two moves, there is another wave of people who are coming for the bounty. Now suddenly there is a team of civet cats, and the competition is even more fierce.

"Did you see the magic weapon of those guys? They are all top quality!" A casual Xiu Xiu drank a sip of wine, "I don't see meat this time!"

He was sitting opposite a pair of acquaintances, who were already middle-aged, and looked sad when he said so.

"We took the risk because of our son's illness. If we can't get the spar, the travel expenses will be wasted even when we come here." Ordinary people.

The man held her in comfort: "Even if the green forest is so big, even if we can't get the bounty, it's enough to kill a few monsters on the road to sell materials!"

"Oh!" Laughed a young man next to him. "Don't feed the beast then."

"what did you say?"

"What's wrong? I'm kind too."

"Hey ... forget it."

"Okay, okay, it's late, let's all rest!"

Ying Qingcang opened his eyes. The little girl in her arms didn't sleep well. She put a leg on his waist. He smiled and hugged people into his arms.

"Crack ... dried fish ..." Tanuki pouted.

Ying Qing Cang bowed her head slightly, and her lips touched the soft little mouth. It took a long time to let go and licked again. He suddenly felt that he was prescient in controlling the growth of the civet cat.

If the present raccoon cat grows a mature body, but it is ignorant like a child, it is still suffering itself ...

"Well ..." He closed his eyes with a long breath.

In the large carriage, the prince was listening to his report.

"Unable to find out, the three people appeared suddenly in the Green Forest, and they also lived in the tavern last night ... on the second floor."

Yan Shu, holding a **** in his hand, slowly dropped: "Their wooden boat is afraid of traveling thousands of miles a day, and it is normal to find the Yuan continent so large."

"His Royal Highness, do you think they are friends or foes?" There was an old man sitting beside him, his skin was old, but his eyes were full of light. He is a conspirator and bodyguard, a master of Mahayana.

"He Lao, the man holding the raccoon cat, can't you see his cultivation?"

"I can't see ..." He Lao looked for a moment, "Estimated that he had some magic weapon with which to conceal it."

Yan Shu picked up a **** again and paused in the air: "You are so sure, he is not because he is higher than you ..."

"Impossible!" He Lao immediately said, "There is no monk who broke the robbery period in the broken Yuan continent. If there are any monks, they will surely drill down there and get up early. They will not appear in such places."

Yan Shu smiled: "Don't be excited, I just talk casually."

"Your Highness, you still have a mood to joke with your husband!"

Yan Shu's mouth was even more curved: "Although I can't see that person's cultivation, I can see that he doesn't care about his affairs. But ... tomorrow, the civet cat ..."

"That's definitely not a common tanuki!" He Lao's tone suddenly became gritted.

Yan Shu thought she heard it wrong, looked up slightly, and was happy: "He old, what's wrong with you?"

The bitterness in that face was deep.

"The civet cat is full of babies, and money can't be bought!" The old man was envious, jealous and hateful.

Yan Shu tossed the chess piece into the chess box and clapped his hands: "So, tell us, don't offend the raccoon cat. I think it is more terrible than that man!"

Let us praise the keen sixth sense of words, because he had this awareness and left the green forest alive.

However ... the tanuki they were waiting for disappeared the next day.

"Go!" A clever little girl raised her hand and pointed distantly into the distance.

Ying Qingcang took the opportunity to pull her slowly into the deep forest. The group of casual repairers also went in the other direction, leaving only the Mu family who had not moved yet.

"His Royal Highness, that civet cat ..."

Yan Shu jumped out of the carriage: "Don't worry, there is the benefit of disappearing."

But the extra little girl ... these people are really weird!

"Where was the fat cat yesterday?" Mu Wanqing rushed out suddenly.

Yan Shu's guard instructed her, "Mr. Wood, they have just left."

"Gone?" Mu Wanqing turned around and saw the words. "His Royal Highness!" She ran over. "Good morning!"

Yan Shu is still a distant and indifferent smile: "Mr. Mu is early, shall we go?"

"Okay!" Mu Wanqing smugly covered her eyes.

What's up? I will meet sooner or later, when the girl must pick up the fat cat's skin.

The civet cat is rarely willing to become a biped today, because she has lived in the forest since she has memories, and she knows many things here.

"Crack this, this ..." The pretty little girl pulled the handsome and unparalleled man here to take a look, and touched it over there.

The man always smiled, and his eyes responded gently to her.

Behind them, there are two equally handsome men and women. In short, these four people are just like coming to the outing ...

"Roar ..." The roar of the monster came from afar.

The civet cat drew his ears: "Is it the third time?"

This means that the other two people have already encountered the third monster, but they do not know which one is so unlucky.

"I don't know if that ugly eight monster has been eaten yet!" The tanuki cat now calls the ugly eight monster regardless of gender.

During the day, I listened with my ears in my ears: "Disappointed Madam, she is with the prince. She is safe now!"

"Squeak!" The tanuki pretended to touch her chin deeply. "That prince ... obviously hates her."

Ying Qingcang grabbed her: "Half of the country's economic lifeline is in the hands of the Mujia. Even if the Yanjia hates it again, it will not turn his face at the Mujia."

"Huh!" The daytime sneer that hates marriage the most, "Not only can't I turn my face, maybe I'll marry that woman."

The raccoon cat held his head in horror: "Then ... the ancestor ruined the prince's face!"

"Well, so the prince should thank you very much." Win Qing Cang saw that she was so dishonest, and she picked up someone and put it on her arm. "After all, Xiao Qinger gave him a chance to take care of the beauties."

The raccoon pouted: "But the old man's medicine is very good. I can smell that the ugly eight monster will soon be fine."

"It's okay, so she will never be better ..."

Yan Shu glanced at the piled corpses on the ground and frowned.

"Your Highness, did you find something wrong?" He Lao asked everyone to collect the materials on the monsters and ran over by themselves. "This is not the site of the Mane Roar at all. How can there be so many."

The monsters are also classified. Here is the level of the third-level monster beast-snake. Under the level of suppression, the fourth-level monster beast-lion lion cannot run over, but they are besieged by a group of mane-lion lions.

"This means that there is something more terrifying that makes them dare not stay where they are, even if they know they will die, they will come to someone else's place." Yan Shu looked at the deep forest.

"I don't know what happened to those people ..."

When he arrived at another hubo in the evening, he saw that several people of Ying Qing Cang had been leisurely grilling fish, and they did not look like fighting at all.


PS: One group is full, you can add two groups 492830661 demon waiting for you inside! Tomorrow, I hope everyone will vote more, I am so relieved to code! Again, no matter where the baby reads the text, you can come in and vote for the demon, thank you!

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