Episode 326: Disappearance(Third Party Perspective)

 An object shaped like a bullet is displayed on a translucent monitor floating in the air. The object looks more mechanical than a bullet, and you can tell it's different from the bullets used in Earth's guns.

 The bullet is slowly advancing towards its target in the sea of stars.

"Fufufu! As expected, that energy wave is useless against a black hole that swallows light."

 The Lizardrian Commander, a Lizardman-type humanoid creature dressed in a particularly high-handed and dignified outfit, stares at the monitor and distorts his mouth to open more than that of a human and laughs out loud.

 Of course, the target of the bullet is the blow of 'Qi' released by Fuhito.

"I think so, too. However, the impact of that black hole will probably be immeasurable. If we're unlucky, the whole area around here could be swallowed up."

 The adjutant voices his concerns while looking at the monitor with a tone of disgust.

 Black hole bullets are currently uncontrollable and forbidden weapons.

 By some chance, if the Micro black hole generator goes out of control, it is possible that something bigger than a Micro could be generated.(TN:Micro written in katakana, I guess what it's supposed to mean is it might create a sizable black hole instead.)

 If that happens, it will have a huge impact on the universe, and the planet they live on may eventually perish. As a Lieutenant, he doesn't want his home planet to become like that.

 Nonetheless, it doesn't matter what he says now that it's about to reach its destination soon after it's launched.

"Is that why you're starting to evacuate the planet's people just in case?"

"I suppose that's right."

 At the suggestion of the elderly Lizardrian, the danger of the energy wave emitted by the Humans was regarded as the highest class of natural disaster, and the Lizardrians living on their home planet began to evacuate to other colonized planets.

 Of course, there were some who objected, but the elderly Lizardrian who continued to appeal the threat of the energy wave agreed, and it was decided to evacuate.

 Those who really wanted to stay on their home planet were allowed to do so after writing a letter stating that they would not be held responsible for anything that happened to such people.

 However, the number of people who made that choice was extremely close to zero. Many chose their lives over their homeland.

 The crew here has already left their home planet and moved to the battleship to observe the whereabouts of the black hole bullet.

"Since it's like this, we have no choice. If we don't use the black hole bullet, this planet will perish and disappear. Conversely, if we use the black hole bullet, we can stop the light, but depending on the situation, this planet may also perish, but there is also a possibility that it will not perish. It will be obvious which one to choose."

"I understand that, but it's not so easy to be convinced."

"How immature."

 The adjutant replies with a wry smile to the Commander who is trying to admonish his adjutant. Seeing his adjutant like that, the Commander smiles in ridicule.

"Well, it looks like it's about time."

"Is that so."

 As the destination approaches, an alert sound echoes in the room. With that, the Commander and Lieutenant stop talking and turn their attention to the monitor.

 The energy wave approaching from the front is displayed on the monitor.

"Black hole bullet, ten seconds until the target point. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, burst."

 Only the Lizardrian operator's voice reverberates within the bridge.

 Then, along with that voice, the black hole bullet releases its function normally and creates a black hole on the spot.

"The black hole is expanding more than expected. At this rate, there is a possibility that the impact will cause a great dea of damage to this space."

 However, as expected, the uncontrollable weapon goes berserk, and the black hole increases its mass beyond expectations, expanding its existence.

"It can't be stopped. We will continue to monitor while retreating. Retreat."

""Yes, Sir.""(TN:Engrish 'Iesu, saa')

 The Commander gives instructions based on the operator's information and begins to withdraw the ship in order to leave the area affected by the black hole.

"Target and black hole have made contact."

 Immediately after turning the bow backward, the black hole, which had continued to expand more than expected, collided with the energy wave.

 The light of the beam is swallowed as they expected, and disappears.

"Oh, it wasn't wrong to use the black hole bullet after all."

"It looks like it's done its job properly."

 Seeing the results, the two look at each other with a relieved expression on their faces.

 However, an unexpected, or rather, the worst, outcome awaits them there.


 The black hole, which had continued to expand and swallowed the light, suddenly dissipates.



 The Commander and adjutant can't understand the meaning to the point that they let out dumbfounded voices.

 The energy wave that was swallowed by the black hole and should have disappeared suddenly reappears from the void of space, and once more begins to pierce the pitch-dark sea with many glittering stars.

""That's ridiculouuuuuuuuuuussssssssss!!""

 Everyone's words echo in the bridge.


 A week after that, their mother planet disappears.

 They flee to a colonized planet and have no choice but to give up their invasion of Earth.

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