Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 237 A big thunder exploded

The opening ceremony of Jingzhou Xingyuan Cancer Prevention and Treatment Hospital was completed, and the first-day box office data of the movie was finally announced, but the results surprised many people.

Even with a minimum number of films scheduled, the box office on the first day still managed to exceed 100 million.

It’s on par with the other big productions ahead of it.

The maximum is only 20 million.

You must know that there is a preconception situation for the audience. In their opinion, anything with the words "domestic science fiction" will not look good, even if it has Star Source Technology and companion robots as gimmicks.

Several other films of the same period featured well-known actors and well-known directors.

A bombshell was dropped from the beginning, claiming that hundreds of millions were invested in the film's special effects alone, which would definitely bring a perfect visual feast to the audience.

Under this completely unequal sense of expectation, most people will definitely not choose to watch Dawn of the Machine first.

Coupled with the fact that some fans buy tickets to support their favorite idols, there will definitely not be much difference in the box office numbers of several big-budget movies on the first day.

The reason why the science fiction movie "Dawn of the Machine" was able to achieve box office results that were not inferior to other major productions on the first day was mainly due to the fans of Starsource Technology.

The main force includes owners of Xiaoxing smart new energy vehicles and users of companion robots.

After all, these two products are the most technological.

Strong sense of immersion.

It is also worth mentioning that fans of Xingyuan Technology now account for a large part of the group in China.

In recent years, the prices of products sold by Star Source Technology have been so affordable, allowing consumers to enjoy a lot of benefits. Now that Robot Dawn is the first science fiction movie invested by Star Source Technology, as a star fan, you should support it. .

Even if this movie is very rubbish.

That is to say, the film scheduling rate in theaters is relatively low, and most people will not be able to grab movie tickets. Otherwise, the first-day box office performance of the movie "Dawn of the Machine" will definitely be higher, and it is not impossible to even surpass several other major productions.

But what’s even more surprising is the audience’s evaluation of this batch of movies from the same period.

After watching the movie, some people gave these so-called big-budget movies a very low rating.

It even became a hot search topic and caused a lot of complaints from video bloggers.

On the contrary, while "Dawn of the Machine" has ensured box office results, its reputation has also been steadily increasing.

It caused controversy on relevant film and television platforms.

"Some time ago, I watched the movie King Shura, which was frequently searched even before it was released. Several hundred million were invested in the special effects alone, and it also had a luxurious cast. I thought it would have a fantasy theme that is not common in domestic movies, so I bought it. I voted in support, but I didn’t expect that my mouth was forced open and I was fed a mouthful of shit.”

"You're absolutely right. The rubbish special effects can't even compare to the level of other countries ten years ago, and you dare to say that hundreds of millions were invested in it."

"My movie ticket money was wasted. If I had known, I would have gone to see Dawn of the Machine."

"I didn't expect that at this time today, the so-called big-budget movies are still bad movies. It seems that if these homeless stars and rubbish directors in the industry don't retire, it will be difficult to change the domestic film market."

"I just watched Robot Dawn, and I can only say that it is worthy of being invested by Xingyuan Technology. I feel that both the quality and the plot are no worse than foreign science fiction blockbusters."

"As I said before, after investing so much money, it won't all end up in the pockets of those popular celebrities. You must know that there is not a single well-known actor in the entire film "Dawn of the Machine".

"Don't say anything, just go and make up your tickets for Mechanical Dawn."

"I'm confused. Although the box office of "Dawn of the Machine" is not bad and the reputation is so good, why the number of films has not been increased, so I can't get a ticket at all."

King Shura mentioned in the film review area is a large-scale production that claims to the outside world that the special effects alone cost hundreds of millions, and the main investment company is Wanda Film and Television.

It was the one that everyone was most looking forward to before it was released.

But I never expected that word-of-mouth collapsed on the first day it was released.

It is said that the higher the expectations, the greater the gap. Moreover, this Shura King is still an out-and-out bad movie, so the negative impact will naturally be greater than that of the other films.

