Anamnesis: Queen of the Apocalypse

Chapter 64 - Your Very First Artifact

Silky straight bluish silver hair, you're wondering if you can make it more attractive.

Genuinely surprised—you no longer have anxiety-filled brooding eyes, your abyss-blue eyes with three dark rings are now brimming with curiosity and watchful desire.

Modest chest for your delicate stature, slightly bigger hip than the waist. The original Long Leggy probably had a high potential to be a famous model if you look back at it again. Pale grey skin, no wonder people see you as a vampire, you're even paler than Lues!

It might be pleasing to the eyes, but it was rather too seductive, which is actually good bait but it will depend on your clothing. Something to talk about later.

Now you're wondering where the hell are the other clothes Thuljas sent back when you were hospitalized. Chronos left the backpack to Carbonite because we trust him. You also already asked the blacksmith about the dark dagger back then, it ended up with him needing to wait for his Khazenka friend and you need to wait for two days before that person comes back to Amos Citadel.

"Lues, give me my gourd back," you persuade.

"W-wait! Lemme, kick this bitch's asses, FIRST!"

Chrolay replies with more strength on her choking. "You horny, midget, pervert, idiot—"

You interject them once again, "Chrolay, do you like shaved ice?" Having crude ideas with some fun experimentation.

"Hmm? Shaved ice?" She immediately stops.

Using the chibi vessels as the casting media, you do your usual tiny bitsy bit of alchemy to create two hydrogen atoms from mana and take the oxygen from the air to combine them into H20, changing a subatomic spell into a continuous formation with gates circuit that repeats with the speed of sound to create billions of water molecules for a single drop of water, all of that in 5 seconds.

'Water Creation Spell' knowledge acquired.

You duplicate the formation to increase the converting speed, both of the children gaze at what you're doing. Lues is confused while Chrolay seems to have taken an interest.

They gaze at the ball of water between both of your palms as it enlarges with every second passing. Seeing that heat is equal to internal energy which includes the transfer of chemical composition or 'of energy'. You pinpoint the thermal substances then spread them all into the air and insulate the water orb from any heat energy using circuits, resulting in passive molecules that crystallize.

The reason outer space is so cold is because a lower temperature is what you get when there are no sources of high temperature sources nearby, and isolating water with no heat energy instantly turns it into ice.

'I need to optimize it later somehow. Learning how to manipulate space must be nice.'

'Thermal Manipulation Spell' knowledge acquired.

"Woah." A sparks flicker on Chrolay's eyes.

"Lues, help…," you slightly whimper, getting overloaded from all the mathematics.

Lues' grin comes back. "Sure do," says her as she cuts the afloat ice orb into numerous micro dices.

You take the ice into the bowl you've found in the kitchen. Strangely enough, you find the yellow-black 'Acid Dusts' to have tannins and phytochemicals akin to lemon, which have ions in them. Sticking your tongue out, you try various variables to create citric acid and then condense them with water thick enough to be the shaved ice's syrup, repeatedly tasting the mixture to have the exact sourness that can't kill someone. You almost lose your tongue in the process but the knowledge elevates your curiosity further—like how in the world that you're still alive with acid within your bloodstream!? The 'acid dusts' also have more property than that of an acid, which heightens the question further of what they actually are.

'Citric Acid Creation Spell' knowledge acquired?

And with some sugar you find in a small jar inside the kitchen drawer, you used the poorly-made shaved ice to tame Chronos 2.0. She digs in with eyes awake to consume the unknown delight in the bowl.

"Lues, my gourd."

"Heee~ Sure."

The crimson pocket space appears beside you with the crystal gourd peeking out, ready to be snatched. After acquiring your blood container, you burst it all out and condense them all into a small pill.

"You're gonna eat that?" ask Lues.

"No, I want to know if I can infuse them with my mana."

Placing them between your palms just like you used to, you force combine them with a heavy amount of mana in one go. Sadly, the blood pill rejects it.

"My love~ To assimilate those metaphysical traits, you need to do it slowly because that converted mana is rich in properties so alchemy and brute force won't work for this kind of augmentation," says Lues, in a sleeping position as if there is an invisible mattress in the air.

"I see."

Chrolay goes to sleep as soon as she finishes the bowl of shaved ice. It might be a bad idea to give a child something cold at night but she was not a normal child so it's better to separate most of the logic you have from your former life and the current.

You wasted all night awake to assimilate the high quality energy of your mana into the blood. The fusion was not fully complete but time is limited and before you know it, the ray of morning light rises from the balcony.

The blood pill has become something more conductible, something more dense, something more—potentially destructive. With a glowing blue hue mixed with red, spewing out energy in and out like a primordial sun's surface with none of them exiting the blood material while also brimming with elemental essence.

Lues, who is always with you all the time, is astonished by the results. "Dear, do you know what you have created there in your hands?"

"What is it?" You ask.

"An age-old remnant from a time gone by or will be in the future, a magical ornament that differs from a natural object, a piece of work that an immortal will utilize to kill the menace above. Tell me, what do you call such a treasure that most people would hound you to grasp in their hand?"

"...An artifact?"

"Precisely and that one between your palms," She leans forward, eyes unmoving from yours. "Isn't one to be trifled with."

You stare back, an unknowing clump of saliva forms in your throat. "...Why are you being so vague?"

Then, the devil laughs. "Ohoho… who knows. Maybe I'm just giving you false confidence."

It is nothing different for Lues to act mysterious and indirect but what's important is that you've made something significant in your time in the hotel.

Artifact acquired.

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