"This is the jar you said Xiao Qi!"

Looking at these ordinary jars, Taoli picked one up with interest and shook it.

There was no sound and nothing out of the ordinary, just as ordinary as it looked.

"Hmm. "

The bee-eater swallowed nervously.

"My face is so white, I'm sure I'll be able to pull out something good!".

Praying, she opened the first jar.

A green glow loomed, and the first card was drawn with a green quality item.

"What is this?".

She asked eagerly.

Lu Yu took the card, and after appraising it, he showed an indescribable expression.


Card Type: Life

Card Quality: Green

Card description: Are you still distressed by your fierce pre-murder horse Pingchuan, are you still desperate for your own cliffs, if ordinary papaya powder can't make you return to self-confidence, such a mysterious papaya powder may be suitable for you!

Card description: Mysterious papaya powder

Evaluation: More effective than ordinary quality papaya powder


Seeing the card introduction, the bee-eater felt like he was about to crack!

"What the hell is this!".

Is she a non-chief?

"I don't want papaya powder! If I want to be bigger, I can control it with my own ability, so I don't need any mysterious papaya powder!"

In the midst of her emotions, she revealed some of the secrets of her abilities.

Mental mastery has long been thought to control living beings by controlling living currents in their bodies, but this claim is false.

The essence of bee-eating manipulation ability is to manipulate water, mainly the secretion of various substances in the human brain to achieve the purpose of manipulating the mind, although it can also control the living current, but it is also based on the manipulation of the current medium rather than the manipulation of the current itself.

Therefore, in addition to manipulating human memory and spirit, her abilities can also interfere with the secretion of human hormones.

In other words, whether you want to change your height or make your body more perfect, you don't need to exercise hard, you just need to change the hormone secretion in your body.

So although papaya powder is useful for other girls, it is a chicken rib for her.

In the original work, the bee-eating exercise can change from a milky yellow-haired girl to a perfect body in just one year, and it is estimated that it is not his own super long development, but the result of his own ability interference.

"Eh, eh?!Xiao Qi, do you still have this kind of usage in your ability?!".

Not only Lu Yu didn't know this secret, but even Taoli had heard of it for the first time.

No matter how good the relationship with the bee-eating Cao Qi is, after hearing her ability to use, the plastic girlfriend relationship broke down instantly.

"It's too cunning, isn't it! In this case, wouldn't Xiao Qi be able to adjust his own figure no matter how good he wanted?!".

As a girl, it is inevitable not to feel envious, jealous and hateful about this.


Bee-eating Cao Qi snorted lightly: "So people are not barren people, as long as I want, I can be as big as I want!".

When she said this, her eyes fell on Lu Yu.

still remembers the hatred that Lu Yu mocked her for her small chest before.

"Then come and talk to me when you're older. "

Lu Yu said perfunctorily.

"Hey, if you really don't need it, can you use it for me?"

Taoli on the side affectionately pulled the hand of the bee-eater.

"Dori, too, is this age!".

Naturally, the bee-eater did not refuse, and directly gave the papaya powder cards drawn last time to Taoli.

Immediately afterward, she began to smoke the jar.

"White quality papaya powder!".

"Green quality papaya powder!".



"Primary Spiritual Enhancement Elixir!".

Nine pots were drawn in a row, and there were two green quality items, which was not bad luck to be honest, as the last guarantee must have been blue.

But he didn't get what he wanted at all, which disappointed the bee-eater.

"The last jar...... It must be a genetic repair solution!".

With this hope in mind, the bee-eater opened the last jar.

"This is ......


"Skill cards?".

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