“Next, the Receiving Kata #2! One! Two!” Landrid yelled.

“One! Two!!” the students yell back.

Following Landrid’s voice, the disciples swing their wooden swords. Some time had passed since the sudden mock battle between Adel and Edel earlier, and the dojo had almost regained its usual atmosphere.

“It’s nostalgic, isn’t it?” Kuruni said as we watched the practice.

“It really is,” I said.

The Knights don’t practice kata at all, so I certainly felt a bit nostalgic.

“Is this the so-called kata practice?” Henblitz said.

“That’s right,” I said. “We have 5 Advancing Katas and 8 Receiving Katas.”

I’m surprised that this guy doesn’t have any trouble breathing even after the mock battle is over. At that level, it was probably just a warm-up exercise. Rebelio’s Vice-Captain is absolutely outrageous.

Since this is a dojo for swordsmanship, there are proper katas. What they are doing now is called the basic kata, and as I explained, there are 5 advancing katas and 8 receiving katas.

Roughly speaking, it is a stereotyped flow of “Move like this if your opponent moves like this.” I wonder if it’s a feature of our family that there are more receiving katas than the opposite. Because normally, the emphasis is on how to cut down the opponent first.

Having said that, this is just the basics and pattern, so it’s unlikely that things will go exactly like that in actual combat. Even so, if you let the movement patterns engrave into your body and mind, you can move quite a bit when you need it. The repetitive practice works surprisingly well.

Even if it’s not according to the formula, there will always be a moment when you realize that this offense and defense were done in that form. Humans are surprisingly able to calmly deal with events they’ve already experienced. It is an exercise to expand that.

By the way, most of the maneuvers that can be called sword techniques at our dojo are based on these katas, or derived from them.

Even the Leaf Crusher, which I use a lot, is based on the 4th receiving kata. It’s just that the movement is made with that form, but whether it can be used in actual battle is a completely different story.

When Miu’s physical condition or psychological unease settles down, I think it might be a good idea to let her experience training at the dojo. There are a lot of things that cannot be explained in the lectures of the Sword Magic Department alone, so if it helps Miu who loves swords, I would be happy to help.

But, well, as far as today is concerned, I was right not to bring her with me. It’s the same with Adel and Edel, and Miu probably hasn’t fully formed her impression of Henblitz yet. She might freak out if I showed her that fierce look of his. That would have been bad.

“So, do you think you’ll get any promising candidates?” Henblitz asked.

“Hmm… I think Adel and Edel are confirmed for the time being,” I said.

The targets were students who can help repel the saber boas.

To be honest, Sir Henblitz is just too strong, and Adel and Edel are also strong enough in terms of age and experience. I wouldn’t do anything foolish like throwing apprentices to the front line and leaving them alone, but if the persons themselves want it, I’d like to give them such a valuable opportunity for actual combat.

There are things that can only be learned through practice, but there are also things that can only be learned through actual combat. In particular, Adel wants to become an adventurer, so she should accumulate combat experience when she can.

“I’ll do it later… I’ll think about it after watching a little more,” I said.

In short, other than Adel and Edel, you could say no other children qualify at a glance.

Alexia, Landrid, Thyssel, Kuruni, Rose. They’re really talented and they’re doing incredible things, but on the other hand, we can’t use them as a standard. If you do that, the baseline will be ridiculously far below them.

If you decide things based on some geniuses, you will definitely end up in a terrible situation later. I don’t think you should make a mistake there as a leader.

Of course, I don’t know what the future holds. That’s all for now. Even so, as long as I’m trying to take them out to subjugate monsters where their lives are in danger, I can’t take out people who aren’t strong enough at the moment.

For the time being, there are disciples who just happened to not come today, so I plan to wait until tomorrow.

The dojo itself is open except on certain days, but the disciples don’t come every day. The pace of commuting varies from person to person, and it cannot be determined based on just one day. In the first place, it is physically quite difficult for people from other villages to come every day.

Besides, what they’re doing now are repetition drills.

True strength cannot be measured by kata alone, but the accuracy of kata can give a rough idea of actual strength. As long as it’s limited to the disciples of our dojo.

There are some children who demonstrate their strengths as soon as they enter the practice or sparring. In that sense, it was a bit premature to judge on this occasion alone.

“However, it’s quite interesting,” Henblitz said. “Their footwork looks especially unique. Is it the result of the focus on parrying?”

“Oh, very impressive,” I said.

I didn’t expect Sir Henblitz to have missed it.