But in this way, it sets off the movie Dawn of the Machine even more.

It's just that because the number of films scheduled has not increased, most people can't get tickets, which has aroused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

Under normal circumstances, if a movie with a low film scheduling rate appears to be a dark horse in the subsequent release process, the theater will definitely increase the number of films scheduled. After all, the increase in box office also represents the interests of the theater chain.

No one has trouble with money.

But the science fiction movie "Dawn of the Machine" invested by Xingyuan Technology goes in the opposite direction.

Although the box office received good results on the first day, the number of films scheduled for the second day still did not increase significantly.

The audience obviously wants to watch a movie but cannot buy a movie ticket, so they are naturally dissatisfied.

Just as the noise about this matter on the Internet became louder and louder, Wanda Film and Television also hurriedly convened a new meeting.

Imperial capital.

Wanda Film and Television Office Building.

As the manager, Hu Dongfei went to the president's office again, his face extremely gloomy.

Although Zeng Maolin's words before made Hu Dongfei dispel his worries, the current situation was different from the past. No one expected that King Shura, who they had high hopes for, would explode with such a big thunder.

If King Shura's reputation is still good, then there will be no problem if theaters continue to give it the largest number of films.

But the key point is that King Shura is now being criticized as worthless on the Internet and on major film-related platforms. It has become synonymous with new bad movies. Under this situation, continuing to give King Shura the most movies will definitely increase the number of films. The controversy on the big network will definitely have some impact on theater chains.

After all, basically everyone knows that King Shura was invested and filmed by Wanda Film and Television.

Also, after the first-day box office results and movie ratings came out, some theaters have increased the number of films scheduled for Robot Dawn, and even regarded this movie as the main attraction of the theaters.

However, among theaters owned by Wanda and theaters with which it has cooperated, the film schedule of Robot Dawn is still at the lowest level.

In addition, what worries Hu Dongfei the most is that if public opinion about this matter becomes big, it may also have an impact on the company's stock price.

Therefore, we must come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible to calm the storm of this matter in time.

Immediately afterwards.

After Hu Dongfei arrived at the door of Zeng Maolin's office, he first took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, and then lightly opened the door.

"Come in."

Hearing the familiar voice coming from the door, Hu Dongfei immediately pushed the door open, walked straight to Zeng Maolin and said:

"Mr. Zeng, you should know what's going on online, right? What should we do now?"

Zeng Maolin, who was sitting in his office, frowned when he heard Hu Dongfei mention this matter. It was obvious that he was not very happy at the moment.

The company invested such a large amount of money and specially hired a famous director to shoot this movie. Unexpectedly, it was defined as a bad movie on the first day it was released. It would be strange to be happy at this time.

Zeng Maolin is naturally aware of all the public opinions on the Internet, but this matter makes him quite embarrassed.

Although at this time, all the problems will be solved as long as the theaters increase the number of films of "Dawn of the Machine", the consequences of this approach will cause the box office numbers of King Shura and several other movies to no longer increase.

All investments will be wasted by then.

More importantly, this will definitely lead to a continued decline in the company's stock price, which will cause losses of at least several hundred million.

Since the movie King Shura is destined to lose hundreds of millions, the company's stock price must not plummet no matter what.

Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, the number of films scheduled for King Shura cannot be reduced under any circumstances.

I can only choose to bear all the pressure.

Thinking of this, Zeng Maolin slowly raised his eyes and said seriously:

"King Shura has already caused our company to lose a lot of money, so this situation will never be allowed to happen elsewhere. No matter what, we must let King Shura have a passable box office result."

"But Mr. Zeng, the voice on the Internet is very loud now. If this continues, it will still affect the company's stock price."

Perhaps he really considered the issue from the perspective of the company's interests. This time, Hu Dongfei did not directly follow Zeng Maolin's opinion. Instead, he questioned it again.

"Then find a way to reduce the heat of Mechanical Dawn."

Faced with Hu Dongfei’s questions. Zeng Maolin replied directly, which made his attitude clear.

