Goto, goto, the sound of wheels running on the stone pavement resounds.

The roads in the capital Baltrain and its surroundings are relatively well-maintained and are usually paved with cobblestones. If you look at the kingdom as a whole, you can’t say that it’s still well-maintained. Bidden Village just has dirt roads, and there are probably many other towns and villages like that, too.

I don’t know at all how prosperous the Frumwelk territory is, but even though it’s a frontier near the border, there shouldn’t have been a big war for a while, so I think its city must be kind of nice.


The hustle and bustle of Baltrain were faintly heard outside, but the inside of the carriage was really quiet.

There are four people, including myself, in the splendid carriage that I got into.

Me, Alexia, and two accompanying knights. In other words, everyone knew each other, and in that sense it was easy. Being together for a long time in the same space with a stranger is mentally hard. Even the same sort of silence can be divided into comfortable and uncomfortable.

It’s a little different from a normal trip are that the driver is also a knight or a Garrison soldier. It seems that they only borrowed a carriage and had everything else they needed, people or supplies, from within their organization. Considering the nature of the mission, it can’t be helped, but my first impression was that they were quite vigilant.

“…Is this carriage trip going to be a while?” I muttered.

“Yes. Please be patient,” Alexia said.

“Ooh no, I’m not dissatisfied. It feels quite fresh,” I said.

As I said, I have no complaints. Well, I have a feeling that I want to object to the flow of being nominated, but it’s not like I’m against it either.

However, at most I had only traveled back and forth between Bidden Village and Baltrain, so such a long trip is terribly fresh.

It was said that the Knights would take care of all the food and travel plans along the way, so all I did was organize and check the luggage I was bringing. It’s a carefree way to go on a long excursion alone.

Well, in the first place, the only things I personally need to prepare are traveling expenses, a change of clothes, and a sword. I’m not traveling alone this time, so I have a little more luggage.

“But I still can’t get used to sitting in a place like this,” I said.

“Please get used to that as well. You were an esteemed invited guest, Master,” Alexia said.

“I know, but…” I said, involuntarily making a wry smile.

This time, the only people who can sit while we move are those from the Knights like Alexia, me, and someone who takes turns as the driver. Everyone else is going on foot.

Of course, from the point of view of escort, I know that everyone can’t get into the carriage. However, it is also true that it is easier to stand around to protect someone than to be protected like this. No, although there is another tension that should not happen to the escort target.

Regarding this move, it seems that what is packed in the carriage is food for the road and a set of tools in case we need to camp. Therefore, there is almost no space for people to ride. If it’s an emergency such as when someone is injured, it won’t be the limit of our capabilities, but it’s better not to let that happen.

“Master, if you need anything, please let these two know,” Alexia said.

“No, no, that’s too much,” I said.

She said it while looking at the two knights sitting together.

One male knight and one female knight. Neither of them is young enough to be called newcomers, but neither are they old enough to be called veterans. In terms of age, it’s the same as Alexia, or a little lower.

The man was Vesper, and the woman, if I’m not mistaken… was Frau. It’s been a while since I’ve been their instructor, so I think I remember most of the knights I know, but it’s a bit suspicious if I’m asked if they all match their faces and names.

The two of them are often seen training at the training grounds, and as far as I can see, they are straightforward with their training and courtesies. I guess that’s why I was able to remember the name. As expected, I’m not confident about knights who don’t show up at the training grounds.

“As you know, Master is such a person,” Alexia said. “If you notice something, take the initiative.”

“Ma’am,” they said.

“N-No, it’s really okay, isn’t it…?” I said.

I’m very careful about using the Knights every time something happens, but Alexia keeps reminding the two of them, so my shoulders have become even narrower. The two of you shouldn’t reply with such enthusiasm.

But when I try to hold back and try to do something on my own, they get depressed.

I can understand a little bit of the feeling of regret that they can’t carry out the orders from their boss. Then, naturally, there will be scenes where I have to use both of them. I don’t think it’s an easy trip, but I feel like I’ve been overloaded. Please excuse me.

“…By the way, can I ask you why you chose these people?” I asked.

Right now, the air in the carriage isn’t very good, at least for me. That said, I don’t feel like I’m going to have a casual chat, so I decided to ask about something that might be related to this expedition for the time being.

“We chose from those who are relatively young, excellent in mind, technique, and physical strength, are tight-lipped, and have a certain amount of acquaintance with you, Master,” Alexia said. “After that selection, the decision was made with individual interviews.”

“……I see,” I said.

