
A crisp and slap sound, let Yue Long fly came back to his senses.

The golden sword qi of the sky dissipated, revealing the silhouette of Lu Kun, whose robe was ruined, and the muscles were extremely strong. There were dozens of sword marks in the vertical and horizontal directions, and only a few flesh cuts were cut.

He clasped his hands together, without the flesh and blood of the silver film wrapped in it, mixed with suffocating brute force, like a hoop, holding the tip of the Heavenly Imperial Sword.

The broad and thick sword trembled fiercely. The sharp and magnificent Baoguang couldn’t help but the ordinary hands. The sword tip is only one foot away from Lu Kun’s head. This distance is like a scorpio, out of reach.

Yue Long Fei stunned, as if he didn’t believe his Divine Sense, the golden sword qi, after breaking the silver film, even the other side’s skeleton could not be touched, which is incredible.

How can the body of Immortal Cultivator be strong enough to be such a realm!

His eyes flashed through the unbelief, with the body Nascent Soul’s power, Heavenly Imperial Sword, and a golden sword qi spurred from the tip of the sword.


The crisp metal crossfire echoed, and the sword qi directly slammed on Lu Kun’s eyebrows. It was so close to the powerful sword qi that only pierced a small piece of scalp, revealing the Senran skull inside, and then reluctantly dissipated. Drop it.

Yue Longfei’s lips are dry, is this the power of the Immortal Cultivator? I am afraid that there are only some level-defense Level 9 Monster Beasts that have such defenses.

At this moment, Lu Kun with both hands, forcibly threw the Heavenly Imperial Sword back, shaking his body at random, and a powerful force of blood came to the fore.

The wound on his body healed at the speed visible by the naked eye. One or two breaths of relief returned to the original, except for the broken robe, as if it had not been attacked.

“Invincible body!”

Yue Longfei and Du Gufeng sucked in a cold breath, such a horrible defense plus an immortal body, unless there is a powerful attack far beyond its defense, can be killed in a spurt of energy.

Yue Longfei looked at the Heavenly Imperial Sword in front of him, and his look was a little bit stunned. The series of strokes he had just made were all about killing each other.

What then did he do with Du Gufeng and use the Divine Ability of the bottom box to destroy the other? Still cheeky to pay for the crime?

Lu Kun looked at the blinking Yue Longfei, and there was a sneer in his heart. He had already expected that this person would look for a chance to kneel.

But how about this, with the horrible defense of the bones, 9th layer can not kill his life, not to mention Nascent Soul’s mid-term sword repair.

One of the purposes of his come to Heaven Sword Sect is to find Yue Longfei to learn from and explore several ways of using the body. Yue Longfei is a mid-term sword repair by Nascent Soul, which is suitable for him to practice.

At Heavenly Sword, he blocked the vortex of golden sword qi, which is a source of utilization he came up with.

Only the source field within the three-foot range of the body can be fully controlled, and under the fine control, it forms a unique force field vortex.

In addition to generating a powerful suction, the center of the vortex is full of horrible stirring power, and the incoming attack will be forcibly shattered by the spiral brute force.

Divine Ability, the source of the vortex, can be said to have changed the manifestation of physical strength.

Not long ago, in the face of the golden sword, which was composed entirely of sword qi, he gathered the source field on the palms to form a dense force field layer.

Through the high-speed vibration of the palm and the force field, the horrible force of the eight hundred thousand jin is transformed into a turbulent force.

If Yue Longfei did not turn the golden sword into a sword qi, I am afraid that after a while, the golden sword will be shaken away by him.

This kind of shock attack made by the palm of the hand is different from the force field vortex, which is the brute force that will go straight and turn into the power of shock.

With the physical strength, the enormous power of the body can be transformed into various forms of unique attacks, making his fighting style diversified.

These two moves are just his initial creation, and there is a lot of room for improvement. If perfect, each can become a unique Divine Ability.

Or, this can form a system of systems!

The unique combat skills of the body repair!

Lu Kun flashed a variety of conjectures in his mind, and seemed to be casual: “After a simple fight, Yue Fellow Daoist also tested the strength of the refining body. We used to gamble, I wonder if Fellow Daoist changed his mind.”

“As long as Yue Fellow Daoist can make Lumou seriously injured and lose combat power, even if I lose.”

Yue Longfei is wearing this and squeezing a smile: “This Yue is expected to have an amazing physical defense of the Land Pavilion Lord. Just took a try and it is out of the ordinary. These powerful cultivation techniques are definitely more valuable than the sword. It’s ok to bet this Yue!”

Lu Kun slightly smiled, meaning profoundly: “Right, Lu is proficient in locking the soul, and the soul search does not work.”

Yue Longfei was silent, slowly said: “Lu Pavilion Lord, I have to do it.”

