After easily eliminating the robbers, Lu Yu took the fainted little Baijing Kuroko and hugged him horizontally.

"What's wrong with this kid?"

Lu Yu thought that her laser attack just now shook her eyes.

But it's not going to be unconscious, is it?

"It seems that the injury is too bad. "

Pandora said after checking it out.

"I'll treat her!"

As a witch, Pandora has the gifts of the gods, and her magic talent is very powerful, and there are many magic tricks about healing.

"Don't be too conspicuous, after all, this is the city of science. "

Lu Yu reminded.

"People know!"

Pandora responded, pressed her hand on Kuroko Shirai's wound, and began to covertly perform her healing powers.

If the capable person actively uses magic, the body will collapse.

However, this does not happen when magic interferes with it.

Lu Yu looked at Shirai Kuroko, who was obviously much more immature than the time of the original work, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

The kid who looks pretty cute now, how can he grow up crooked!

"Woo wow wow ~ Shirai-san!"

Seeing that his partner was rescued, Xiao Chuchun finally stopped crying, walked in front of Lu Yu and bowed deeply to thank him.

"Thank you for your help!"

"It's just a gesture. "

Lu Yu smiled and didn't care.


Looking at the scene, it turned out that the place where the robbers were standing was already a white field.

Chu Chun Ornament hesitated for a moment, but still dared to ask:

"Excuse me, where is that prisoner?"

"I guess I ran away because I couldn't win, right?"

Lu Yu opened his eyes and said nonsense.

This is a lie.

The robbers had long been humanely destroyed by Lu Yu's copycat version of the "Jet of Destruction White Light".

That absolute constant velocity ability is now in the inventory of the Dimension Store, and what it means is self-evident.

"Oh. "

Although his mind is very good, Hatsuharu's intuition tells him not to delve into it.

Soon, Pandora completed the treatment of Kuroko Shirai.

The guards also rushed over.

Then he was reprimanded by Lu Yu.

I heard that the permanent director of the school city almost fell into this robbery.,And took the initiative to solve the robbers.。

How dare these guards ask the whereabouts of the robbers, one or two are too frightened.

In the school city,Although there are regulations of conduct,But there is no law.。

The permanent director is the person with the highest power in the city, not to mention that it is the robbers who are solved, and even if it is not, no one dares to make irresponsible remarks.

So, after handing over Shirai Kuroko to the hospital nurse, Lu Yu patted his ass directly and prepared to go home.

Ignore regular inquiries, surveys, and so on.


On the way, Lu Yu suddenly noticed something.

That's the superpower of absolute isovelocity that he gets, which is LV4 level.

But in his memory, the robber in the original book should not have such a high-level ability.

Although it is strange in itself that high-level ability people have to rely on robbery to make a living.

So he turned on his phone and checked the library.

The library is the official information system of the school city.,It has almost all the information information of the school city.。

However, the permission management of the library is also strict, and ordinary people cannot see any confidential information.

Lu Yu, on the other hand, has the authority of a permanent director, and the library can almost be said to be defenseless to him.

"Sure enough. "

The screen on the mobile phone shows that the prisoner's ability level is obviously only LV3.

Although it is also possible that the ability has suddenly developed to the point of promotion, the greater possibility is that -

"Fantasy Mite!"

It seems that Kiyama Haruo has obtained the information about the Xi learning device, and has already created a fantasy Mite, and put it into use.

Fantasy Masters can easily increase the level of the capable and share the computing power of the students' brains.

And the leader of the fantasy Mitech network has the right to call on all computing power.

Although for humans, it is impossible to bear.

That will inevitably lead to the rampage of the Fantasy, and the birth of the Fantasy Beast.

- The plan went well.


After returning to the dimensional store with Pandora, Lu Yu contacted the bee-eater Cao Qi and Bushu Toxin to confirm the progress of their research.

Sister Misaka's emotional program is about to be completed, and the younger sisters will soon be able to leave the culture tank and live a normal life.

The research on the body crystal of the bee-eating caustic prayer has only just begun, and there are no results yet.

However, listening to her tone, she seems to be very confident in the research and development of body crystals.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the two, Lu Yu hung up the phone.

It's time to return to the world of the Godslayer.

He went with Aisha, so naturally he didn't say hello or leave.

"Did you have fun today?"

He looked at Pandora.

"Hee-hee, in thousands of years, there has been no happier than today!"

Pandora happily hugged the big bag of clothes, obviously very satisfied.

"If you're interested in the future, you can come at any time. "

Lu Yu smiled.

"When I'm not here, you can look for Dori. "

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