"You don't have to worry about that. "

Lu Yu shook his head.

"With her strength, she doesn't need shelter!"


Whitebeard was a little surprised when he heard the difference.

"Is it a strong woman?"

When he thinks of strong women, he thinks of BIG· MOM。

I can't help but feel a little sick.

In fact, the Four Emperors and Aunts looked okay when they were young.

I don't know why, but I became like this when I got old.

Lu Yu didn't know what Whitebeard was thinking.

Seeing that he agreed, he immediately used his membership card to contact Ibuki Suika.

Inform her that she can go to the Pirate World.

After the notification is completed.

He looked at Whitebeard.

"Although she is a girl, her strength is still good. "

"I ask you, I just want you to take care of it at the beginning. "

"Boats, food, drinking water...... I hope you can tell her about the common sense of sailing and other aspects of experience. "

Although Lu Yu knows some common sense in the pirate world, he has not really been there, and there will be omissions after all.

And common sense in these aspects needs to be told to her by an experienced person.

The Whitebeard Pirates are the best candidates.

Don't think common sense doesn't matter.

If Ibuki didn't know anything, he swallowed two devil fruits.

Even Lu Yu didn't know if she would explode because of this.

I don't know, if the Devil Fruit can't blow up, it will kill a ghost king.

Even if you don't eat two Devil Fruits, just one.

The weakness that will be possessed is also extremely dangerous for the ghost king of the great rivers and mountains.

"Well, I see!"

Hearing Lu Yu's request, Whitebeard nodded suddenly.

He just thought too much about feelings, and people only need a little basic common sense information.

Lu Yu just said that he would return the favor, and he thought it would be a difficult request.

I didn't expect it to be just such a trivial matter.

It seems that Mr. Store Manager really doesn't care about human favors, and just makes this request to make him feel at ease.

Thinking of this, Whitebeard couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Lu Yu.

The mentality is gradually changing.



At this time, it was already noon, and it happened that Lu Yu had not eaten.

So he invited Whitebeard to dine with him.

While eating, I waited for Ibuki Suika.

Whitebeard gladly accepted.

"Kulalalala! I don't know what kind of delicious food and wine will be in another world!"

He smiled expectantly.

Whitebeard is not a person with a good appetite, and he is not particular about food.

But as a pirate, he does have a soft spot for wine.

"There's a lot of food in the school city.,There's a lot of wine.,There should be something to suit your taste.。 "

For this, Lu Yu is quite confident.

The Pirate World Tech Tree is strange, but most of them are still in primitive nomadic and farming mode.

The grain production is not much, so naturally there are not many special foods derived.

Whether it's good or not depends on the chef's cooking skills.

And the school city,It's a collection of popular foods from all over the world.,In terms of types, the world of pirates is beaten.。

Considering Whitebeard's appetite, Lu Yu directly ordered a large wave of takeout.

Food for at least fifty people.

Fortunately, his ability as the master of space can expand the dimensional store, otherwise the table would not be able to hold so much food.

The takeaway arrived quickly, and there was a whole long table set up.

If it weren't for Lu Yu manipulating the light, so that the delivery man couldn't see Whitebeard.

I'm afraid that there will be a giant more than six meters tall in the urban legend.

"Good wine!"

Whitebeard took a sip of rum and gulped it up.

Centuries ago, it was a favorite wine of navigators and pirates, but Whitebeard tasted the same as them.

This is probably the common aesthetic of pirates!

"I don't buy many varieties, but there are still dozens of wines, you can try them all!

Anyway, money doesn't mean much to him anymore, and Lu Yu is very generous in this regard.

"Then thank you for the kindness of the owner!"

Whitebeard looked so happy that he couldn't refuse the wine.

While eating, they talked.

Lu Yu remembered Whitebeard's words before and asked curiously.

"Edward, you said that treating your injuries was only one of your purposes, and now that this matter is done, do you have any other wishes?"

"Of course there is............ Ahem!ahem!ahem!!"

Halfway through speaking, Whitebeard suddenly coughed violently, as if an old wound had recurred.

But under the full treatment of the happy egg, how could this happen.

After a few seconds, Whitebeard coughed so much that his neck turned red before he stopped.

He looked at the colorless transparent liquid on his hand in admiration.

"I'm sorry manager...... It's so strong, I've never drunk it before!

It turned out that I was choked by spirits!

"This is a two-pot head, and you can't dry it in a big mouth. "

Lu Yu glanced at the trademark and wanted to laugh.

The second pot blows on the bottle, no one can stand it!

"I want a few boxes of this too! Bring them back to my sons!

Thinking of the way his children were gulping these two pots, Whitebeard couldn't help but laugh.

"Pit your own son...... That's fine. "

I didn't expect the whitebeard with thick eyebrows and big eyes to have this hobby.

Lu Yu nodded, anyway, it wasn't to harm others.

"I just talked about the second goal of the old man...... That is to train the successor of our pirate group. "

Whitebeard put down his second pot head and began to pick up the interrupted topic.

"I hope that the successor will hold this position. "

The battle between the pirates can be described as bloody, and Whitebeard does not want to see him die, and the Whitebeard Pirates fall apart.

So he wants to develop a qualified leader.

"I know a thing or two about your pirate group, who do you want to take over your class?"

Lu Yu asked.


Whitebeard immediately gave the answer, apparently having thought about it a long time ago.

"My son Ace, he has the ability to unite and strengthen the Pirates!"


Lu Yu was not surprised by this answer, Whitebeard did cultivate Ace as a second-generation eye.

But he wanted to ask more carefully.

"Why not Marco?"

As the emperor's vice-president, Marco fought against the three major generals in the top war, and there was no winner or loser.

Although it was a bit embarrassing in the later stage, it was sealed by Hailou Stone.

But without detrimental to his strength.

After the deaths of Whitebeard and Ace, Marshal Sengoku still believes that the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates led by the immortal Marco have the ability to become the Four Emperor Pirates.

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