Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 215 How do you know... [First update]

"You all know the situation now. I don't know how many forces outside are criticizing us. There are even some friendly companies waiting to see our jokes. We must find a way to deal with the past as soon as possible."

Perhaps he took Bella's words into his heart, Zelda controlled his emotions a little, sat back down and watched the two people say these words.

He was absolutely right.

Guge Company suddenly encountered such a predicament, and I don’t know how many companies secretly rejoiced in its misfortune.

Among the things Zander was certain about were the fruit companies.

At first, the fruit company refused to cooperate with Guge and chose to use Alpha artificial intelligence on mobile phones. After its market was seized by Xingyuan Technology, Zangerda was ridiculed. After all, at that time, Guge was the least affected and the most affected. Relaxed and laid back.

Things have changed, and now that Guge has suffered such a change, I'm afraid that old guy Kuras will be extremely happy.

So until the last step, Sanerda was unwilling to compromise with the outside world.

Since the mobile phone operating system controlled by Guge was replaced by the Star System of Xingyuan Technology, Guge's status in the world has significantly declined, and it has only tried to enter new fields as a last resort.

Until now, we have to cooperate with the military to ensure our status.

Guge Company has invested too many resources in the Destroyer project, and it has begun to take shape today. As long as it passes some tests, it can be mass-produced and officially connected with the military.

Then you will be able to see profits, make up for this shortfall, and completely gain a foothold in the military industry.

But if we give up midway and stop researching the Destroyer in accordance with external requirements, all the early investment will not be recovered. Considering the worst outcome, Guge is likely to be reduced from an internationally renowned large company to a medium-sized enterprise. .

But you have to know that for the two companies of Fruit Weiruan, how could they remain indifferent if they had the opportunity to eat Guge.

As for the military, it was completely out of the scope of Zang Erda's consideration, because it was impossible for the sun to rise in the west if they were expected to share the losses.

It is precisely because of so many concerns that Zang Erda must go all the way and think of ways to solve the current predicament.

Who leaked the Destroyer project information has become less important.

You can imagine that since the other party has the ability to break through Guge's layers of security protection and take away the information without any trace, it proves that this person is very powerful.

It is estimated that even if Gu Ge finds this person, they will be helpless.

It even made the situation worse.


Sang Erda also suspected that this matter was related to Xingyuan Technology. After all, looking at the forces with such strength in the world, Xingyuan Technology would definitely take a share.

However, if the matter was really caused by Xingyuan Technology, then Gu Ge could only break his teeth and think about it in his stomach. He didn't even dare to think about causing trouble for others. Whoever caused the whole thing was Gu Ge's fault.

To be honest, Zang Erda felt a little regretful at this time. If he had not contacted Eagle Country Broadcasting Company that day, stabbed Star Source Technology in the back and let the situation develop on its own, perhaps Guge's situation would not be what it is now. So dangerous.

Unfortunately, everything has already happened, and it is obviously too late to regret.

While Zelda was thinking about these contents in his mind, Bellagrete and Bellagret, who were standing in front of the desk, were also thinking secretly.

Trying to figure out a solution.

I don’t know how much time passed before I saw that Bella seemed to have made a decision, and she mustered up the courage to tentatively say: "Boss, I think we can issue a statement at the moment, promising to abandon the Destroyer project, and Crews will rescue the damaged houses and restart the project after everyone gradually forgets about it."

Bella had been following Zelda for so many years, so she didn't know what he was thinking now, and she definitely didn't want to hear anyone telling him to give up the project.

But looking at the problem from a larger perspective, the best way for Gu Ge is to cut off his wrists, and he must survive this period of time no matter what.

Anyway, although the Internet has memory, people who use the Internet do not. I believe that the outside world will forget about this matter in a short time. Even if Google restarts it, not many people will pay attention.

It should be that Bella's suggestion was not to completely abandon the Destroyer project. Although Zang Erda did not respond immediately after hearing this, she did not show any anger.

The whole person still looked very plain, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At the same time, Grete took over Bella's words and said: "Boss, in my opinion, we should contact Chief Morrison. No matter what, the Destroyer is here to meet their needs. You can't kick us away now." .”

Gretel knew that he had not helped a lot this time, and his weight in Zang Erda's heart had plummeted, so he naturally wanted to seize the opportunity to show off as much as possible.

I thought that if my suggestions were adopted, my life in the company would not be particularly miserable.

It's a pity that his words only received a blank look from Zang Erda.

And a rhetorical question: “How do you know they won’t kick us away?

Hearing the sound, Gretel's lips moved slightly, but in the end he was speechless.

But just as Zang Erda finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly came, and the door of the office was violently pushed open from the outside.

You must know that Zang Erda was already holding back anger in his heart and was worried that he couldn't find a place to express it. Now he actually dared someone to break into his office without knocking. It was like he was scolding him at his door.

So when I got emotional, I shouted loudly without even thinking: "Who let you in without knocking? Get out... get out..."

But when it came to the last word, after seeing the figure of the person who broke in, he suddenly became silent.

He quickly put aside what he had just discussed and quickly walked over to say hello: "Sir Morrison, why are you here suddenly?"

The facial expression turned into a smile at some point.


The tall, dark-haired man who pushed the door open and barged in was none other than the Chief Morrison whom Grete had just mentioned. He was the confidant of Commander Back, who was in contact with Guge during the Destroyer project.

Facing Zelda's greeting, Morrison just raised his eyes and glanced, and then walked straight towards the chair where Zelda was sitting just now.

After sitting down without any scruples, he joked: "Mr. Zangerda doesn't seem to welcome me. Have you already found a solution to the protests raised by various countries against you?"

"Chief Morrison, please stop making fun of us. Now everyone in Guge is almost like ants on a hot pot."

Zelda responded immediately.

Although Zang Erda didn't have a good impression of people in the military in his heart, and even dared to complain in front of the company's employees, he did not dare to go too far in front of himself.

After all, Zang Erda is not a fool. Since Morrison came here specially at this time, it means that he still intends to help Gu Ge. Even if it does not make up for Gu Ge's losses, it is not bad to help the platform.

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