Anamnesis: Queen of the Apocalypse

Chapter 88 - Chi Of Decidit's Hivemind

Your clone is vividly entrancing, because you take it from the part of your artifact to be the vessel for the clone. The red blood clone has this unstable blue hue that constantly appears and disappears, continuously spewing out part of itself until the airborne tiny bit of magma get engulfed again like that perpetual sea from the surface of the sun.

"Impressive!" Claps Lues. "But dear, are you sure that you won't put any references to the action? Your clone is like a newborn baby, can't do anything without any input that they can imitate."

"Aww, what a hassle. If only my past life was an A.I programmer, coding a circuit with no knowledge from scratch is hard, even with two brains."

Just like game development, you create a three dimensional reference data system where you can input a move and command with it, together with all of the what-if and what-to-do gates connected to the command.

Then you put in some of the basic combat moves for the AI to start.

'Kick' is updated into the Clone's AI

'Punch' is updated into the Clone's AI.

'Bite' is updated into the Clone's AI.

You differentiate three kinds of state for everything besides the clone itself. Protect, Hostile, Neutral. You and Lues are in the 'Protect' section.

You don't really want to hassle yourself in the future if you ever create more than one clone, so you make the mainframe to work like a neural network in a hivemind. When the first generation learns something, the data will be brought to the new body vessel that connects to the network.

Then this is where artificial intelligence comes to play. Using the 'reward' and 'punishment' point system, you make the clone utterly hate and avoid 'punishment' at all cost and encourage it to gather as many 'reward' points like their life depends on it. Just like how you tame Goyang in the first place, but less sadistically.

Like training a dog, you trick them to do what you want and give them a treat when they succeed, encouraging them to do it again to gain more treats. Then beat the dog with a stick if they do something you don't like.

'Why is my AI learning process similar to training a dog!?'

You set to clone to gain 'punishment' everytime you and Lues are damaged by any means when they are active, this doesn't include mental damage. To make them more active in the future, you want them to constantly avoid enemies' attacks to prevent any unnecessary damage to the artifact, so a physical hit to their vessel will be a 'punishment' point for them.

'So instead of taking a hit for their master, they will try to eradicate the Hostile before the enemies act, preventing both punishment, fufufu, I'm a genius!'

Of course, you as their creator can command who or what will be in the 'Hostile' or 'Protect' section. Neutralizing a 'Hostile' threat will give the clone a 'reward' point to ensure their happiness, the faster they do it will add more 'reward' point, simulating those of drug use.

You're beginning to question your morality.

And so, you set every Calamity in the wide radius of the battlefield to be deemed as Hostile.

Lues, who watches the process, says to herself, "Raising an artificial clone, this feels nostalgic. I created thousands of them, some are even developing a god-complex just because I left them for two thousand years."

"Here you go again with the sublime flex."

The clone twitch with the overflowing data that is coming. Somehow, instead of taking the babywalk, the clone takes a leap by launching itself into the crowd as it leaves a heavy sonic boom.

Your clone hivemind has learned how to do 'Headbutt'.

The clone has received a huge amount of 'reward' points from the amount of 'Hostile's it has neutralizes. The clone is happy, showing a wide pure smile of satisfaction.

"Somehow, I feel bad, forcing a newborn to fight the moment they are walking upon this dreaded world."

"Even I sometimes question your morality," says the crimson devil who bare a face full of disgust.

"Someone who wasn't hesitant to crush the wrist of a child has no right to talk about morality."

A titan Calamity with four arms and a cannon as its head begins to show heavy aggression to your clone. A spherical ball of energy is shot from the titan's barrel with pinpoint accuracy.

The clone hasn't felt the 'punishment' yet, so it doesn't do anything to the upcoming projectile that is seeking the clone's head. It's just like a child who has never seen a lion lunging at them and they don't feel any sort of fear or realization.

The sound of crushing air and disintegrated soil can be felt from afar. Your clone merely shrugs it off as the projectile deflects from the clone's forehead into the ground. The clone is confused, it doesn't know what happened until the system gives its 'punishment' point.

Your clone frowns so badly it's mortifying to look at, tears of red blood falling to the ground with a faint "hikhs" can be heard from the pitiful newborn that has just been scolded.

"I feel really bad!"

"You should!"

The clone tries to wipe its tear that its mere hand can't awfully contain as the cries begin to echoes louder and louder, "Hueehueh, hikhs."



The moment after, your clone clenches its fist and slides forward to punch the Calamity that made her get scolded by the system. Even with your heightened mind and double speed visionary sense, the clone moves so fast it's seen like it's teleporting. And just like that, the normal punch has left an elongated tunnel of monstrous flesh behind the bully that gets warped by the sheer force from the punch.


Lues's grin is unusually absent. She put a facepalm before dragging it into the chin. "... There is a consciousness wave that was emitted from your artifact, it seems like the upgrade gives your blood artifact a sentient consciousness."

'Chi of Decidit' has developed consciousness strings.

'Chi of Decidit' has achieved the first phase of a sentient artifact.

She continues, "As of now, she has just been born to this world, there must be something that is triggering the syphon of consciousness within the AI system you input to the artifact.."

"I-It's was recorded in my mana sea! I'll check on it later!"

Although the clone has punished the bully, the 'reward' point doesn't instantly make a wide smile etched into its face. Instead, the clone exudes anger. In just half a minute, the clone keeps repeating the basic move you taught on its database to massacre every Calamity on sight. In its eyes, the monsters are nothing but bullies that will get the hivemind scolded by the system.

Because the clone is still part of the artifact, input one more 'Blood Sign' technique into your brain.

'Blood Sign: Mirage Of Carnage' has been learned.

Lues single handedly cleans up some of the Calamity that passed the raging clone. To fasten the pace, you take another quarter of the Chi of Decidit to create another clone. The hivemind from the artifact activates, and the emotion and knowledge of the first clone begin to surge into the second.

The second clone immediately exudes an extreme killing intent with an awfully angry face.


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