“There’s still plenty of meat left! Come on, come on, eat up, eat up!”


It’s been about a week since the saber boar operation.

Now it’s like a festival after cleaning up all the mess. All of the saber boars that were carried out with great effort have been butchered, their tusks and skins processed for sale, and the surplus meat is now being served to the people of Bidden Village.

As is customary every year, the festivities continue like this for a few days. It’s not every day that you get a chance to eat as much meat as you want, whenever you want, so everyone’s spirits are high.

Fortunately, a merchant stopped by the village at a very opportune moment.

Thanks to this, we were able to quickly cash in our tusks and skins, and use the money to buy liquor and other entertainment items, which was a big help to the village.

“Hm …… it’s delicious,” I said.

The village was abuzz with activity, and the merchant brought a tepid ale. The ale is not as cold as in the Baltrain’s taverns. The village was short on entertainment, so the drink itself was a welcome relief.

“Hey, Beryl, you’ve had a big hunt this time, haven’t you?”

“Hufyr. Well yeah, it’s a relief you’ve stopped by,” I said.

It was as I wandered around with a wooden mug in my hand, a well-dressed old man approached me.

This old man is Hufyr, the merchant who was behind the celebrations today. He is the same age as me and a native of this village.

As I said, Hufyr has visited the village at the right time more than once in the past. He is from here, so of course, he is well versed with the saber boar problems. So he knows one route where he can purchase a large amount of saber boar goods at a low price and get a lot of gold for it.

The saber boar skins and tusks fetch a decent price. However, they are only moderately expensive, and most adventurers will not touch them when they consider the location of the hunting grounds and the degree of difficulty fighting them. It is simply not worth it.

But this village is different. We kill a certain amount of saber boars every year without relying on outside forces. For Hufyr, it is a chance to acquire goods at no risk through direct trade with the village, without the need for funds to hire adventurers or mercenaries to take down the saber boars.

“This is the time of year when I make my money,” Hufyr said. “And this time there was some big game in the mix. You’re the one who’s a relief to me.”

“Haha, do you think you can sell those tusks for a good price?” I asked.

“Yes, I think they’re worth a lot of money if you negotiate for them well,” Hufyr said.

And although Hufyr is a merchant, he is not a bad man. He has a lot of compassion for his hometown. That is why he distributes liquor, other luxury goods, and daily necessities to the village at a considerable discount.

Considering the cost of the labor, there is no need for the village to be picky. We had no way to sell the goods without outside help, so it was only natural that Hufyr would have a large collection of goods for his taking.

“I should treat the children of the guards well,” Hufyr said.

“Of course. The results were a good deal for them as well, weren’t they?” I said.

This time, it took a lot of effort to transport the saber boars. It was because there were so many more stragglers than usual, which meant they were spread out far wider than normal, and there was also that stupidly big boss.

So we had a team of four adventurers hired to guard Hufyr and help us with the hauling. The adventurers were young, but they were all of Silver rank and at least competent.

Well, we almost never ask White or Bronze ranks to escort them on their journey.

That’s because you can’t entrust escort duty to a novice with no track record or ability. It is the usual practice for newcomers like Port and Nedley to steadily build up their credibility and accomplishments through low-risk investigation requests and requests to take down small targets.

“Hah! Ale tastes great after a hard day’s work!”

“Kuruni, don’t drink too much,” I said.


Kuruni had once declared herself to be not very good at drinking, and now she was in high spirits as she sipped from her mug of ale

Still, I suppose it’s okay to act as if Bidden Village is a vacation for her.

Even if she were to fall sick from drunkenness, she could sleep in my house until she got better, so it would be easy for me to take her home. Even if she collapses, I’ll at least carry her home.

“Well, I’m off to the adventurers,” Hufyr said.

“Sure, and Hufyr, be careful not to drink too much.”

“I’m not going to do it, I’m not so young anymore, just like you,” Hufyr said, leaving in a good mood as he shakes his flabby belly.


I used to wield a wooden sword with him. He and I are the same age and from the same hometown, but our paths have taken very different directions.

Of course, it is not the fault of either of us. I have my way of life and he has his. It is disrespectful to judge each other as a success or failure. Besides, he is doing a good job as a merchant.

“… Pops, good job.”

“Hey, Miu,” I said. “Are you eating well?”.

After Hufyr leaves, I am left alone again to watch the festivities in the village, when Muy arrives.

She was now in a completely unfamiliar place, living in a completely unfamiliar life. Of course, she must have been nervous at first. But thanks to the care and support of Pops, Ma, and Kuruni, she seems to me to have lost a lot of her nervousness.

“……The meat was delicious,” Miu said.

“I’m glad to hear that,” I said.

Even though there is meat, we don’t have any special cooking utensils or seasonings as far as I’m concerned. The most you can do is season the meat with salt and herbs and grill it. The only other way is to smoke it as preserved food.

But even so, it is still meat. Miu’s taste buds seemed to find it a sufficient treatment, and she was unusually honest about her impressions.

“So how is it, Bidden Village?” I asked. “Well, I know it’s nothing to be proud of.”

For a student of the Magician’s Academy in the capital city of Baltrain, such a rural area with little recreation must seem quite sparse. However, it’s hard to find a place where you can escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a peaceful life. Especially in the case of Miu’s background, I wanted her to be able to stretch her wings without worrying about the eyes of those around her.


“Nn… it’s a nice place, I think,” Miu said.

“I see,” I said.

The people of the village, as it turned out, welcomed Miu warmly.

