Lu Yu and Mushan Harusheng knew each other before.

However, unlike Bushu Toxin or Silk Flag's favorite, he doesn't have much intersection with Kiyama Harunsheng.

It's just a nodding friend, barely a friend.

So Mushan Chunsheng hasn't noticed that the peers he knew before have actually become the directors of the school city.

It wasn't until just now, listening to Shirai Kuroko's words, that I didn't know about it.

With the level of Mushan Chunsheng, Lu Yu is the existence with the highest position she has ever seen.

"Are you here to stop me?"

Kiyama Harusheng asked very uneasily.

She's a person who has lived in the school city system for many years.,I know very well what kind of rights a director can have.。

If Lu Yu really came to stop her.

Then even if she had the strength of today's versatile person, there was no way to fight against Lu Yu.

The real garrison force of the school city,It's not the ordinary guards who were easily defeated by her.。

Drive armor, gunship, dark ......

The reason why she has been able to survive until now is because the school city has not yet used its real power.

Once the school city is serious.,Regardless of the loss.。

The armament could reduce her to ashes from a distance.

And Lu Yu is one of the few people who can make the school city serious.

"What would you do if I said I was here to stop you?"

Lu Yu did not answer Kiyama Harusei's question directly, but asked.

"I'm definitely not going to let go.,Even if it's a shot at the director of the school city.,I can't stop!"

Kiyama Harusheng's face was pale, but his eyes were still firm.

Around her, superpowers are at the mercy of superpowers.

Having come this far, there is no reason to let go.

Therefore, even if she attacked Lu Yu, a former colleague, and took him hostage, she would save the lives of those children.

Even if a move against the director could lead to her living in prison for the rest of her life, she was mentally prepared.

Seeing her determined appearance, Lu Yu thought about it.

Soon the policy of subduing Kiyama Haruo was formulated.

"Do you even want to do this to occupy the computing power of those children?"

He sighed heavily and stepped forward.

Acting exploded.

"If you have something unspeakable, you can just say why you are doing such a thing. "

"Just say it?"

Kiyama Haru Sheng was a little emotional, and there was deep despair in his tone.

"I've mentioned it many times to the higher-ups, I'm just trying to save those kids!"

"Just occupying the computing power of a supercomputer can save the lives of dozens of children, it's such a simple thing, I have submitted dozens of reports, but not once!"

"The upper echelons of the school city,I don't care about those dozens of lives at all"

"Now that I've finally found a way to save them, you come to stop them, can't you really give those children a way to live?"

Her desperate cry shocked both Kuroko Shirai and Mikoto Misaka.

Only then did they realize how much darkness was hidden behind Mushan Harunsheng's behavior.

However, even if they knew this, they did not agree with Kiyama Harusei's approach.

Although they disagreed, they did not find it useful to refute them.

In the face of such desperate cries, the two girls could only remain silent.

At this time, Lu Yu spoke.

"Although I would like to say that I am here to stop you, after all, you caused 20,000 students to fall into a coma, made many incapable people experience the joy of having power, and then deprived them of it, which will cause a lot of social problems......"

"But, as Kuroko said, it's not my job to come and stop you, it's not my job. "

Speaking of this, he took a few steps forward and walked in front of Kiyama Harunsheng unsuspectingly.

Then he smiled softly and looked at her firmly.

"So I'm not here to stop you, I'm here to help you. "

"We haven't had much in touch before, but I know your character, you're not the kind of person who puts kids in danger for the sake of experimentation, so you must have done this for some other reason. "

"I was relieved to hear you say that you did this to save those children, and that means I was not wrong. "

"I've understood everything you just said, and you want the acting power of the tree diagram designer to save those children, no problem. "

"As a permanent director, I also have access to the tree designer, and I can help you get enough acting power to help you save those kids. "

"So, do you want to accept my help?"

With a fragile human body, he stands in front of a prisoner with multiple abilities.

He was not afraid in the slightest, but approached and extended a helping hand.

The afternoon sun shone on his face, as if gilding him with a layer of gold.



Both Kuroko Shirai and Mikoto Misaka held their breath and waited for Haru Kiyama's answer.

At first, seeing Lu Yu walking over defenselessly, the two girls looked worried, afraid that Mushan Harunsheng would take the opportunity to take Lu Yu hostage.

However, after Lu Yu spoke, the two girls were completely shocked by Lu Yu's noble character.

In Mikoto Misaka's heart, her good impression of Lu Yu has greatly increased.

In her heart, Lu Yu can already be called a very respectable leader, much more respectable than her father.

Shirai Kuroko is even worse, and his face is directly red.

- Worthy of my brother!

Originally, he had already reached almost full favorability towards Lu Yu, and it exploded directly!

Whether it is the grace of saving lives twice, or the full personality charm shown by Lu Yu this time, it completely fills the girl's heart of Shirai Kuroko.

And compared to two girls watching from the sidelines.

The shock of the parties is stronger than all of them combined.

In front of Lu Yu, Mu Shan Chunsheng, who was facing him, looked at Lu Yu's helping hand, and the gratitude and emotion that surged in the depths of her mind drowned her whole person like a tide.

For two years,She's been rejected by the top management of the school city.,Every time she refuses, she pushes her into the abyss little by little.。

However, at this darkest time.

Someone actually reached out to her, willing to help her save those children.

It is no exaggeration to say that in her eyes, Lu Yu is now shining like a god.

“...... I do! Please help me!"

She let down all her guard and put her hand on Lu Yu's hand.

If there is a tree designer, there is no need to continue to use the computing power of the Fantasy Mite.

She was willing to believe in Lu Yu's promise.

Whoever could say that could never deceive her.

And yet—

Just when this incident was almost over, and it was heading towards a happy ending.

Kiyama Harusheng's headache suddenly intensified, and the whole person fell into a coma.

At the same time, on the top of Kiyama Haruo's head, a translucent, embryonic-like creature appeared out of thin air and grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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