
"Lues, how big is your pocket space?"

"The size of your mothe—"

"Good, let's capture the mole rat."

"Ohoho, I like your idea."

To gain more favorability, you're planning on proving your worth by bringing home more loot for the team, in the hope of taming the Squad's members' impression of you. It's always a miracle every time that one of the two psychopaths actually have the same mindset as yours. A crystal gourd is peeking out from a crimson pocket space, ready to take.

A smile of satisfaction has been ingrained to both of you and Lues' faces. It might be weird from the outside perspective but this union is what matters.

"To gain their trust!"

"To flex and show our dominance!"


At a high altitude above the sky, numerous flying Calamities can be seen beyond the cloud layer as the aircraft slows down and the ramp behind opens. The higher you are, the less dense the air is, and the less dense it is, the lower pressure it gets, and the lower pressure you have, the colder it is.. You noticed that there are numerous circuits that come into play for your comfortable breathing, even the pressure from the open ramp doesn't sucks you out.

"Go! Go! Go!"

No safety, no protective equipment, no parachute, just the Assailant's alma matter and weapons to hunt and scourge. All of you soar like falling stars avoiding multiple monstrosities until you pierce the dense yellow smoke to see inside the phenomenal capsule. Exhilaratingly, your peaked cap doesn't fall by the friction and wind of you diving like a meteor—even a tailor is attentive enough to implant a circuit to keep your cap intact to your head.

The view becomes bigger every passing moment as you can find a big crater the size of a baseball field with the described dangerous artifact in the middle of all the mess that ensues.

400 meters off the ground.

A giant bird-like Calamity blocks your path so you unsheathe your Chi of Decidit like a blade as the frame becomes clear once again. Meanwhile, Lues boosted herself tremendously at the speed of sound to take the first drops of blood from multiple low rank Calamities far ahead on the ground.

Surprisingly, a new telepathic string has planted itself into your hearing like an earpiece, an iconic commanding voice of your leader can be heard, "ENGAGE! ENGAGE! STRIKE EVERYTHING NEAR THE CRATER!!"

200 meters off the ground.

Everyone begins to cast protective layers to brace for impact while on the offensive. The Chi of Decidit is enough to be your cushion but instead of going for a bang like your manic counterpart, you used the blood to decelerate as you scan your surroundings of tall apartments rotten by the sands of time.

100 meters off the ground.

Most of the flying threats have been taken care of by the reindeer girl, every large artificial bolt being shot by her giant crossbow have managed to decimate most of the bird-like monstrosity. The difficulty of strafing down while aiming an artillery crossbow is definitely not something to look down upon—she is the one who does the look-down.

Explosions, numerous large explosions ensue to distract and reap most of the threat. Blast doesn't even throw the explosive, his machine on his back does the work for him, taking carpet bombing to another whole level. Your leader is already on the crater together with Lues and Obrez, it's time for you to shine and show your team what you could do!

'Annihilator is going to annihilate!'

You shape your Chi of Decidit into hundreds of gnarly spears. Imitating what Blast does, you incorporate each of them with the virus vessel targeting circuit. Blasting off, as each of them adds into the chaos with numerous pierced Calamities' blood nourishing the sands, the enhanced blood-bending virus will instantly turn every infected blood into a spear as the Chi of Decidit will link into new infected pools of blood, giving it the same trait as your Artifact.

The chain reaction goes on until you meet the ground near the crater and condense all the blood into an orb to reform the Chi of Decidit. The amount of mana used is really family friendly because of how the Chi of Decidit's substances have already incorporated huge amounts of elemental essence as a conductor, accumulating each time you absorb new infected blood.

You named this move 'Blood Sign: Plague Of Massacre' and gave one of your circuit factories to produce this complicated circuit command so it will be easier to do next time.

'Blood Sign: Plague Of Massacre' technique acquired.

Mana depository: 70%

Kill count: 239

'This is enough to prove my worth to the team!'

Both Blast and Woez land on top of the tall corroded apartment near the crater, intercepting the flying and ground enemies at the same time. Lues is still on his killing spree as Obrez guards Ratatoskr, currently extracting the artifact from malignant energy.

A command is transmitted into your ears, 'Pitka, Libera! The mana signature of the Grade Eight Calamity has appeared! Approximatly 78 meters from my position. Woez! Can you locate the Calamity?"

Woez's voice echoes to your ears, "I see a huge black smoke ten o'clock from your position, Ratatoskr."

"Libera, Pitka! Intercept the black smoke!"

"Affirmative!" replies both of you.

It's time to grill the searing mole rat, keeping up with Lues' speed as you fly into the location using your blood as the aviator. You and Lues lo and behold the menacing Calamity's head sticking out with only a quarter of its body, and that quarter alone has reached the height of the tall ruins of multiple stories apartment. The temperature melts the ground as most of the matter was absorbed by the sun deep below behind the monstrosity's back.

'Yaksa Raja' is the name engraved on the documents for this behemoth. It's almost impossible to kill this Calamity due to its resilience and regenerative ability.

"Five minutes!" shouts Ratatoskr through the communication link. "Distract the Yaksa Raja from the crater before the Artifact is fully extracted!"

"Oy, Lues, how in the bloody hell could we fit that inside your space pocket?" you say nonchalantly.

"How about cutting it into pieces? About the regeneration, some preventive viruses might do the trick~"

Wide grins are etched on your and Lues.

It's time to hunt.

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