In a small society like this, newcomers are almost always either accepted or ostracized. In her case, I think she had the advantage of being my companion, so there was almost no tension in that area.

The rest is simply because Pop’s influence is very strong in this village. Since she was related to him, even if only on paper, the villagers could not treat her so carelessly.

Whatever the reason, Miu doesn’t need to know. That she was welcomed by Bidden Village, that’s all she needed to know.

“Hey, is that Ale?” Miu asked.

“Hmm? Yes, it is,” I said.

While we were watching the revelry outside without any particular conversation with each other, Miu called out to me.

It seems that she was interested in the mug I was holding, but it is somewhat unusual for her to show interest in other people’s things.

It’s nothing unusual, just lukewarm ale. It shouldn’t be particularly interesting, though, whether or not Miu could drink it.

“… I’d like a sip,” Miu said.


Is this the age when she’s interested in alcohol?

I don’t know what to do. As a responsible adult, I think I should refuse this request. Well, there are plenty of people in this world who are into drinking before they are old enough to drink legally, but I doubt that I should let her get away with it in front of me.

“…… What is it, I guess I can’t?”

“Oh, no, umm……… uuhn………”

Oh no, what am I going to do?

I personally want to nod my head here. This is a precious request from Miu, who does not show much of this selfishness. But I’m a little scared that she might develop a taste for ale.

I think it is normal for people to go through this kind of experience step by step as they age.

But on the other hand, Miu seems to have already known that she would be rejected to some extent, as if she says, “I knew it. Even though she knew that she still dared to ask for the favor. I am not sure if I should ignore her wish.

For a moment, there was a fierce rivalry between my desire as Miu’s parental figure to respond to her request and my feeling that as a responsible adult, I should firmly refuse her request.

“………… Just a little bit, okay?


And I lost.

It’s okay, no one is watching but me, so this is safe. As long as I keep an eye on her so she doesn’t drink too much, she’s safe. Let’s put it that way.

Miu takes the mug from my hand and smells it first. Ale is not a strong drink with a strong smell, so she seems to have passed the first hurdle.

“… Ueh. Bitt’r…”


She tilted the mug in a fearful manner and brought the ale to her mouth.

The lukewarm ale, with most of the bubbles gone, slightly rushed into her mouth and she tasted it with her tongue.

As a result, Miu’s taste buds immediately raised the white flag of surrender. Her expression is right in line with her unconscious cry, “Ueh.” She doesn’t usually smile, but even so, a frown like this was a rare picture.

“…… That’s enough,” Miu said, bluntly bouncing the mug back at me.

“Fufu, I think it might be just a little bit too early for you, Miu,” I said.


Well, I didn’t start out liking ale, to begin with, either. The first time I tried it, I was just curious, and it brought back memories of how I felt.

Still, it was a kind of taste for an adult or a longing for it. I was so excited that I kept on drinking it, and before I knew it, I got used to the taste, and then the next thing I knew, it had become an indispensable part of my entertainment.

… I think that’s what happened to Miu.

She basically hates being treated like a child. But regardless of how she feels, in the eyes of the world, Miu is still a respectable child. I would like to value a moderate rebellious spirit, but objective facts cannot be overturned.

So, she decided to be an adult, even if only in a symbolic way, and tried her hand at the drink that I enjoy on a daily basis, or something like that. Of course, it may have been pure interest or some other intention, but I am sure that such feelings are not zero.

“Don’t panic, you’ll get a taste for it someday,” I said.

“…… I see,” Miu said.

I understand the feeling, but even if you are not in a hurry, your body will grow and your taste buds will change. As she grows up, people around her will naturally see her as an adult, and that wish will not be far off.

Yes. She will naturally be seen as an adult. People around her will recognize that she is growing inside as well as outside.

I, too, am a respectable adult externally. I have seen off many apprentices and now have a respectable title. I’m also trying to do my best to live up to it.

But am I really mature in the true sense of the word? Am I really an adult in the true sense of the word?

I feel that I am becoming more and more aware of things that I had never even questioned before. Specifically, since Alexia took me out of Bidden Village.

As Henblitz has already noticed, I am sure that people who see me will recognize me. But I didn’t think it was a bad change. I can see that there is still room for me to grow. I can’t do anything about my physical condition, though.

“Oh, Beryl, there you are!”

And while I was thinking in circles, a new voice called out to me.

It was Pops himself. It sounded like he was looking for me, but I wondered if there was something wrong. I don’t think I had anything, in particular, to talk to him about again.

“Miu,” Pops said. “Can I borrow him for a moment?

“Nnf…… it’s, all right,” Miu groaned, half-slurring.

“Hah-haha! Thanks, kid,” Pops said.

“Wh-What’s up? Is something going on?” I asked.

“You’re just gonna have to shut up and follow me,” Pops said.


Apparently, I don’t have veto power.

It’s not right. I’m sure he knew, so he asked for Miu’s permission. He’s still a real piece of work, this old geezer.

“… Then, what do you want?” I asked. “You feel like Miu shouldn’t hear?”

“There, there, just come out with me for a minute,” Pops said.

I thought he was talking about something that children can’t hear, but it seems that’s not the case.

But I really have no idea. Pops only says, “Follow me,” without telling me the purpose of the trip.

… This place is,” I said.

“This is a good opportunity. Come along with me for a while,” Pops said.

I followed Pops without understanding what he was talking about.

That was the birthplace of my swordsmanship. It was our dojo.

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