Anamnesis: Queen of the Apocalypse

Chapter 24 - The Beginning Of The Calvacade

Together with your newfound companion, you explore the inside of Kauhu Forest deeper than you could ever think of, it seems like it's more than what meets from the eye.

Still being shone by the crimson sky, you've developed a few spells for practical day to day usage. Then again, even if it really was categorized as 'spell'. It was more or less a body enhancement because all you ever did was augment them with beneficial jizz and stuff.

'Nutrient Absorption Enhancement' knowledge acquired.

'Digestion Enhancement' knowledge acquired.

'Harmful Substances Repellent (Weak)' knowledge acquired.

The results of accidentally eating a strange mushroom that melts into cheese when touched, turns out it was a parasitic organism that will infect the victim that consumes them by almost the same method you did for 'Blood Bending Virus'.

As for the 'Nutrient Absorption Enhancement', you're low-key trying to grow faster to throw away your image of a kid, and probably shoving off your companion from using you as a play doll.

"It was also worth it because the mushrooms are good."

Aimlessly, it has been seven hours since you got out from the somber realm, either the bloody sky is eternal or the time is moving slower in which it doesn't make sense at all. The worst scenario of transmigration is when you get into a weird and vicious world where most of the law doesn't make sense until you break down the subject.

You also did some training exercises where you're trying to make Goyang be more active in blocking enemies' attacks, like a portable auto shield! By hitting the dense block with a rock, you give him more 'pain'. The next is throwing a rock into a tree, strong enough until the rock was rebounded back. With a great angle, you've managed to align the rebound direction into yourself with Goyang in-between the projectile, then you give him the sensation he wanted. After doing it for a couple of times, Goyang immediately launches itself toward any kind of projectile that is directed to you, blocking the rebounded rock without him being in-between.

You're proud to have successfully trained your slave. Something within you is slowly awaken—

"Oh, another cheese mushroom!"

Another delicious melting cheese is on its way into your stomach. It tasted like cheese, looks like cheese, and smells like cheese but more alluring than mozzarella. It will taste thousands times more delicious if you had the beef jerky with you right now.

"It seems like searching for diverse culinary dishes will be one of my main goals from today. Can't mentally survive without bad food for my palate!"

New Goal: Becoming a Culinary Traveller!

You tempt your slave—pet Goyang to see if he needs to consume any kinds of fuel to survive. Viciously, he opens his serrated teeth and chomp down the mushroom on your palm. If you're slower to retract your arms just now, you might die of blood loss from a severed hand.

There hasn't been any threat so far, it was more or less a walk in a park with your masochistic dog travelling aimlessly hoping to find something incredible to sate your other-worldly expectations, because all you've experienced from the first time you came into this world is nothing but pain.


Just in time where you almost die of boredom, you notice a familiar and dreadful shrieking slowly enveloping the forest.

A gigantic centipede-like creature in the shape of garrulous human's ribs with the main body as a spine donning a red tattoo all over its body. This is the first time you're meeting it face to face instead of cowering yourself. Strangely enough, you're not terrified like the first encounter you have with this monstrosity. It feels more of 'what I need to do to tame this thing'.

You've acquired the sense to conquer.

"Looking at you again, you're quite beautiful."

The strong jaw, the mountain-length armored torso, the million rib-like legs.

You promised yourself that you will come back to Kauhu Forest to tame this Calamity, but this is not the time. As for now, your course of action is to—


Rushing out ten meters ahead, you noticed that Goyang is standing still with joyous feeling, waiting to be screwed in and out.

The Chrolings instantly push the 'demotivating' button as you do a 180° and rush back to your familiar, then sprint the hell out from that place.


Before long, an invisible barrier is obstructing your path.


You place your hand into the shell of the forcefield, connecting the intricate layer with your mana sea to see if the Chrolings can do anything with it. Every second passed is a terrifying experience where you wait for your doom while bearing the chanceless hope to prevail. Your body shudders each time the sounds of the leaves and the violent scratching of the bark is getting more clearer.

Just as when you close your eyes while contemplating heavily till you're statistically more empty than Buddha, the barrier disappears for a moment and lets you fall over into the inside area. The moment you face-plant into the ground, the barrier is activated once again.

Dumbfounded, you gaze at the ferocious face of the Calamity, stopping right in front of the barrier with no way of going in.

Now instead of getting chased, you're trapped. An ominous aura is emitted from the centerfold of the forcefield. The haze of dried and fresh blood is occupying 80% of your nose. The ground is getting more and more grey as you gaze into the center of everything.

Will you go forward? Or will you wait for the inevitable death by doing nothing.

Stress: 40%

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