Episode 328: Place to return

""It's over!!""

 While looking at Nanami's homework, me, Amane, and Shia teach each other what we don't understand, and somehow we manage to finish our homework.

 Rei isn't here because she was the only one to return home to prepare a report summarizing the data and submit it.

 We stayed up all night for two days and it ended up being the last night.

"Good night ~ ."


"See you."

 After eating dinner, Shia and I go back to the dormitory and Amane goes home.

 The reason Mira isn't here is because Makoto-san and Anna-san, who heard about it on LINNE, came over, and while rejoicing at Shia's safety, as a result of being introduced to Mira, took her back to the hotel.

"Father, Mother, please take care of me from now on!!"

"What!? This child is already my daughter!!"

"Yeah, I will definitely accept this child to my house!!"

 When they met for the first time, seeing her innocent smile, and seeing her cleverly bow her head, Makoto-san and Anna-san immediately fell in love with her.

 After that, the two immediately took Mira home. According to Shia, it seems that Mira is currently busy studying the common sense of modern Japan, as well as the formalities to register as Shia's little sister.

"Well then, thanks for sending me home."

"Ah. See you at school."

"Yeah, that's right."

 Shia and I, after sending just Amane home today, walk towards the school dormitory.

"I don't think that person is here today."


 I've been on my guard since before I got back to school, but it seems that that person didn't ambush me today.

 Yes, it's the Student Council President.

 She always waited for me at the school gate when I came back from somewhere, but she wasn't there today.

 That's why I'm worried that she might be plotting something else.

 However, all I can do is avoid her as much as possible. I shake my head and shake off my unnecessary thoughts, then head for the dormitory.


"Ou. See you tomorrow. Oh, please give the souvenirs to everyone in the girls' dormitory."


 I part with Shia when we arrive at the dormitory. Her ahoge skillfully goes 'furi furi' and she leaves.(TN:'furi furi' refers to swinging or waving, so I guess it's waving goodbye.)

"Welcome home, Satou-san. Did you enjoy your trip?"

 When I step into the dormitory, Kasumi-san greets me as if she had been waiting for me.

 I haven't been back for over a month, so I feel a sense of nostalgia and relief at Kasumi-san's voice. The new Satou Family home is of course a place to return to, but I thought this dormitory was also a place I could return to.

"I'm home, Kasumi-san. Yeah, it was a lot of fun."

"I am glad to hear that. How is it, would you like to have dinner?"

"No, I've eaten at home, and I've taken a bath, so I'm going to sleep now."

 I answer Kasumi-san's question with a smile and tell her about my future plans while changing my shoes into slippers.

 I wasn't sleepy at all after the last two days, but sleep is still important.

 Also, I want to mofu Luck.

"I see. I understand. Please have a good rest."

"Thank you."

 I smile at Kasumi-san, who lowers her head as I change into my slippers, and proceed to my room.

"Ah, before that, I have to give everyone a souvenir."

 However, I suddenly remember and go up to the 3rd floor in order to hand over the souvenirs that I had bought in large quantities to the Senpais as I had asked Shia to do as well.

"Ou!! Isn't it Fuhito!! It's been a long time!!"

 The person who greets me is Saotome-senpai. In other words, the Head of the Dungeon Exploration Department.

"Senpai, this is a souvenir from my overseas trip."

"O, ou ... I, isn't this a little too much for me?"

 When I pretend to take them out of my expansion bag and hand the pile of souvenirs to Senpai, he is confused with his eyebrows twitching.

 Even this is the result of buying little by little in the countries I visited. I have money left over.

"Is that so? I've traveled to many countries, so I bought them in each country, but I don't know ..."

 Will the room be too small with this amount ...

 I wonder if I screwed up ...

 My expression clouds over a little.

"I, I see. Thank you so much for all the souvenirs!! I'm grateful!!"

"N, no, I think I bought too many, I'm sorry."

 Senpai must have been considerate of me, and he accepts the gift from me with a grin as if showing off his white teeth.

 I apologize and bow my head lightly.

"Don't worry about it. I was a little taken aback by the amount. Don't mind it when passing to the other guys either."

"I see. I understand. Thank you very much."

"Ah, well then, see you at club activities."

"Yes, excuse me."

 I left Senpai's room in gratitude for Senpai's concern for answering my troubles in advance. From the Senpais in the 3rd grade, I handed out souvenirs in order.

"Ou, it's been a while, Fuhito."

"You as well, Yuki. You got a tan."(TN:Not sure why he's Yuki in this chapter ... His name is Sakura Takaaki '佐倉孝明' nicknamed Aki 'アキ', not Yuki 'ユキ')

 I greet my first High School friend, Yuki, when we meet again after a long time. Yuki was tanned to a light brown color as if he had done something near the sea.(TN:Again, should be Aki here not Yuki)

"I suppose!! I went to a training camp in a dungeon near the sea in Chiba!!"

"Oh!! That sounds great!!"

 While eating yakisoba and swimming in the sea, level up and get items in the dungeon.

 It's very meaningful.

"Ah. Of course we went to the sea after diving into the dungeon."

"Did you go swimming?"

"Idiot!! That's not it!! It's pick-up!! Pick-up!!"

 I thought he was going swimming, but apparently Aki was more interested in the beautiful women and beautiful girls who came to the sea than the sea itself.(TN:And back to Aki again ...)

 That's right, this guy was like that.

 I forgot since we haven't met in a while.

"O, ou. I see."

 I am unconsciously flustered by Aki's threatening attitude of pressing me and shouting with saliva flying.

"So, we called out to trendy young women."

"The result is?"

 I ask Aki, who has calmed down and continue to talk.


 Silence envelops the area, and the silence makes me gulp.

"Isn't it obvious that it'll be a total defeat!! Damnit!!"

 Aki suddenly gets down on all fours and slams the ground, crying with frustration.

"H, hey, I bought a lot of souvenirs, so cheer up."

 I take out the souvenirs that I had bought in a larger amount than for others for Aki.


 Aki stops saying anything after seeing my souvenirs.

"What's wrong?"

"You bought too much!!"

 I thought it was strange and call out to him, but he throws a tsukkomi at me.

 For me, this guy is my first friend in High School, and he doesn't mind if I failed in my High School Debut, and he will hang out with me.

 I thought I favored him a little, but it seems I went too far.

"Senpai-tachi also told me that. Well, don't worry about it."

"Haa ... Well, I'll take what I can get. Thank you."

 I push the souvenirs to Aki with a bit of force, and after he lets out an exasperated sigh, he accepts the souvenirs with a wry smile on his face.

"Well then, see you tomorrow."

"Oh. Goodnight."

 After I part ways with Aki, I finally make it to my room.



 I immediately change into my sleepwear and go to bed, then call Luck.

"It finally feels like home."


 While stroking Luck who came out, I feel a sense of security for the first time in a while.

"Well then, let's go to sleep in preparation for tomorrow."


 After enjoying that sense of security and Luck's 'mofu mofu' for a while, I turn off the lights and fall asleep.

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