Mo Chen walked on the passage for several minutes, according to this pace and speed, it stands to reason that he should have reached the end a long time ago, but the passage is like an endless end, extending infinitely.

Mo Chen immediately noticed that the spatial structure here was different from the surface.

Like the Spatial Ring, the interior of the Nine Turret is much larger than the building itself.

"Don't you feel strange, I think so too, it is said that this Nine Turntable Pagoda was built by the hands of a king of the space system, and its internal space is an independent small world, which is somewhat similar to the ancient ruins. The

guard explained to Mo Chen intimately.

"The Nine Turntable Pagoda is divided into nine floors, is it true that the aura concentration on each floor is different?"

Seeing the guard talking to him, Mo Chen also took this opportunity to ask the guard.

In Mo Chen's opinion, this king must have his purpose in dividing the Nine Turntables into nine layers, if they are all the same, there is no need to divide them into nine layers.

"Yes, the aura concentration of each layer of the Nine Turntable Pagoda is different, the second layer is twice as high as the first layer, the third layer is three times that of the first layer, the fourth layer is four times that of the first layer, and so on, by the ninth layer, its aura concentration is as much as nine times that of the first layer. The

guard explained to Mo Chen again, and when he said this, he paused and said to Mo Chen in a serious tone:

"Mo Chen, there is one thing you have to pay attention to, the higher the concentration of aura, the stronger its penetration will be, I have also read your information, in the bronze rank, try not to go to the upper level of the Nine Turns."

"At the top of the Nine Turntables, under the extremely thick aura, even if you want to stop the aura tank, you can't stop it, and in the worst case, you will explode and die.

After seeing that Mo Chen still looked indifferent, the guard persuaded again:

"Mo Chen, don't disbelieve it, since the establishment of Cangbei Academy, every few years, students do not listen to persuasion and forcibly go to the upper level, and finally end up dying by exploding.

"The more geniuses are, the more confident they will be, overestimating their own level, unable to resist the temptation of the exponential increase in cultivation speed, and finally losing their lives.

"As a student of Cangbei Academy, your life is not only your own, but also that of all mankind, the threat of demon beasts is increasing day by day, and I don't want to see any students sacrifice in vain. "

I know.

Mo Chen said without emotion.

Mo Chen naturally didn't care, he was different from others, and it was different on an absolute level.

Kidding, his vector controls claim to be able to control everything in the world.

Reiki was naturally no exception, as long as he didn't want to absorb it, Reiki couldn't enter his body at all.

As you walked on, many spiral-shaped stairs appeared in front of you, one after the other, and the upper level of the stairs was pitch black, as if there was no end in sight.

These steps are also different from ordinary ladders, they are suspended, and the steps are independent of each other, so that people do not understand what force it relies on to suspend in the air.

"I can only send you here, you go up the stairs, Mo Chen, remember my words, don't go to the top, do what you can. The

guard said thoughtfully again.

"Okay, thanks.

After the guards left, Mo Chen began to crawl up the stairs.

Although this ladder is very difficult to climb, Mo Chen has vector control in his hand, so he doesn't have to worry about falling.

As long as he wanted, he could even fly up this suspended staircase without walking up.

Mo Chen walked up the stairs and came to the second floor unimpeded.

Mo Chen could feel that the concentration of aura here was twice as high as below, and he didn't need to absorb it himself, and the aura would automatically pour into his body.

It's just the second layer, and this kind of cultivation is already faster than Mo Chen's absorption of spirit stones with the breathing method.

"Go ahead.

Mo Chen muttered to himself.

This kind of low layer naturally can't satisfy Mo Chen, he has only one goal, that is, the ninth layer.

It's not easy to make a trip, the time is only a short five days, Mo Chen naturally can't waste this opportunity, of course he has to go to the top floor of the Nine Turns.

The guard's admonition only applied to other students, not to Mo Chen, who was able to speed up the aura tank even by using vector control.

Mo Chen continued to climb upwards, gradually reaching the third layer, where the concentration of aura was even more exaggerated.

Mo Chen didn't stop, continued to crawl upward, and soon came to the fourth layer ......

In this way, Mo Chen continued to walk up the ladder, and at first he walked smoothly, and there was no big obstacle.

But as the number of layers continued to climb, even Mo Chen felt heavy breathing, and even a little dizzy and uncomfortable.

Mo Chen quickly realized why this was happening, and it was one of the loopholes he reflected.

Reflection claims to reflect all directions, which seems incorrect.

If you reflect sound, you can't hear anything, and if you reflect matter, you can't catch anything.

Mo Chen will unconsciously build a harmful and harmless filter, and only select unnecessary things for reflection.

And the aura happens to be in the white list, and it will not be filtered by the harmful and harmless filters identified by the reflection, which is why Mo Chen is unwell.

Reiki is like oxygen, if you absorb too much oxygen, it will cause damage to your body.

It was easy to understand this, and Mo Chen quickly changed the composition of the reflection and reflected the excess aura.

But this creates a new problem, and the reflection of the aura also means that the absorption of the aura will also be affected.

If you want to absorb more aura, you can't use reflexes, and if you don't use reflexes, Mo Chen's body can't bear it, and this is already a dead end.

Mo Chen could only guarantee that he would not explode and die, and he was not sure how much aura he could absorb in the end.

"No matter, let's talk about it on the ninth floor.

Mo Chen didn't bother too much, he instead sped up and continued to climb upward.

The higher you go, the deeper the space becomes, and when you look up, you can see the only glowing vertex, which is the ninth floor, and the last of the Nine Turntables.

Under the effect of the reflex, the symptoms of inability to breathe, heaviness and dizziness at the beginning all disappeared, and Mo Chen was like walking on an ordinary road, without any discomfort at all.

Soon, Mo Chen came to the large platform on the eighth floor, where the aura was even stronger, as if it was a sea of aura.

It's really terrifying to think about it carefully, if there is no reflex intervention, Mo Chen will immediately be swallowed by the sea of aura and fall into boundless darkness.

"On the ninth floor, I'm here.

Mo Chen looked at the only faint light above his head and said to himself.

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