It is clear from the number of kata that our school focuses on receiving and defense. For that reason, it is important to use the lower body. Depending on the viewer, it may look like unfamiliar footwork.

That’s why we are stronger in battles that we don’t lose than in battles that we win outright. That’s why there are many swordsmen who are good at fighting at the lead, like Alexia, Thyssel, Rose, etc.

It’s why I used to think that my swordsmanship style wouldn’t suit Selena. Her currently established style and the swordsmanship I teach don’t go very well together.

Occasionally, power types like Kuruni and Adel come out. Well, although having power is certainly a great advantage, swordsmanship that relies on it is surprisingly fragile. I don’t want my disciples to be like that.

“I understand once more why you keep emphasizing the core, Sir Beryl,” Henblitz said.

“Haha, I’m glad you do,” I said.

In order to carry your feet well, core strength is essential. If you try to perform our swordsmanship form more accurately and faster, those who are inexperienced in that respect will inevitably lose their center of gravity. It means they can’t move like they thought they would.

“The training here is pretty tough. That’s why I’m confident in my core and abdominal muscles,” Kuruni said.

“You were probably able to adapt to a zweihander so quickly because of that, Kuruni,” I said.

“Oh, was that so? Ehehehe!” Kuruni giggled.

If it’s important for the longsword that I or Sir Henblitz are masters of, it’s even more important if you want to use a two-handed sword like Kuruni. If you just lift it, you can do it with your arm strength, but you can’t do anything with just your arm strength to skillfully handle a long and heavy object.

Even if I think about it again, I think that a two-handed sword is quite suitable for Kuruni. This girl has huge abs. No, it doesn’t matter that much.

“Aren’t you the best at this series of kata, Sir Beryl?” Henblitz asked casually.

“No, that would be my Old Man,” I said quickly. “I’m pretty confident in my kata, too, though.”

I’ve been exposed to swordsmanship here for many years, but of course, the best is the Old Man.

“I see… he must be very strong,” Henblitz said.

“He is strong. As far as I know, he’s the strongest swordsman,” I said.

I don’t often speak so assertively. I’m not the type to be that confident, to begin with.

However, in terms of the Old Man’s strength, I can assure you: that person is the strongest. Alexia is strong and Sir Henblitz is also strong, but even those two won’t be able to beat the Old Man one-on-one.

“If you say that yourself, Sir Beryl…” Henblitz said.

“Yeah, he’s strong,” I said.

“By that much?” Kuruni said, “… I’m getting a little scared.”

“Haha, the Old Man is careless about everything except for the sword. He put all his discipline there,” I said.

To put it bluntly, the Old Man possesses extraordinary strength.

I’ve been trying to learn how to use the sword for years and decades, but I still don’t feel like I can win against him.

In fact, I’ve never seen him lose when he stands alone as a swordsman.

Whether it’s a mock battle with his apprentices, a tournament match, or a dojo-breaking match, the Old Man always wins overwhelmingly. If I’m not mistaken, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him be put on the back foot and get a beating.

As far as I know, Lucy is the only person who has a chance of winning against the Old Man. If so, it’s Monster vs. Monster. If the situation allows it, I’d even pay to see how it goes down.

Thinking about it, as far as the Path of the Sword I’m walking, the Old Man was always several steps ahead of me. I’m confident that I’m stronger than I used to be. I’m sure I’m growing too.

However, no matter how many people praised my sword skill. Since the Old Man is on the other side of where I am, I can’t accept it honestly. How can I be proud of my swordsmanship skill when I have never been able to win against my aging biological father? That feeling always haunts me.

“… The top is so far away yet,” I said.

“I agree with that,” Henblitz said. “I still have to work hard.”

Sometimes I wonder what kind of vision the Old Man sees where he is.

The world is wide. I won’t go so far as to say that the Old Man is the strongest in the world. However, it’s also true that I can’t imagine what kind of skill a swordsman would need to have to beat him.

But that can’t be a reason not to aim for the top of swordsmanship. I’d like to reach that height someday, but it still seemed like a long way to go.

“Well, let’s see what they’re doing now,” I said.

“Agreed,” Henblitz said.

We calm down the conversation and return our gazes to the students.

For the time being, I will assess the strength of the force today and tomorrow, and although it depends on the weather, should I enter the mountains after that?

Since the saber boa invasion is reliably coming almost every year, I can predict the approximate location. In the first place, it is dangerous to go deep into the mountains. I, or rather the people here, are neither adventurers nor explorers. Landrid is a former adventurer.