I’m curious that I’m included in the selection criteria, but it’s probably a waste of time to get into it. No, it’s true that people you meet at the training grounds are more helpful than people you don’t know at all.

Besides their ability as a knight, they were also chosen for their ability to keep their mouths shut, you could assume that both Frau and Vesper knew the main point of the mission.

Even without the mission’s secret nature, if you’re going to an evening party invited by a noble, how tight your lips are is important. It is key not to say unnecessary things, and above all, trust is important not to leak what you have seen and heard to the outside.

At least for the knights accompanying me this time, I think it’s safe to assume that they know the secret orders from the royal family. I don’t know about the garrison, but well, there’s no need to go out of your way to ask.

“Why did you limit it to just the young people?” I asked.

More than that, I’m a little worried about the fact that the word “young” was included in the selection criteria.

Due to the nature of the Knights, no one is very old. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t many of them, it’s not that they don’t exist at all. In fact, there are also knights who are clearly older than the commander, Alexia.

Of course, just being young is a huge advantage, but the world of martial arts is not narrow-minded enough to be determined only by physical strength and muscle strength. I and Pops have unwittingly proved that.

“It’s going to be a long trip, and I’m also considering physical strength,” Alexia said. “There are various other factors as well.”

“… I see, thank you.”

In response to my question that followed, Alexia first gave the reason for her physical strength, and after that, she kept her words somewhat vague. Well, if you think about it, it’s natural, and it’s not something you’d tell while Vesper or Frau was present. This was a bit of an impolite question for me.

However, if you search for the true meaning of those words, you’ll find some reasons why you can’t speak out here.

As a premise, all of the Rebelio Knights are excellent. In the first place, only those who have passed the very strict entrance examination can become knights, so there is no problem in assuming that pure combat power is guaranteed.

However, if a large number of excellent people gather, there will be further superiority and inferiority among them. This is the same for any group. It is absolutely impossible for all of us to stay at the same level and in a high position as long as we are human.

From that point of view, Vesper and Frau are excellent, but if asked if they have the highest level of strength as knights, the answer is no. It’s just my personal opinion, though.

Of course, they are by no means weak. It’s just that there are many knights stronger than the two of them.

Considering the importance of this mission, it would be normal to select elites with the highest rank among knights or those with abilities close to that. Since it can’t be helped that Sir Henblitz stays behind, someone who is about the next strongest should normally be a candidate.

However, two young people, Vesper and Frau, were the ones chosen. Even though there are many knights who surpass those two in strength.


“Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Oh, no, it’s nothing.”

When I turned my gaze to Vesper while sinking in thought, I was asked if there were any orders without a pause. I don’t have anything else to do for you, so sorry.

Vesper. He has a very fine face. It was the same with Frau, and it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that he was a combination of beautiful men and women.


In other words, that kind of thing is also included in the selection criteria this time.

Well, I can see why. It’s not a lie when Alexia said she took their physical strength into consideration since she’s going to be on a long trip, and what’s more, she’s trying to put up appearances this time.

Officially, it was an invitation to thank the Margrave for avoiding national disaster. And the guests of honor are Alexia and me. If you’re going out as an attendant, it’s better to be good-looking.

Appropriate etiquette is also required. If you think about it, I feel like these two certainly came from a good background. Rebelio’s Knights are by no means a chosen few from aristocratic backgrounds. Since it is a meritocracy, there are many people from commoner backgrounds.

In other words, I am the most suspicious person in terms of etiquette. I have nothing but anxiety.

“However, being surrounded by young knights like this seems to make my existence stand out. Hahaha……”

It’s a word I released to soften the air, but I’m feeling empty by saying it.

A young knight commander and two handsome knights stood by her. The feeling of being out of place is amazing and an old man joins there. I’m kind of depressed to the extent that I’m wondering if I can get a replacement from now on.

“That’s outrageous,” Alexia said. “You have a calm atmosphere and an aura of experience. Master, you should just stand there and behave like a master swordsman.”


I was admonished by Alexia with a really good smile. If it had been said when the two of us were alone, it might have been possible to give up a hundred paces and face it, but when Vesper and Frau were there, was it torture or something? Please excuse me.

“Do you two think so, too?” Alexia said.

“Ma’am. It’s just as the Commander said.”

“It’s the same as Vesper. You are a great swordsman.”

Alexia immediately asked for their agreement. Her voice and expression were the same as usual, but I felt like her eyes were sharp.

“Ah, thank you…”

Stop. Honestly, stop. What’s this? Bullying a newcomer?

Could it be that it’s been like this all the way to the Frumwelk territory? I really want to ask you to refrain from that.

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