'And given the tactical difficulty you both felt, how much fighting power do you need?

"Right. Can we have about five troops around a superior species like you?

"Depends on how much power you get, but I guess so."

It's not that much of a threat, including the last Dark Fenrir, when it comes to the feeling I was fighting.

It's a simple strength comparison, so you should hit the top species too.

That's what I was thinking. Unexpectedly, Isle pinched his mouth.

"Please wait. If it were you two, the threat might have been less, but 'Naruto' is assuming the highest class A difficulty as far as strategy information is concerned. Though undead, it doesn't mean you'll never die, so make sure you don't lose your precious fighting power in this city..."

Suddenly Isle begins to give me the impression that I am listening to the words of Isle and that I am somehow mistaken.

"Ah... excuse me. Imitating the past... naturally that's how much I thought about it..."

"No, I was just admiring and listening. Go on."

"Oh, well! Ha!"

Hi, I have a verse that I'm losing confidence in, but I wonder why...

I guess this is a situation where you feel a difference in strength in the graveyard of the Great Dragon......

"Isle. I have no aristocratic or military common sense at all to be clear. That's probably the same for Milm."

You know better than I do, but the information on human society should have stopped years ago.

"Isle's knowledge and experience will remain powerful. Besides, this territory is thus established because of the presence of Isle. I'm counting on you."

"Well, if you let it go, you could make this a second dragon's grave."


It wouldn't be strange if that happened from me, who has never done territorial management...... Unorderly undead towns can be a threat from normal people.

I couldn't say anything back to Milm's words.

"My lady, you've brought good people."

When Robert said so in a changed way, the annoying Isle looked up.


I decided I didn't see any marks to tell my cheeks, and I kept talking.

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