Anamnesis: Queen of the Apocalypse

Chapter 61 - Off You Go To Hotel

C-rank Operator. You were hoping for a higher grade after all that A and the S-rank Mana Conductivity. It seems like skill doesn't equal higher position in this case.

Chronos, looking at your disappointed face immediately barges in to squish her soft left cheek then rubs it with yours, her voice then vibrates your face everytime she speaks, "The Personnel's ranks refers to your feats and achievements, my dear. Don't be saddened."

"It's logical not to immediately put two vampires on higher ranks as it will lead to some nasty scenarios," you assume.

"Mhm~ Miss Pitka and Miss Lues will get their uniforms tomorrow," says Seizequill, currently standing with chocolate cake on a plate along with a fork in each respective hand. "For now, you two will be recommended to stay in a hotel."

Fetalis then gives the recommendation letter to Lues. Chronos then slinks away to see the content of the letter.

With Goyang on your cradle, Fetalis and Seizequill escort you to the outside. Bidding each other farewell, the three of you get inside the unmanned taxi with Chronos coming last as she waves to the two high ranking Assailants.

The door slams shut as the taxi starts driving by itself. You glance at the two people you were sandwiched in—again. Why do you always decide to sit in the middle every time? Even though there is a wide vacant seat in front of you facing the middle of the car.

"So, which hotel are we staying at?" You ask.

"Gem Delight Hotel, my dear." Chronos answers, leaning back upon the soft cushion of the vehicle. "From the name, you'd know that it's on 22 Ferver Street or what a lot of other people call it 'The King's District'."

"The King's District?"

"It's basically the rich people's side of the Citadel." Lues intervenes after giving the location they were going to a speaker in front of her, "A fitting place for someone of my repertoire."

"Whoa there! Tone down on the gloating. Your ego's already taller than your midget-sized body so there's no need to try and inflate it more."

"Says the person who's more vapid than the one who looks like a child! The one who is supposed to be the most responsible out of all of us!" Lues fires back.

"Pah! My only responsibility doesn't include you on the list, you whiny little arrogant loli bitch. Go mingle with the Guardian Department, will you? They're the only people who could rival you in ego!"

The two continue bantering. It stops feeling like an argument with some serious consequences and more like children slapping each other over toys, but in this case, the toys are nukes.

After a while, each of the ruckus makers are preoccupied with their own activity and so are you. Tuning into the evening broadcast, radio slumber of tomorrow's forecast, radiology, and the news flash from society about the new riot of a newborn cult rising to seek official establishment in the beating heart of a fortified Citadels to be the inverse outcasts and spread their teachings.

Chronos has been tinkering with the floating circuit on her right palm for a while. Lues who pats Goyang like her life depends on it, stares meticulously at the weird pink devil like an eagle seeing its relative doing suspiciously weird stuff, such as forcefully hammering its beak to a rock to no avail, until the rock somehow turns into something baffling.

A smaller version of Chronos, a dangerously smug entity donning the appearance of your sadistic partner ten years younger, shorter, and longer hair. Wearing a rather red frilly skirt with the toppings of a small black poncho cloak that shades her white pantyhose to make a weird combination of dessert that is full of dubious energy and an overwhelming bad taste that is gargling within your mind.

With great smugness comes an exceptionally haughty personality, this version of Chronos immediately crosses both of her arms to support the surprisingly stacked dumplings beneath as the cloak gets tighten, then proceed to escape her right arm to give Lues a big middle finger, "Chrolay, the name is Chrolay, so stop leering about my appearance like a fancy shoe."

In a formal response, Lues sends back two middle fingers with extreme vigor, dropping Goyang like a falling stone then proceeds to wear the most annoying expression possible to show her great respect to the new kid. "The name is Lues, It's extremely pleasant meeting you. Though don't misunderstand, I'm not looking at you like a fancy shoe, I'm extremely curious about how much thee can bloody bleed."

You dive into the middle of the friendly staring, trying to prevent the delay of the inevitable destruction of this taxi from two childress flipping each other. "Now, now, I hope you all can understand that we're not in an open place and I'm sure as hell that we're too broke to pay for all the future collateral damage that ensues."

"We can just not pay," says Lues, still with both middle fingers.

"AS IF!!"

"Hahaha, Chrolay will replace me to supervise you two. As I'll be off to Kratos Citadel after we reach the hotel," says Chronos, she then caresses her younger version with delight as if she is her savior for something petty. At the same time, her clone stares at you with no context.

You put Goyang back into Lues' hands as her flipping changes into a cradle for the goofy-eyed white. With the hostile act gone from her fingers, she sits back with a 180 mood change.

"This is the first time I see you create a human-sized clone," states Lues. Back with her playful grin as she pets Goyang like a doting mother.

"The same autonomous clones as those that I put on Pitka's mana sea, can't think of the circuits for the bigger version but now I can do it with some references from a certain Oni."

As if she knows what is up, Lues shifts her gaze into the outside of the car through the window. "Abusing your power as always."

Silence ensues, before nearing the front of the destination. Lues then lends Goyang to your hand as she prepares the recommendation letter. It seems like she is more excited than ever.

The car stops, arriving at Gem Delight Hotel. You and Lues step into the ground once again, with Chrolay on her first step to the world she will eventually live on.

"I'll see ya two in a week!" Chronos waves like a hurricane before shutting up the door and blasting away from the scene with a sharp taxi drifting.

'You can manually drive the taxi!?'

Standing tall before you, is a grandiose architecture of forty floors of layers that ascend to heaven. You can see some people with business suits and pricey clothings coming in and out through the automatic glass door after a small length of staircases stretching from the side into your direction. It feels like you were going to enter a palace of a kingdom, except it's a hotel.

It is a fitting structure for a place called 'The King's District'. Although, the street did feel rather familiar, tastefully so.

You look around and as you have suspected, the bakery from before is there, still with its light turned on, probably will close at midnight.

You avert your eyes back to the hard-to-miss building.

This hotel might be a little bit too fancy for the humble and awkward you but not like you can just reject the courtesy from the famous Vagants.

"Gimme that," Chrolay takes the recommendation letter forcefully from Lues. You then let go off your pet and restrict the angry devil's hands from behind just in time before blood is spilled in this place.

Chrolay looks back and smirks, then takes the lead into going to the hotel.

"This Chronos might be more problematic than I thought," you say.

Forcing an annoyed smile, Lues replies, "She is not problematic, she's just in dire need of getting a spear injection!"

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