An Ordinary Path to Immortality

Chapter 864: Disposal Result, and More

Xiao Zhenyue's half-dead voice came out: "Don't worry, little guy, if we really can't save the two of us, don't we still have two junior brothers outside? At worst, we can call them back. If that doesn't work, don't we still have our master?"

When these words came out, the entire Xianzong was stagnant.

Do you think you are a three-year-old child, asking adults for help when you are bullied outside?

As a living fossil in the Nascent Soul Realm, how can you have the face to mention your master?

But others couldn't find any reason to refute.

Because his master is a great master of the Transformation Realm, his three junior brothers and one junior sister are all outstanding people, even Ye Chang, who has just joined the master, has a special physique, and his achievements in the future may even surpass those of their senior brothers and sisters.

Ye Xiuli was like a bereaved mother, knowing that he would definitely not be able to stop Ye Chang today.

That means that he can now start to think about his last words.

Based on his understanding of the Son of God, if the Son of God loses to Ye Chang in this round, he will definitely be used as a scapegoat by the Son of God.

Ye Chang held Ye Xiuli's cave document in his hand, looked at the elders with a resolute gaze, and said calmly:

"Elders, you should have read this document just now. Elder Zuo, who is responsible for issuing the document, and the five elders who are responsible for checking and signing the cave, please give a reasonable explanation to all fellow disciples."

Elder Zuo, who had been sneering at Gu Mingtang before, said indifferently: "Yes, I approved the cave, and I failed in my duty. May I ask this deacon of the Discipline Hall, if it is according to the sect rules, how many months should this elder be fined?"

Another elder sneered: "Haha, dereliction of duty is a serious crime. This elder did not seriously check the cave, and it was this elder's dereliction of duty. I voluntarily fined half a year."

"And me, why not give me one more month."

"Me too."

The five elders on the document spoke up one after another. It was just dereliction of duty and oversight, not a serious crime, and they didn't care at all.

Ye Chang seemed to have expected them to have such an attitude, and was not surprised at all.

"The elders of the Elders' Council have no salary, so I will deal with it according to the highest salary of the elders of the sect. Is that okay with you?"

"Whatever you want to do."

Ye Chang continued to ask while recording: "Then how does Elder Zuo explain that Ye Xiuli was allowed to open a cave without any sect points?"

"Oh, this person tends to forget things when he gets older." Elder Zuo slapped his forehead fiercely, with a self-blaming expression on his face: "This is my fault. Ye Xiuli helped me with a private matter at the beginning. I promised to exchange points for a cave as a reward, but the cave was approved, and I forgot about the points when I was busy."

After a pause, he looked at Ye Chang and asked: "Deacon Ye, do you think I should make up the points now? I'm afraid I'll forget it again."

If someone else used such a bad excuse to explain, it would not work at all.

But he is an elder of the Elders' Council. Even if everyone knows that his explanation is an excuse, there is still nothing wrong with it.

Ye Chang remained calm, even with a bit of sneer on his face:

"According to the sect rules, if the sect points are owed without reason, the interest will be calculated at one times per year. After three years of opening the cave, Elder Zuo needs to pay an additional three times the sect points."

"You are talking nonsense, why don't I know there is such a rule?" Elder Zuo was furious.

He is the elder of the elders' hall. Although he has no salary, he usually receives a lot of benefits.

However, directly handing over the points of the four caves is also a pain in the ass.

This time, Ye Chang didn't need to explain. Gu Mingtang replied coldly: "If you don't know, go back and read the sect rules a few more times."

"The rest of the people who failed to report will be regarded as accomplices and will be dealt with in the same way." Ye Chang smiled and looked at the others and asked: "Do the elders have any objections?"

The other five elders were stunned. They really doubted whether there were such harsh sect rules.

Without them asking, Gu Mingtang took the initiative to say: "If you have any objections, you can appeal to me, but I don't think it's necessary because I will reject it on the spot."

Gu Mingtang looked upright and fair, but he felt really good in his heart. It was so satisfying to see the guys in the Elders' Council get humiliated.

Since Gu Mingtang said so, they naturally had nothing to say and could only accept it.

"Deacon Ye, is it done? Can we leave?" Elder Zuo said coldly.

"The matter of Ye Xiuli opening up the cave has been dealt with. Please ask Hall Master Gu and the elders of the Elders' Hall on duty today to sign and it will be over."

After saying that, Ye Chang's expression was playful: "Hey, it seems that Elder Zuo is on duty today."

"Hahaha" Wen Xia couldn't help but burst into laughter on the spot: "Elder Zuo dealt with himself, he is indeed upright and impartial, worthy of being a good elder of the Immortal Sect."

Elder Zuo's face was livid, and he resisted the urge to slap Ye Chang to death. He left his mark on the jade card and turned around to leave this place that made him lose face.

However, Ye Chang called him again: "Elder Zuo, wait a moment."

"What else do you have to say? Isn't this matter already dealt with?" Elder Zuo said impatiently.

Ye Chang bowed to him and said, "Ye Xiuli's matter has been dealt with, but I still have a few things that need the help of Elder Zuo, who is on duty today."

"This elder has important things to do, so I don't have the time to wait for you here. You'd better hurry up." After saying that, Elder Zuo disappeared into the void. He really couldn't afford to lose face with this person.

So Ye Chang took out six jade cards at once, and controlled them to line up in front of him, allowing everyone to view them through their spiritual sense.

Then all the cultivators who saw the contents of the jade cards went crazy.

"Fuck, Ye Chang is really a god."

"Ye Chang is so fierce, one ring after another, one wave higher than the other."

"Every time I thought I had seen the climax of this play, Ye Chang always pulled out a more ruthless scene."

"Junior brother Ye Chang is young but has foresight, extraordinary wisdom, and his talent is even more amazing. I admire him."

Amidst the sighs of admiration from everyone, the Holy Son turned pale, and his blood surged up, almost spraying it out directly, but he swallowed it back.

After reading the contents of the jade cards, the lackeys beside the Holy Son trembled with their legs, and almost collapsed to the ground like Ye Xiuli.

And Ye Xiuli didn't know if he was pretending at this time, but he fainted directly.

Several elders in the void had black eyes and livid faces, pointing at Ye Chang for a long time without saying a word.

However, some elders couldn't help but curse loudly. In this case, they didn't care whether it was Xia or Qiu.

"Ye Chang, you, you, you have evil ambitions."

"Ye Chang, you bastard, you are playing with fire."

"Ye Chang, I can't stand with you."

Gu Mingtang's face, as cold as an iceberg, had long been replaced by disbelief.

Wen Xia laughed heartily.

Xiao Zhenyue looked relieved: "It's a small matter, I should be able to handle it."

Ye Chang smiled and raised his hand to several jade cards, saying: "These are the caves that have been approved by the elders in the past thirty years, just like Ye Xiuli, without points redemption.

Please claim them yourself, elders.

Oh, by the way, Elder Zuo, there are a ten-year cave and a thirteen-year cave that you personally approved.

I suggest that we deal with it according to the standards for handling Ye Xiuli's caves, what do you think?"

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