Looking at Lu Kun standing still, he understood that the owner of the refining club wanted to show the defensive power of the Great Cultivator level, so that even if he could not kill Old Demon Shi, he could wrap it around. live.

Thinking of this, Yue Longfei no longer hesitated, with the force of Nascent Soul with the body rapidly surging, mutter incantations in the mouth, as if stimulating a certain mystery, Nascent Soul’s mid-large Divine Sense also trembled with a strange magnitude .

The purposeless sharpness around, the slightly trembled, seems to have been attracted to the body of Yue Longfei, whose face is distorted and seems to endure great pain.

At this time, the Heavenly Imperial Sword suspended in front of Yue Longfei suddenly appeared several cracks, and with the crisp swords, it split into six amazing bronze swords.

Lu Kun is amazed by the color of the big sword. Like the five Yukang knives of Qin Yushu, this is a combined magic weapon. The six pieces are inlaid together, which is a generous sword. Complete set of magic weapons!

Yue Longfei looked more and more painful, and his face was cold and sweaty. At the same time, his hands were moving incincation, and his hands swayed the mysterious swords.

The bronze sword in front of him trembled, split into two, divided into four, four divided into eight…

Six small swords were actually invisible from the tangible, and they split into ninety-six small swords in a blink of an eye. Each sword silk seems to be compressed by sword qi, emitting dazzling golden light, and the unique wave spreads. Come.

Lu Kun expression changed, he suddenly felt that the rich Heaven and Earth Origin Qi in Sword Valley began to gather with these silks, and a faint glow appeared gradually outside the silk.

From the huge suffocating pressure, from the 96-sword swordsmanship, Du Gufeng had to retreat to the weekly hundred zhang.

In Lu Kun’s feelings, this attack is no less than the formidable power of the seventh thunder, and the pure Metal Attribute attack is definitely more powerful than the thunder.

It is no wonder that Yue Longfei chose to be in Sword Valley. He actually has the secret technique to take advantage of the sharpness of Sword Valley. Together with the powerful combination magic weapon, he has displayed the power of Great Cultivator level.

Yue Longfei within the body’s Nascent Soul’s power is madly consumed. He refers to the sword, the horrible sword silk of the sky, turned into a dense sword rain, and spurred Lu Kun’s body.

In the face of such a terrible attack, Lu Kun did not have the slightest fear, and there was a madness in his eyes.

He clenched his fists in his hands and held them on his head. The three-footed source field was twisted wildly. This invisible field was centered on the flesh and quickly rotated to form a huge force field vortex outside the body.

The incomparable suction came out, and the ninety-six swords that had slammed into Lu Kun’s body were distorted by the strange suction, forcibly changing the direction of the attack, like a golden whirlwind, wrapped around Lu Kun’s body.

At the same time, Lu Kun’s fist wrapped a layer of silver light film, a curved force field emerged outside the fist.

If the force field outside the body is a large vortex, then the fist is the core of this vortex.

The golden whirlwind of sword silk, under the huge attraction, quickly rushed to the double fists. For a time, the golden light was dazzling.

Lu Kun’s complexion, in order to manipulate such a complex source field, with the body’s magic can run to the extreme, the treasure of the treasure can no longer be suppressed, two hundred and six pieces of mature magic weapon Baoguang skyrocketing, distributed Amazing pressure.

He flashed his body and his fists were swaying with the golden vortex.

Yue Longfei’s face is very pale, he can’t imagine, in the face of the Great Cultivator attack, Lu Kun can block it and actually can counterattack.

Not to mention the horror of the golden fist, that hiding the sky and covering the earth, a full two hundred pieces of magical atmosphere, he scared him.

He is now in the weak period of casting, facing Lu Kun’s amazing speed, barely recruiting a dark golden shield in front of him.

Then the pair of golden vortex fists slammed up, and the glare of the defensive spiral connecting was almost instantly broken and easily smashed out.

Yue Longfei showed the color of despair.

At this moment, the golden vortex fist was slightly trembled, folded in one direction and passed by Yue Longfei.

Even Yu Wei, who is a fist, also played its magic power shield almost broken, fiercely flying Yue Longfei.


The horror of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry came out, and the whole valley seemed to collapse, sea quaking and mountains shaking.

The sharp ground that has been sharply tempering for many years has seen a huge pit of more than fifty feet.

A large number of cloud-like Spiritual Qi, with the hole as the core, turned into a path of horrible waves, scattered on the edge of the prohibition, and the huge echo of hong long long.

The dust dissipated and Lu Kun’s body appeared in the pothole. At this time, his body was covered with sword marks, almost all of them were visible, and his hands became pale bones.

Six bronze swords were twisted and twisted into the surrounding ground, and the light was extremely dim.

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