When these words reached his ears, Hu Dongfei was immediately shocked, because he knew very well that doing so would be equivalent to completely estrangement from Xingyuan Technology.

But Hu Dongfei had worked under Zeng Maolin for so many years and was very aware of Zeng Maolin's style of doing things. Since it was something he had already decided, it was basically impossible to change it easily. Moreover, after thinking about it carefully, there was really no more appropriate way.

Although he was still a little worried in his heart, he finally nodded and said, "It's Mr. Zeng. I'll take care of it right away."


It has to be said that although Hu Dongfei is a little cautious in looking at things, he is indeed very efficient when he actually takes action.

Almost a few hours after he left the CEO's office, the comments that originally complained about King Shura on the Internet were soon covered by comments such as praise, and these comments did not forget to step on the Mechanical Dawn intentionally or unintentionally. One kick.

The production cycle is short and shoddy, most of the actors are not from Banco and have no acting skills, and the plot is draggy and unattractive.

As a result, Mechanical Dawn's score on each platform dropped back to six points.

In addition, theaters also used methods often seen in the industry to boost tickets for King Shura to increase the box office.

at the same time.

Guo Yifan also changed his previous attitude because of the malicious negative reviews received by Robot Dawn.

"Director, our movie's rating has now dropped to more than five points. The other party is really bullying us and uses such despicable means to discredit our movie."

In the room, a girl with short hair said these words to Guo Yifan angrily.

Judging from her tone alone, it can be felt that she was feeling very angry at this time.

Because as Guo Yifan's assistant, she personally participated in the filming and production of the science fiction movie "Dawn of the Machine". It can be said that the entire team put in a lot of effort.

Originally, the movie was able to achieve good reputation and box office results after it was released, which is also an affirmation for them.

But no one expected that just on the second day of release, the movie would receive malicious negative reviews from others. The rating was bumped from over nine to over five. It was simply a matter of what was tolerable and what was intolerable.

Guo Yifan's brows almost turned into a knot when he heard what his assistant said. His seemingly calm face was actually already on the verge of explosion.

After all, he is a director who has been in the industry for several years. How could he not see these little tricks? He can even guess who did these dirty tricks.

Originally, despite its box office and reputation, Mechanical Dawn was still maliciously suppressed by Wanda Cinema and refused to increase the number of films. Guo Yifan didn't say anything. He fully adhered to Niu Geng's words. As long as this movie can win the audience. support, that is success.

As for the box office, I really don’t care much about it.

But now, in order to achieve their own goals, the other party actually used Mechanical Dawn to deliberately smear the company with malicious intent. There is no way to silence people.

Guo Yifan will never allow his works to be trampled on by others.

So he immediately said: "No matter who is behind this incident, they must give an explanation, otherwise I, Guo Yifan, will fight him to the end."

"Director, should we contact some news media to fight back against the trend on the Internet?" After confirming Guo Yifan's attitude, the female assistant immediately made a suggestion.

However, Guo Yifan shook his head at this: "Now simply contacting the news media cannot eliminate all doubts online in time. We must find a more convenient and effective method."

"Why don't you tell Mr. Niu about this first?"

Seeing that her proposal was rejected, the female assistant, instead of feeling disappointed, added again.

And this sentence also successfully made Guo Yifan's eyes light up, as if he thought of something, and then replied with excitement: "Yes, it is most appropriate to leave this matter to Mr. Niu. I will go to Longhu now." park.

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out of the door.

Guo Yifan knows very well that it is not easy to deal with the capital behind the theater chain with his own strength, and it is not easy to get an explanation from them.

But when Xingyuan Technology came forward, it was completely different.

What's more, "Dawn of the Machines" was originally a science fiction movie funded by Xingyuan Technology. Now it has been maliciously slandered and smeared by people with malicious intentions. Xingyuan Technology naturally has reason to solve this problem.

What's more important is that no matter how much capital is behind this matter, Guo Yifan always believes that there is absolutely no way to compare with Xingxingyuan Technology, so it is most appropriate to let Niu Geng handle it.

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