Since the original purpose is to thin out the herds that have increased too much and have an adverse effect on the village at the foot of the mountain, there is no need to rush in unnecessarily, and even if the scale is somewhat larger, this time there are more forces here. As long as you’re prepared for the worst, you shouldn’t have any major problems. Of course, that’s no excuse to let your guard down.

“Nine! Ten! … Alright, time for a break!” Landrid yelled.


Oops. It looks like they’re going to take a short break.

I think it’s an ex-adventurer-like practice with ample breaks. Even if you do it in a row, you won’t get much effect, and above all, it’s hot. If there were a lot of people moving around in the dojo, it would get warm inside.

“Good work today. It was nice, I think it’s a solid practice that is faithful to the basics,” I said.

“No, don’t say that,” Landrid said. “There are still many things I’m fumbling with…”

“You’re doing great. You should be more confident,” I said.

I think he’s actually taught well, and I think he’s better than when I first stood in the dojo as a substitute instructor. After all, the skills and experience of being active as a first-class adventurer are great.

Even now, I have my own opinion on how to teach swordsmanship, but at first, I was really fumbling. Even though I’ve seen how the Old Man teaches, there’s a world of difference between watching and doing. I bumbled around for quite a while until I established my current teaching method.

“Landrid, make sure you’re well hydrated,” I said.

“Yes, I know. The heat of the summer will quickly drain your physical and mental strength,” Landrid said.

“Hahaha, I guess that was an unnecessary intervention for a skilled adventurer,” I said.

If I became a Platinum rank adventurer, I would have thrown myself into a harsh natural environment. He probably has a lot more experience than me in that area. This may have been an afterthought to him.

“… Honestly, what do you think?” I asked discreetly.

“… Regardless of the quality, if you look at their abilities now, there are only a few good candidates,” Landrid said.

“So that’s all there is after all…”

Landrid didn’t change his expression, but he responded with a slightly sour tone.

If it were up to me, I want to let all my disciples see the heat of live combat. But it’s not possible. Since the amount of talent and the remaining room for growth differ from person to person, the number of people who have the strength to withstand actual battles is naturally limited.

Of course, not everyone wants to fight hard. There are quite a few children whose purpose is to enjoy themselves or master swords for self-defense.

However, not everyone who aims to fight will be able to fight. This alone is beyond my power.

“No matter what, we can’t do anything about it, huh?” I said.

“I want to follow the path of the sword.”, “I want to make a name for myself.”, “I want to become strong.” There will inevitably be children who have such strong aspirations, but still do not have the talent and physical strength to follow.

Even so, there are many children whose talents are dormant but do not bloom in a short time. Just like Kuruni, who had a high quality, could not be brought to subdue the saber boas during her student days.

Better yet, if it were a world where everything was determined by the amount of talent, like a magician, I might have been able to sort things out. But anyone can swing a sword.

Well, on the other hand, even if a genius like Alexia pops up, it will be a problem. I don’t even want to imagine a world where that is the average.

“Maybe all we can do is teach them sincerely and face them,” Landrid said.

“Haha, no doubt,” I said.

I can’t help but agree. Should I say that this way of thinking is outrageous? Landrid, who has seen many adventurers say it, gives me a sense of persuasiveness.

Yes, the teaching side should not cut talent short. It’s an insult to those who aspire to wield the sword. What we can do is face each person as much as possible. In the process, there is no choice but to reconcile the person’s dream and the current situation.

“Then, it’s time to resume. Everyone! End of break!” Landrid said.


After a short break, Landrid called out to his disciples to resume their training.

I don’t know how many of the people in the dojo will succeed, and how many will give up on the path of the sword. But for the time being at least, the role of witnessing it will be Landrid, not me.

The duty of being a special instructor for the Knights of Rebelio is probably a very proud job in terms of general public perception. I understand it. I am also enjoying myself in many ways, and it is a feeling that cannot be experienced at the dojo to further train the knights who have been selected before. There is also a sense of fulfillment.

Still, in the end.

To not be able to see with my own eyes the destination of the students that I have seen from scratch.

Only a little bit of regret is growing.

“This dojo may give rise to future knights,” Henblitz said. “I’m looking forward to seeing them.”

“… Yeah, that’s right,” I said.

Leaving the dojo, and then coming back again, the little emotions spring up for the first time.

I can’t seem to find the trick to it as that guy has.

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